Let's go into 2019 with the right energy, Jow Forums.
Let's go into 2019 with the right energy, Jow Forums
Literally just add a negation to each line
Amazing she doesn't have a single off color "incorrect" view. Open borders, ban guns, trans rights, blah blah blah, she has the Correct Opinion™ for every single one. Pretty impressive
niggers tongue my Angus
>Yes all men
did i miss some feminist meme? what is this about? yes, all men are guilty/ yes, all men are ???
nothing a woman or a homosexual says will ever matter in this life. she is just lashing out
Change Free Palestine for Nuke Israel.
Beep bop boopity beep
it means yes, all men are rapists
but hating people based on their gender is wrong goy
Nahh just nuke mid east
Except mental health and palestine
you're not going to be able to support mental health with open borders, shit, we can't even do it now, how we going to do it with even less resources?
>trans women are women
>sex work is work
Sure, but pay your taxes, thot
Rational normal behaving black people with jobs, sure. Niggers no.
>Nazi lives don't matter
>rape culture is real
sleeping with men and crying rape later isn't rape
>yes all men
lol ok let's see when all men don't give you attention anymore
>Fuck white supremacy
Sure, if you say fuck black supremacy in the same sentence.
>Abolish borders
muh borders
>Free Palestine
ok, free South Africa too, white people are being killed for farming.
>Protect indigenous rights
So white people get protected in Europe as well? Thanks
>support mental health
Real issues yes, being a tranny is a disorder.
>Believe women
Fuck off phone posting faggot
>Let's go into 2019 with the right energy, Jow Forums.
i am by dropping all forms of american media including Jow Forums. the mental illness spread through your shit is rotting the minds of the west i want no part in this anymore
Checked and kekked
It was a movement where a hashtag went around for #MenAreTrash, and obviously it spawned a countermovement from men who felt they were being attacked unfairly. Feminists screeched and cried and told them to shut up, and tried to imply that by them trying to claim that they weren't guilty, they were only proving their guilt.
Imagine if our court system worked that way?
>"Well, I see you've plead not guilty. Why would an innocent man be trying to hard to prove it? You clearly must be guilty! Case closed!"
Feminists are retarded.
thanks for the intel
holy shit dude. these are really troubled times
>Trans women are women
Gas the TERFS SafeSpace war now!
>Sex work is work
Then don't claim unemployment
>Black live matter
But It's Okay To Be White
>Nazi lives don't matter
Nationalists are fine, but socialists get a gas chamber. Commies too.
>Rape culture is real
But is also frequently lied about. See: Kavenaugh
>Yes all men
Start by killing small groups of men before moving on to bigger groups. Male feminists > LGBTs > Jews > Asians > Blacks > Hispanics > Whites
>Fuck white supremacy
White supremacy doesn't want to fuck you. Stop propagating rape culture.
>Abolish borders
Israel does not deserve borders
>Free Palestine
Neither does Palestine
>Protect indigenous rights
Europe for europeans!
>Support mental health
But don't deny those who need it: See: Gender Dysphoria is a mental illness.
>Believe women
My mother said you're a retard.
>Abolish borders
>Free Palestine
What a son of bitch
How the fuck can you even acknowledge that "indigenous peoples" or "palestinians" exist without borders?
They don't allow their ideas to interact with each other. They're just buzzphrases that they use as a replacement for a personality.
>>Abolish borders
>>Free Palestine
>just dont get rid of isreals borders!
>and by free palestine i mean kill them all and make it free for israel to buy up the land
i know how these people work and what they really mean
like germany is any better, shut the fuck up kraut
Back in the day this sort of woman would have been thrown in the Insane Asylum.