You haven't seen pure evil until you've seen leftists defending gay men putting a 10 year old child half naked on stage to throw money on him and strip. How did we get to this point? Ten years ago it was "we just want to get married." Now its normalizing pedophilia. Fuck this. Fuck the left. I hope a civil war happens.
You haven't seen pure evil until you've seen leftists defending gay men putting a 10 year old child half naked on stage...
How are we the bad guys?
Drag is blackface for women
There are human beings actually defending this my God. My God just let the world burn already
Drag creates, promotes, and normalizes Gender Dysphoria, which was a recognized mental illness until 2 years ago when SJWs convinced the medial industry to change the definition because it hurt their fee-fees.
If adult men (mostly homosexuals) who are secure in their gender identity want to participate in drag, that's fine. But PRE-PUBESCENT CHILDREN have not yet solidified their gender and sexual identities, and putting them in situations where they are heaped with praise for dressing and acting like the opposite sex is ALMOST GUARANTEED to create confusion at a time of crucial mental development.
To put it in another way, if I was trying to concoct a program of abuse specifically designed to make male-identifying heterosexual children develop homosexual feelings or gender dysphoria, drag performances would be at the top of my list of things to do.
Wake up. The social media support is fake to make us hate an imaginary left the same way they plant nazi flags at right wing rallies to scare normies
Arendt is a jewish name
This poor kid's eyebrows! Plucking this much should be considered child abuse. He's literally never going to be able to have normal eyebrows for the rest of his life.
>Drag is blackface for women
It's all a fucking agenda. Fuck these people. Atheists who do this whole "a loving God would never send someone to hell" bullahit... these fucks deserve to burn for eternity
This all should be a death penalty. Something the Muslims got right.
Based and terfpilled.
His degenerate parents are also sexually exploiting him because they're both unemployed. Some people deserve suffering.
Because you gave sexual degenerates political ground to stand on. Don't do that.
Probably this
Parents can’t get a job = pedos or felons
Sure thing faggot
I don't know man. Some judge in Texas forced a kid to take tranny hormones.
remember, michael alig murdered a man and dismembered the body. ask questions about this painting, who painted it and what does it say
>[Abused tranny child]'s star continues to climb, but what little income is generated through his work does not cover basic living expenses for them-- at least not yet.
Sweet mother of god, his grown-ass adult parents are too fucking lazy to work and are turning their kid into a mincing faggot so they can use him as an income source.
I thought child labor was supposed to be against the law in America? How the fuck is this not child abuse?
Every time I learn something new about his parents, it’s always worse.
>be Jow Forums
>investigating pizzagate
>they are going to promote pedo in public soon
>10 year old drags on billboard happens
>libshits will defend this
who is always right, and why is it Jow Forums ?
You know what, that may very well be possible. Viacom put this little faggot on a video billboard in Times Square. Why would a rich company with a CEO that makes an absurd amount of money support politics that want them taxed more?
I hate these fucking people
this is why you never give in to leftists and never apologize, fuck them and their feelings
this is pedo activity, all the people there and the owner should all be standing trial.
but let me guess, it'll be a hate crime to say these people are pedos because of course we cant hurt their feelings
>prostituting your own child
These people are going to the special hell.
fuck you I talked my 7 and 5 year old nephews and they told me directly what their teachers are telling them and its exactly this, be a girl if you want and if you play with dolls, be a boy, you dont have to be either blah blah blah blah FUCKING BLAH THIS SHIT IS FUCKING REAL
and im pissed
this shit has to end.
This is >20 miles from where I live. He lost his right to bring him to church and buy him clothes after he cut his son's hair, and yet their forcing foreign hormones in his body on behest of his mother.
His mom is also a practicing pediatrician.
They will never stop until they are made to stop. Never. They get off on destroying your families, your children, everything you ever valued. Everything that you have that they don't.
Desmond has le AIDS face too
Desmond is coming to kill the west
On the BBC News here we have a piece at least once every 3 weeks on transgender children on The Victoria Derbyshire Show and
There was a controversy where she dedicated an entire episode to defending someone accused of being a satanic pederast, whether or not the allegations are true her show has a focus on promoting child castration and hormone therapy, "discrediting" 'pedophile witchhunts', boys in dresses, just a constant unceasing focus on gaslighting people into turning a blind eye to child abuse:
Her husband is a freemason who is the editor of 'kick it out' an anti-racism in football group that basically brainwashes norf fc idiots into being pro-open borders
You're unbearably naive
How naive. The right doesn't fight like that. The right are weak pussies who would rather give their children over to be sodomized and killed than fight in a "dishonorable" way. No, half of America thinks this is cool. You need to get out more.
How many dicks do you think this little faggot took?
Lefties love seeing children getting raped and exploited, it's 100% true.
You faggots have headsets and chatrooms; can you at least coordinate enough not to use the same key word in successive posts?
She also has cancer, fingers crossed it all goes well
>1 post by this ID
I-it's manufactured support g-goyim, don't take it too seriously!!
>his parents
Did you just assume my gender, motherfucker?!
Gay man here, we don't support that shit.
What makes me sad is that this gender lunacy is ruining kid's lives just because they happen to have a tomboy phase or a passing interest in the world of girls. My little sister (who copied lot behavior from me) was boyish as fuck until high school when she left that phase behind, and I'm thankful it was over ten years ago. I'm sure that liberal teachers now would have tried to fill her head with tranny bullshit just because she wasn't that girly.
They were posted less than 20 seconds apart, god forbid two people hold the same opinion on the internet.
~1 in 3 of you do
I have some news that might surprise you
Desmond is being molested right? Like we can all see this? How does this go on?
This is hell.
1. That would still be a minority, and we hate them as well.
2. Do you have a relieable source for that?
Yeah because someone can't have a similar reaction as another person when presented with retardation. And pol is so important that right wing radicals are spreading dislike of pedos on pol through coordinated paid propaganda ops on a Tuesday morning. And pol hasn't always despised pedos and other soul destroying degeneracy since it's founding.
You really should go suck a dick you miserable lonely faggot.
b-but drag queens suck cocks, guzzle sperm, and have a much higher chance of contracting HIV, let alone picking up the wrong man and getting murdered for having a giant non-feminine penis. in fact, little desmond looks like he might be already pozzed.
Statistically 1 in 3 do you piece if degenerate trash. Stop making fucking excuses
If the father really cared enough, he’d kill the mother.
Again, any source for that claim?
And they claim slippery slopes are just fallacies
Meanwhile in the UK, you can have your baby taken away for being pro-white.
>10 year old child half naked
Nudistfag here and I see them "fully" naked daily. And I can unironically say that a nudist boy is much less degenerate (generally speaking) than this shit.
Kill all fags, and euthanize any child tainted with fag influence
Do you have any sources to the contrary? You made the more bold claim that "nobody supports it," so go ahead and back it up.
Based leaf
It’s a logical fallacy but not a political or practical one. It’s very underhanded.
Fuck you, too
And or drug addicts too.
Nudism is degenerate too
You guys accused us for supporting this shit with zero evidence, so I call bullshit.
Drag is adult entertainment
And easily subjected just as much as any to the fallacy fallacy. The merit of calling out fallacious arguments for what they are goes no further than debate club through objective scoring. Any other applied environment involves using every possible fallacy in the book to sway subjectivity
Uh, because it's in the fucking news of him walking in a gay pride parade twerking surrounded by hundreds of raging faggots you degenerate scum. Stop making excuses for your shit tier community
exactly, the nephews I was referring to, their own mother of 3, was a huge tomboy as a kid, as my wifes family owned a green house but look! a tom boy! stayed normal! 3 kids!
with todays education and logical that is impossible to see ..
The " just want to get married" was of course a massive scam. No one gives a damn about some party or ceremony with the latest twink your bangin, the nations wont give favorable tax treatment however, as with a procreative man and woman.
Homosexuals spent decades scoffing at marriage as archaic , patriarchal. Monogamy as a running joke among the most promiscuous group know.
Once they saw the tax money, the sophistry and fakery began.
# the racket$
Told my wife if she did this to our son she'd get a shotgun blast. She agreed with me.
Gay-prides are not representative of the majority.
And there is no "community"
Family nudism is generally good cultured, but like with everything else, there are degenerates who hijacked it (aka swingers).
Jesus, he already looks diseased, poor kid
Why do you care about that little spoiled faggot?
>Gay-Pride doesn't represent me, and we're not a community!
>LGBT pride flag
You know what bothers me the most about faggots like yourself. You care more about the image and optics of your fag community than you do saving this child from sexual abuse. Fuck dude. Evil.
Yes, this is peak fucking degeneracy. Children have been taken from their parents for being homeschooled here in the US. CPS will kidnap your child for any reason and put them into a system where children are routinely raped and murdered, but these parents behavior is not only allowed, it's praised.
Cleansing fire when?
Lack of faith in humanity has taught many of us to predict the worst. People never dissapoint.
Holy shit look at this retard. You've spent too much time on the computer, little Johnny. You need to go.
> Arendt
Guys this has to end at some point. Shove thos down the throats of your normie friends if you have to. Expose the fags for who they really are. We wont save the west by bitching alone. But bitch we must.
they had a child drag show in a gay bar you fucking faggot how do gays not support it ?
But CPS will take your 6 year old away if you won't let a (((doctor))) shoot them full of hormones
Sadly there is no "I'm gay and I hate pedos" flag.
How am I about optics?
I genuinly hate this shit, but I can't do more than you against it.
Soon, brother. Soon.
Leftists are now so determined to be tolerant that they're defending 10 year old boys in drag stripping at bars in front of hordes of lecherous faggots.
It's time to fire up the ovens.
That’s why they want you wrapped up in speculative word games and open up prolonged “debates” and “conversations” that will never end with a final decision. So long as you’re engaging with them, it’s always in their practical favor because it takes away your power of acting.
>they had a child drag show in a gay bar you fucking faggot how do gays not support it ?
I'm not sure if you are aware of it but:
Gay=wanting to fuck men
child in dragshit =/= man
If you had any decency at all you'd remove yourselves from society, having no interaction with children, until you gracelessly expire as the inevitable result of your sinful lifestyle. If you're doing anything less than that I don't give a fuck whether you "support" it or not.
>pic related
Why would there be an LGBHIV+ flag that excluded 33% of it's membership?
I've seen a lot more diversity of opinion among gays than I've seen among niggers and lefties. The normal gays have jobs and want a lot of these fucking politically charged issues to go away—they realize they're being used as tools by the left.
For the last time:
I'm into men, not boys.
>Why would there be an LGBHIV+ flag that excluded 33% of it's membership?
because faganon didnt think anything through and bought into the whole trendy fag thing. oh well, got to control the population one way or another and if these faggots want to take themselves out of the long term game i am okay with this. think about this when you see the faggots screaming for muh artificial wombs.
You're not wrong, the only reason most normies aren't up in arms about this is the (((media))) only presents sanitized versions to the populace, just enough to dogwhistle that this is part of the leftist (((agenda))) that they have to support or they'll be called a bigot, but not enough to activate their instinctual revulsion.
I grew up like so many Americans: " long as consenting adults don't harm me, why should I care what they do in their bedrooms?"
And I've lived long enough to see why. Gays are mentally ill. Trans are mentally ill. When given freedom they set out to spread their mental illness and reshape society in their sick, twisted way. And they do this predominantly by preying on children. It can range from trans men dressed like demon clowns reading stories to kindergarten kids to degenerate faggots throwing dollars at a 10yo so he will strip.
My advice to future generations is this: oppress gays with all the might and fury of an angry old testament god. Chase them, imprison them, punish them, eject them from your society. Make them afraid to even hint at their true nature.
The slippery slope is real. We've gone full circle from "just leave gays alone" to "HOW DARE YOU DENY MY RIGHT TO HAVE 10 YEAR OLD STRIPPERS YOU HOMOPHOBE!"
They need to be driven from society.
They don't need test tube babies, they reproduce through pedophilia. Why spend all of the extra money on that shit when there are perfectly good 10 y/o's at the local drag bar? Lord knows they only want kids for nefarious purposes.