Apparently this is the REAL reason for the Huawei CFO arrest. >China built 350,000 new sites & plans to spend $400 Billion in next 5 Years >US only built 30,000 sites & $24 Billion
TFW the China is gonna become the New 1st World, and US collapses into the 3rd World kek
China steals tech from the US. But US is FAR more innovative, far beyond China. We also have best Asia (Japan) on our side. I'm not worried about China, as long as PT keeps hammering them.
Nathaniel Miller
Jow Forums is full of trannies
Ethan Hughes
Huawei has pretty much cornered the Swedish market in telecom infrastructure hardware. 5g stations are all Huawei.
plenty of countries are scrapping 4G and replacing with non-Huwei botnet shit also
5G is just another stepping stone for actual progress and only serves for alleviating lazy telco infrastructure and profitability of IoT. it will be faster, no dobut, but it won’t be what 4G and 3G were in terms of technical achievement.
Camden Davis
What part of your shitty existence isn’t cornered by some other group of people?
Connor Mitchell
US is also being paralyzed by neo-Marxism.
Can we label the neo-Marxists as Chinese agents to get them jailed for treason?
Carter Richardson
you can label neo-Marxists anything so long as they don’t teach, employ or otherwise directly lord over you
Aaron Rogers
That's been the case for a while now. East Asia has been pioneering the hell out of mobile networking and technology.
Caleb Howard
Like the US, we don't do manufacturing any more, we just hold the intellectual properties.
William Powell
US is experiencing a massive conservative uprising in response to the neo-Marxism. We watched you fall, Hans. We will be better.
Easton Wood
>350,000 towers >Not political grandstanding I'm sure the quality will be great, or as the common chinese worker says "chabuduo"
Oliver Harris
Australian Flag + RT Video Source (Russia Today for you dipshits) + Desperately Shitting on #1 USA + Dooming on About China = HORSESHIT
They are experiencing it as well brainlet. And how did that "conservative resurgence" work in the midterms?
Daniel Baker
Chinese companies steal all their shit and have been known to pay large sums of money in corporate espionage with foreign engineers
They need to be sanctioned for the good of the world
Julian Cruz
They don't have to be bogged down with diversity. Chinks will probably colonize space because they don't care about saving brown people from themselves.
Meme IoT devices will be everywhere! Because we need street lights on a communication grid instead of those antiquated 3 phase timers
Brandon Hughes
wifi speeds at wifi distances. early 5G purported to have phones and everything else with a compliant modem to act like antennas, allegedly.
also, massive power savings so every internet-connected device is alsways on and always data mining the shit out of you. some concerns over health risks are the typical tinfoil shit but it may be a fraction of that to only worsen wi5 increased adoption. remains to be seen yet.
Jack Lopez
It makes your ball sack radioactive
Adam Nelson
Increased chances of mutant superpowers if it doesn't kill you.
Jaxson Phillips
>Can we label the neo-Marxists as Chinese agents to get them jailed for treason?
>China is a dystopian and polluted shithole >dystopian their authoritarian single party system is enabling the to zoom ahead, while the west gets cucked in political debats & "votes" for years >polluted shithole True, which is why they are ALSO leading in clean energy. Because they KNOW what its like to live in a "polluted shithole" 10 years from now most cars in china will be electric. They will be powering off clean LFTR's
>Desperately Shitting on #1 USA just stating facts US hasnt been number 1 at ANYTHING for a long time (prison population and number of active wars excluded)
Your an ignorant brainlet to NOT be worried about Chinese dominance .
China is gonna have more 5G because the "5G is gonna kill us all" Psyop they manufactured probably scared land owners into not wanting cell towers on their property
No shit Sherlock. Did you think trade wars began and ended in the boardroom? ALL wars are about control of resources.
Nolan Flores
To be fair the US is a shithole.
Aaron Hill
>Chinese companies steal all their shit China HAS successfully cheated and stolen in order to close the tech gap. They also have been sending the the last few generations to the West to LEGALLY learn EVERYTHING we know...
Now the gap is closed, this is where china starts zooming ahead... >*assuming US doesnt nuke them.
Matthew Rogers
China isn't even zooming ahead though. Their economy is mostly built on lies and no one actually knows how well it's doing. Meanwhile, the country it's self is a shithole that was built overnight with watered down concrete and polystyrene which is why they have another building or bridge collapse every hour.
They're not even a world leader in clean energy. They built a few shitty projects to show off to the world (lol panda shaped solar energy!) then went back to polluting the fuck out of everything. Even worse is their mega dams. They keep fucking building them and wrecking their environment. They divert so much water they've literally changed the rotation of planet Earth permanently. But all this has achieved is turning huge chunks of China into desert, displacing millions of people and they're left with a dam that after a year is close to collapsing and causing a flood so huge it risks killing hundreds of thousands.
This is China. The real China when you see past the lies shills like you constantly spout.
Leo Johnson
The Chinese have proven time and time again that they are wreckless and obsessed with chasing the ghost that is the former glory of the West. Can Jow Forums say paper tiger?
“A celestial superpower!” they told me. “Not in my lifetime.” I replied
Christian Turner
5G is coming still trying to figure out the logistics. Only reason it's so slow to roll out is because of shitty power utility companies don't want antennas on their poles.
Julian Ross
>What exactly is the advantage of 5G? It's basically 10 times faster than 4G.
Lincoln Powell
Fun fact: China isn't actually that good at making use of the shit they've stolen. Sure they steal a load of shit, but they simply do not understand most of what they've stolen or how it works. China doesn't know how to make highly complex technology like microprocessors or engines. They can assemble shit, but when they steal the latest plans for something, they still need to import half of the shit from other countries because China just can't make it themselves.
Hudson Parker
I'm banking on chaos. I have considerable wealth in the form of silver, food, rations, and weapons. The moment shtf I'm forming a militia to collect protection money (canned goods, etc) from my immediate surroundings and monopolizing food and water.
Brandon Parker
Based and collapsepilled
Ryder Richardson
>IoT >profitability
Caleb Ward
>t. has never been to china. i have. multiple times. > country it's self was built overnight Which, 1. means all the infrastructure is NEW, unlike US literally full of decrepit bridges etc 2. should worry you at just how fast they can develop.
I feel like your the shill. Desperately trying to keep mutts passive & unaware of just how fucked they are.
IMO nothing short of a WAR is going to stop China overtaking the US in every way.
>They divert so much water they've literally changed the rotation of planet Earth permanently. That alone has to be the dumbest statement I've seen on the web. I've been here since before AOL.
Jace Perry
But also true. Look at Chinas new fighter jet. They buy the engines for it from Russia. Look at iPhones. Assembled in China but the components are made in either the USA or in Taiwan.
China can't make complex things.
It's true. Thanks to China days are something like 0.000000006s shorter.
is life still shitty for the "commoner" sure (pretty shitty for the US lower class too)
But how the serfs live is irrelevant to the conversation. We're talking about China's power as a nation. As far as national development goes, the Chinese Government cant out produce and out pace US on just about every level, and its only going to accelerate.
US has the military advantage, for now...
Angel Sullivan
good doggy. mutts cucкed you really hard with their atomic bombs.
We already are their slaves. Where do you think our rent payments go? Who do you think Boomers are selling their assets to for retirement?
Joseph Diaz
>their authoritarian single party system is enabling the to zoom ahead, while the west gets cucked in political debats & "votes" for years
this, while we debate about immigration, and how to best feed the niggers. THEY ARE ALREADY THINKING AND IMPLEMENTING WAYS TO FUCK US OVER, ECONOMICALLY, AND MILITARILY.
They are pretty much fascists in the way that they destroy opposing groups and movements, like nigger rap. Their universities are also slowly gaining ground on the west...I think its pretty obvious by now who is going to win. Every single time on the media we pander to some minorities...WE LOSE. Every time we deal with immigrants, with hate speech, with transgenderism...WE LOSE. With feminism...WE LOSE...
So I wonder. The parasitic jews alongside the crypto jew, leftist whites, who constantly waste all of their energy on meaningless garbage...vs a unified, self correcting (of degeneracy) ethno singular bloc...who will win? If we had any sense RIGHT NOW WE WOULD OVERTHROW EVERY SINGLE FUCKING LEFTY WHITE AND/OR JEW AND CORRECT ALL OF OUR INSTITUTIONS...
but that wont instead, wouldnt it be reasonable to actually help the chinks?
Guys, why do we ally ourselves with losers, jew and nigger lovers like trump? Or the rest of pretty much ALL of the leadership here? They are losers and fags. Why not just go with the chinese flow and help them instead? We got a different option than just "let it all fall to pieces while the retards dont know how to govern continue to fuck it all up"
Alexander Williams
Over a billion Chinks still live on less than $2 a day. That isn't $2 after paying their bills, that is $2 total.
Also Chinas economy has been growing slower than the US economy since basically forever. It's actual growth is closer to 2% a year, not the 6+% China claims (but wont let anyone verify).
As for military. China is a joke. Even if you ignore the huge spending difference, China wastes most of their military spending anyway. Something like 40% of their total military budget is spent on maintaining shit because it breaks that much (famous Chinese quality there). Even outside of this, Chinese people are so unhealthy they have to lower the physical requirements to enlist every few months and actual training is mostly just watching propaganda (40-60% of all training is literally learning propaganda). They're also totally untested. This is why whenever you see a picture of their military, it's always dumb shit like pic related instead of actual war hardened soldiers.
China has invaded many housing markets. Invaded Canada, and Australia as well. Australia even had recently a book thing being blocked because of how alarming they were there. China is economically fucking dominating everything. Even in Africa they own most of the mining rights by now...
They are also heavily competing in the AI realm, their fucknig CPU's for consumers already had some of that cool tech embedded in them...
So I wonder. I could turn on the tv and watch some of the republicucks, or the leftists pander to some cuck cause...or turn on the chinese tv on and watch how a unified and grande purpose is being given to I wonder which one I would choose...
It's 2018, gramps. China is no longer a manufacturing powerhouse it once was. The cheap labor that attracted companies is no longer there and most of them have moved or plan on moving to south east asia. and as for China#1's govt. it's corrupt and split into many factions and backroom underhanded dealings hardly a paragon of unity. the reason China goes full retard on every one of it's non-han chinese ethnic groups is because just a single pip of rebellion from any of them starts a chain reaction and China breaks apart in 20 different ways.
keep telling yourself that while pumping up anti-china sentiment you stupid fuck. Every single thing you said is wrong Oh wait you inbreds live in the middle of fucking nowhere so of course you are gonna be safe when the nukes hit. Fucking flyovers. The electoral college cannot go soon enough.
Jaxson Garcia
I cant fucking figure out how can krauts be this cunning and smart but also dumb enough to flood themselves with subhuman kebab and think it will somehow work out... Some of you autistic germanics are alright, don't get genocided tomorrow.
LOL @ switching sides though. NPC class in China still going have no rights and be treated like shit even when china is No. 1. Chink elites will elevate their peasants just enough to keep them loyal.
No srsly, instead of opposing china, we could be helping them, bury that book that was propped up for example, smear it. Maybe learn chinese and try to find people around us who are most cuck, and nigger lovers and try to make sure that a chink has the ability to outcompete those people.
Henry Davis
5G is a complete waste of time, it's massively inefficient. Let the chinks spin their wheels on it.