Just dump it all Jow Forums, dump it all!
Dump your Redpills and Blackpills
Other urls found in this thread:
Blackpill: CoD is just going to get worse
it was never that good anyway
That's not how redpilling work rabbi, go back to circumcising
Tell me about the Jews then, user.
Jews are very based and we need to secure the existence of the state of Israel. Am I a good goyim?
>Am I a good goyim?
sure have and award
The wall will never be built
Spiccs niggers will overrun this country
I think this user was being sarcastic. Just saying.
This the BIG kahuna.
I don’t have that many but I’ll dump what I have
a redpill for one is the blackpill for some (specially if you're a jew)
We need 10,000 of men like this.
This place is Run by tavistock
Trump is the greatest ally to the Jews in history
what is the difference between redpills and blackpills?
her is a hard pill to swallow: I think we lost the war and western world and our values will go down in flames. hope Im wrong tough
the moth or the butt er fly is about sodomy.
it's all about lilith, bees moths hive mind
through sodomy. alexander the great
got it all built with his sodomite army
ass fucking everybody they came across.
black pill
red pill.
Episode 3 isnt coming
Reminds me of the moth girl Berserk arc.