>have panic attack
>go to hospital
>receive bill
>have panic attack
Have panic attack
>have panic attack
>go to hospital
>wait for free
>panic wears off before doctor can see me
the absolute state of burger healthcare
>But communism is bad!!111
Fucking NPCs, they are literally robbing and killing you and you shit on the only system that offers you freedom from their banks, media, companies, healthcare etc.
Why would you say this?
Why would you go to a hospital? It's just a panic attack. I recon you would deserve to get shot if you wasted my tax money for dumb shit like that.
Because I'm sick of Jow Forums not being able to see something this obvious.
>Feel anxious
>Wear your anxiety as a badge of honor in a victim celebrating world
>Allow yourself to get more anxious because somehow worrying over nothing has become a part of your core being
>Call an ambulance for attention to your victimhood status
>Rather than going to help someone having a heart attack or in a car accident, they come pick you up
>Take up a room in the ER for no reason other than you are too much of a snowflake to even exist
>Do this all without heath insurance
>Get the bill
>Post it online for victim points.
>in soviet russia Jow Forums is you!
Wait till they sue you. When you get sued, counterclaim for medical malpractice. Hospital will say fuck it and ask you to agree to a joint dismissal.
>Take up a room in the ER for no reason other than you are too much of a snowflake to even exist
Enjoy your freedom.
>have panic attack
>call emergency number
>ambulance scheduled to dispatch in 4 weeks
>stay in current state until they arrive
heh, free tax funded healthcare is great
WTF? I love socialized health care now!
wow the healthcare system sure is fucked we should just make everything free that is the easiest and best solution
Define Communism.
fuck that shit. if you even entertain paying you're cucked. even if you're a billionaire, that's legally condoned raping of your wallet. do you like being raped? don't pay. burn the bill and say you never went to that hospital.
>making this thread
>waiting for an ambulance to pick you up
that's for cucks and old people Sven
in emergencies chads drive themselves recklessly to the hospital at top-speed
I remeber on new years eve some fucker got an attack and i tried calling 112 but the line was completly busy. I could not get through.
But the guy survived anyway. It was just a panic attack after all.
>panic attack
what kinda snow flake bullshit is this
do not go to the hospital for bullshit
They threatened to sue me and I counter-sued and the collection agencies backed off. Im not paying the inflated cost of insurance which rate adjusts proportional to the abuse of the welfare system by subhumans. The only threat of not paying extortion rates is "well your credit score will go down". Lol
>>have panic attack
Have you tried not being a fucking coward?
I wish you "Americans" would quit bitching about medical debt. It is not even real debt. You can apply for grants at the hospital that will pay it off. You can pay a dollar a month to appease your little shit guilt and "obligation". The hospital will write it off after a bit and stop sending you bills.
>t. Had a bill for $1,500,000 (est.) and never paid a dime, nothing happened. Didn't affect my credit and nobody came after assets.
This is all faux outrage by dumbasses that are drug seeking, can't handle a knife, or have gluttony issues.
Healthcare is NOT a right.
Most expensive in the world at 17% GDP
>change who owns the same oppressive systems from enterprising civilians to authoritarian politicians
are you that fucking dumb
Ever heard the phrase "Don't Panic!"????
Yeah, put it on the tax bill. You can pay just 5% extra per month. Congress and Trump will take care of you and your money to :)
Oh look it's this thread again.
Besides being bait everyone who's worth anything should have insurance and pay little to nothing outside of insurance (unless its shit insurance then you pay to deductible amount and have free healthcare rest of year
WTF I love free shit now.
Is this really happening in US?
How are you supposed to pay for that, unless your family has shitton of savings?
Even if they do have saved like 200-300k that all comes down to treating your illness 3 times during your whole lifespan.
Why would you say this?
Panic attack? like wtf even is that just relax nigga lmao take a chill pill
>Post thread yesterday
>Post it again today
>Get called a faggot
>Post it again another day
Maybe don't go to the doctor for pointless garbage, you retard.
Our insurance refused to cover my wife's delivery and now were starting our family out $25,000 in debt.
If you want affordable (cash out of pocket) health care in America...
* Force healthcare providers to publish and honor their prices.
* With the exception of emergency services whereby the patient is physically incapacitated, a quote for services must be provided, agreed to by the patient, and honored by the provider. Any costs which were not presented and approved of by the patient BEFORE the procedure are null and void.
* Emergency services must be itemized and billed at an average of the published rates for the geographical area.
* Prosecute providers for charging different prices based on method of payment and/or evaluation of how much they think they can get from a specific patient. This is a crime right now, today, under existing law, yet no one in healthcare gets prosecuted for it.
* Completely sever medical insurance from providers. No networks, no lower pricing for specific providers or policies.
* Federalize medical licensing, both for personnel and facilities, under interstate commerce clause. A doctor is a doctor any where.
* Strip all restrictions on number of medical schools.
* Strip all restrictions on number of facilities (hospitals) within a geographical area. (Did you even know that counties and states often stop competition from forming?)
* Prosecute all incidents of price collusion to the fullest extent of the law.
* Strip all restrictions on the importation and resale of drugs, save for restrictions related to authenticity and safety. This will level US drug prices with the rest of the world.
* Cap medical malpractice liability.
* Change existing law such that emergency services must still be provided regardless of ability to pay. However, if the patient cannot pay then their debt is turned over to the IRS for collection over time as part of their tax burden. If said patient is not a citizen, collect the debt from their nation of origin.
Healthcare would cost 1/10th - 1/20th of what it does now, if not less.
>offering freedom
>giving government total power over every industry and facet of your life will set you free
Honestly, Imagine having the government paying these hacks 64k everytime someone freaks out.
I will answer for you as American
>Lmao u dumb poorfag slav my health insurance covers fucking everything and asks no questions. Feels good working at Google
There is a difference between communism, and a philanthropic hospital.
Basically, a philanthropic hospital are private companies that dont have profit as a main objective (it isnt a non-profit organization because they still charge their patients), and have fair fees.
Doctors still get paid good salaries, but there isnt a board of suits leeching millions of dollars per month.
The charged fees are just enough to cover the costs of operation.
>be poor or illegal
>dont pay
Its really happening. You either pay several hundred dollars per month for insurance that may just decide not to cover you when you actually need to use it. The second option is medicaid, which is government run healthcare, but as soon as you start making enough money to get by they will cut you off.
The third option is that your workplace provides insurance, but these day worker healthcare plans tend to suck balls too. I signed up for my workplace family health plan and have had $650 a month deducted for two years to supposedly cover my entire family, only for them to decide they don't cover delivering a baby and got smacked with $25,000 in medical bills.
We got off lucky, it was a healthy natural birth with a short labor. If my wife had needed to be given a C-section or something went wrong and we had to stay in the hospital for a week it could EASILY climb into $100,000 and up territory.
>american education
the way i understand the american healthcare system is that it is expected that you have insurance which takes care of the bill for you
the prices are inflated for the insurance, which then deals with the hospital for you
i have also heard that if you are uninsured you can simply contact the hospital and get a better deal
in short, just have good insurance lmfao?
>Going to a hospital for panic attack
just don't pay it lmao
>Make a free market into some kind of regulated price economy
No, they tried that for housing here. The result is that people who live in apartments in the suburbs pay twice the amount as those who live in old rental aparments at the city center.
I dont really know how, but a wood full of laws regarding for what reasons and when you can raise the rent made le greedy merchants find ways.
>>have panic attack
have you tried not being such a pussy?
The "better deals" the hospitals usually offer are usually "okay, how about paying it off over a 24 month period at $600 a month we let you pay it off over a 30 month period at $550 a month."
The actual medical staff in an American hospital are world class, but the suits in the financial office are blood thirsty cut throats whose sole purpose in life is to shake sick people down for as much money as possible.
Basically its a mafia.
>Hospitals charge absurdly high prices because the insurance companies can pay them
>Insurance companies chage very high prices because they know the normal citizen cant pay up for treatment and need insurance.
>Thanks to obama care having insurance is now mandatory and they fuck up the customer as much as they want.
>have panic attack
>go to hospital
>completely free
>have terrorist attack
>go to hospital
>still completely free
When will burgers ever learn?
Nice fake bill bait that we have every day.
Haha yes, but they want you to suffer and die broke so you don't wake up from the trauma induced mind controll and murder them for what they have done!
Grade A post though! Gona pasta it!
Did i not see this exact post few years back?
If only you were an illegal immigrant it would be free >:(
well, i won't pretend to know more than you
i was imagining a system where the insurance companies try to jew the hospitals so the hospitals try to jew them back
i've always had absolutely god-tier private insurance so nothing cost me anything ever
out of pocket at least
The prices are this ridiculous because shit gib niggers go to the ER for a cold and cant pay for the visit. Also, hospitals jack the price up because insurance companies literally try to jew them on paying anything so they negotiate down.
TL;DR - its jews and niggers
>Has panic attack
>Goes to hospital
When did people become such pussies?
>Its really happening. You either pay several hundred dollars per month for insurance that may just decide not to cover you when you actually need to use it. The second option is medicaid, which is government run healthcare, but as soon as you start making enough money to get by they will cut you off.
>The third option is that your workplace provides insurance, but these day worker healthcare plans tend to suck balls too. I signed up for my workplace family health plan and have had $650 a month deducted for two years to supposedly cover my entire family, only for them to decide they don't cover delivering a baby and got smacked with $25,000 in medical bills.
Children in school and students don't have free healthcare from the government?
That's pretty weird, as in workplace insurance we have that here too, but your boss MUST have it for all his employees and he pays for it.
Most benefits of course with insurance get people with government jobs(police,firefighters,politicians etc..)
But even without insurance if you are citizen and go to the hospital, the bill is higher but nowhere near those prices i see here.
Even for childbirth the expense is real low, most people even do it in private clinics since it's "better", but it costs about 1k euros MAX 2.
What would happen if your wife had complications, had to go into surgery and you end up paying 100k but don't have them?
If you’ve been to the hospital for a “panic attack” you should seriously consider jumping off a building
this. I broke my ankle drunk and drove to the hospital, also mangled some fingers in an industrial accident. Smoked a cig and drove my car the whole way to the ER. People are babies now days.
I always see americans saying "lol just dont pay if you are poor"
How exactly it works?
Suppose you are a foreigner tourist in the US who needs to go to a hospital for whatever reason and gets charged 50k. Do you just walk away and pretend it never happened and go back to your country after your travel is over? Will they sue you? Can they even find you?
>Doesn't have the based NHS looking after him
Not gonna make it
American healthcare example #1
Yeah, basically, My wife was pregnant and the insurance company my workplace provides dropped us because they didnt want to pay for it. The medical staff were like "oh hey, go down to finance, we're sure they can work with you!"
They basically wanted to know every spare cent I make that isnt spent on rent or groceries and basically demanded that exact amount every month. I told them to fuck off. I got a house for sale in france and I'll get harassed by creditors for however long it takes to sell so I can pay it off and hopefully have enough left to buy a house here.
American healthcare example #2
>Here is a good deal, you better take it or die because fuck you pay me
You do understand why this is shit right?
It asumes everyone got enough money to pay for it.
So, a person who has no job has no right to basic healthcare?
Clearly there should be a system to give poor people atleast basic care.
American healthcare example #3
American healthcare example #4
American healthcare example #5
Why would you say this?
American healthcare example #6
Shoulda bought insurance
American healthcare example #7
>itt retards that opt out of health insurance
I passed out in an elevator, rode an ambulance to the emergency room, got blood tests and xrays
Got a bill in the mail a few weeks later for $100.
If your country is anything like the US then our courts couldn’t touch you, and it’s most likely that they will hound you for a bit and then fuck off. At the absolute worst they may go after your credit score but I’m not sure if they would even bother or have the ability to go after foreigners that way.
Well, basically a more rapid version of what we're already going through. Your credit score tanks and you suddenly can't get approved to rent an apartment, buy a car, or get a job anywhere that runs background checks. They might file a lawsuit against you and end up garnishing your wages. You might try to declare bankruptcy, but that doesnt mean the creditors go away, they might press to have you forced into a payment plan or still garnish your wages. In addition, filing bankruptcy also makes it incredibly difficult to get any sort of real employment above entry level positions and will fistfuck your credit score for a decade.
can nu-pol pls stop telling the foreigners how their rich ppl and political leaders all fly here for medical procedures? we get a rash of these threads afterwards from the sheer fucking depression coming out of these grey-sky'd hellholes...
What possible value have they provided that is worth that.
>be foreign scum
>have american proxy
imagine posting about a country you've never visited, so butthurt that you are that your nation is of literally no consequence.
hey euros--we don't think about you at all...
There really is no excuse for this.
We burgers are eternally cucked by everyone.
>have panic attack
>"huh, that was weird"
>proceed with life
There is, all poor people can easily have healthcare here.
>going to the hospital for a panic attack
They should charge more desu for wasting eveyones time
This actually makes me sad for our Ameribros out there.
How the fuck to you get to 80000 dollar for pharmacy? They give people painkillers made of pure gold or what?
Without reading the rest of the thread I can promise you there is some fuckwad defending it to the hint in the hope that he'll get some kind of reward from the ether.
how can the mutts even compete?
Quality post. We have the same system here.
100%, I know OP is baiting but if you’re one of those people who unironically goes to the hospital for “anxiety” and “panic attacks” you deserve to suffer for being such a faggot.
>feel slight negative emotion
>see Dr. Shekelberg to get loaded up on feelgood pills
You are just poor as shit
not enough groypers on Jow Forums. I wish there were more.
>not ordering yourself an uber to the hospital
it's like you dont even 2018
>Go to NHS cause I'm suddenly deaf
>Yeah bro it's just earwax buildup here's some ear drops
>Use the ear drops as directed
>does literally nothing to start with, after a couple days feels like pressure in my ears
>go back to doctor
>yeah bro it's earwax buildup here's some different drops
>they do literally nothing as well after another week
>go back again
>yeah bro it's earwax buildup use these drops
>No fuck you clear my fucking ears
>Oh sure man, here's your appointment in 10 weeks with the ear guy
>deaf for a further 10 weeks
>see the ear guy
>it's a black nurse
>procedure takes 5 minutes and is done by a monkey in scrubs
>can hear again
Based NHS keeping me deaf for going on 4 months cause they had so many old people they couldn't (or wouldn't) clear 5 minutes to clear my ears