Every media outlet talks about how he is anti-semetic, but what do you guys think is he really ?

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Siege reader, openly admits it

1 hour weeb essays shouldn't be anyone's style, grow up already.

Who? Can't keep up with these e-celebs.

>what do you guys think is he really

>e-celeb thread

Doesn't matter what he is. He hurts feelings and therefore deserves a trial at The Hague

A Jow Forums shit-poster who might be mildly fashy, who reviews movies. That's basically it. His political opinions are thinly veiled in edgy jokes that are hilarious, but he doesn't ever outright preach his political opinions. He's hilarious tho and I'm glad he is getting the attention, that is until he gets the full Alex Jones/Gavin McGinnis treatment.

Anime image board

40K westaboo egde-seekers can leave

okay this is based

>browses Jow Forums once
>makes edgy anime reviews

He's done more videos on SU and Korra then he has on his garbage taste entry level animes.

>what do you guys think is he really ?
He is really based and redpilled

/ourguy/ to the core

based and not exactly subtle about it, far better quality rants than IHE

Been a fan of his for a while. He is definitely is /our guy/ and is doing his part.

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E;R is kino watch his review of Steven Universe

Based and redpilled

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How do you do fellow Jow Forumsacks im /yourguy/ truly based and redpilled!

I think he's a Jow Forumstard. Like some of his videos.

I've watched everything on his channel. The literary criticism is excellent.

It can be a little nit-picky and autistic, I watched it all as well. He is clearly and unironically anti-semitic in my opinion. Now that's a weird thing to say because he is also ironically anti-semitic in his videos but that's the whole trick isn't it.