Nope Makeup Girdles Falsies and a wig make you appear as a woman.
How many times has a man fantasized about being stranded on a desert island with a beautiful woman? Well...same with a tranny!
Oh there's coconuts,pineapples fish and .....thou ! Oh baby!
Homina homina homina!
No razors,no makeup,no wig,no falsies,no hormones.
How WONDERFUL it would be to be stranded with a "hot" tranny!
It'd look something like this. Sign me up!
"Miss"Spain Tranny Says Vagina Doesn't Make You A Woman? Oh Yea?
stupid question, stupid thread. fuck off OP
Mmmmm bay bay! You're so sexy!
Roasties btfo
Eat shit tranny boy
Some of the gays are into felching, you know.
Like a fake cop wannabe with a plastic badge and a rubber gun.
Look close...the fugger is going bald already! ^^
On a desert island or prison I would still fuck that
Beats jacking off
Even without it's makeup? Even if it didn't have a razor to shave it's beard?
Day after day ?
For a couple years?
Fudge packin fun!
That thing cAnt grow a beard
And probably looks like a normal girl with out it too
Except for it's schlong.
You think hormones take beards away?
Sorry....they still grow beards.
Without hormones they look just like you fag
this is what happens when you take
dick up your ass and move satan
from your base chakra ie your pizza
gate up into your brain when your
dick hits his vagas nerve at the base
of his spine.
Men are not women
There's a big difference!
Mkaeup doesn't make you a girly.
Even if you pretend really hard
The wolf on the left identifies as a female.Sure he doesn't have girl clothes to wear,and no makeup but he just FEELS female!
There are tons of trannie in the animal kingdom but seeing as they don't get to wear nylons and shit doesn't mean they aren't trans
I think this actually is helpful in a way: him and other "women" BRFO feminist by showing them that men are better than women in everything, even in being a woman.
This stupidity is great at red pilling normies.
NO diffy It's natural being trans.It's in nature all the time!
How do actual women feel when they read stuff like this? I don’t mean what they say when they virtue signal on Facebook (BEAUTIFUL AND BRAVE). I mean what they feel in their hearts when a dude in a dress and makeup is telling them he’s exactly the same as they are.
I know as a man I am defined in part by that, so if some tranny comes up to me and tells me she’s exactly the same and understands manhood because she wears a short haircut and a suit I would tell her she’s fucked in the head and needs help.
Essentially this dude in a dress is telling women what it’s like to be a woman.
These are the eggsucker weak men.
They see like Melania Trump....she's hot.She gets the GEOTUS because she's HOT or Prince Harry and his roastie he married.(she's not "hot"IMHO...but cuz she's purty she get's into the Royal Family cuz she has a pussy and pretty!These fags are vain kuntz jackin off to themselves.They wanna be swept away by a sexy rich guy! They want to be desired! They want free shit.And with hollywood makeup artists they can trick everyone but themselves.
It's nauseating actually.It is a great insult to women.
I Want My Sex Back: Transgender people who regretted changing sex (RT Documentary)
Rene Jax at Gender Identity Forum in Manchester, New Hampshire exd SF Cop
Tranny against trannies because they constantly think about suicide.The only tranny I like.Folks they want the white male,and all males dead.That's why they push this shite on us.Looking for the weaklings Rene Jax our guy
And you have a penis but aren't a man, funny that.
How do you know what I got fag?
How’d that Spanish guy BTFO feminists? He lost to a Flip! Bitch only gets social media honors, “at least you tried, you were the first tranny to be in this contest”.
No points for second best.
You're insensitive! kek
Rene Jax was the 1st San Fransisco "Transgendered "cop in history.Constantly thinks about killing himself now.