BASED BASED BASED! TURN ON THE NEWS! Will Russia and the US join the crusade against evil Continentals once more?
>i wasn't meming
I'll believe it when I see it.
Good luck Jonesy chan
bring it on limey cunt
More like the other way around
>British S.A.S. gas numerous migrant ghettos at home and abroad in a deafening move against the EU's Calegri Plan.
Remember he lost to Brits
Why would they invade the EU? They are getting ready to subjugate the natives.
Just another hard brexit doomsday story to try and scare the public about a hard brexit
But when you've already been screaming there will be no mars bars no medicine no electricity no planes and no drinking water the public just ain't buying this shit anymore
>Just another hard brexit doomsday story to try and scare the public about a hard brexit
This, tories are nonces blackmailed by MI5, Theresa May was put in place to stop Brexit she wasn't even elected she got in by elimination via leadership candidates backstabbing each other as planned and establishment papers smearing any outsiders
cope more tea nigger, everybody knows we have the better army, your chance of victory against us are the same as you having normal teeth
For anyone who actually reads the story this creepy twat defence secretary is saying 3,000 troops are ready to be deployed implying that they're there to maintain order when all the tea falls into a black hole and football is cancelled forever - he's a fucking blackmailed pedophile faggot doing what MI5 tell him to
UK is such a hilarious meme I'm sorry. Just all this Tyranny hiding under the people's glazed and confused looks and the classic british attitude.
Another brother war
the strongest part of your army is that horde of foreign mercenaries you keep. I wouldnt brag about that.
Shit man! That's their whole army!
You have the same blackmail system in the CIA
>Several of the children who Cameron experimented on were sexually abused, in at least one case by several men. One of the children was filmed numerous times performing sexual acts with high-ranking federal government officials, in a scheme set up by Cameron and other MKULTRA researchers, to blackmail the officials to ensure further funding for the experiments.
Not knowing about spook camerasnares being the mechanism of western shadow power and there's no real democracy = NPC filter
>be britbong
>get woken up in middle of the night by daughter's cry
>she is getting raped by a paki
>the police arrest her for noise complaint from the neighbors
>offer paki a cup of tea since he is a guest in my house
>forget i didn't renew my teapot permit
>police arrest me for possesion of illegal teapot
>"oi cheeky wanker, you could throw hot wotaa at some bloke with that"
>finally out of prison
>they let me out in exchange of my kidney
>see knews "oi blokes we invading europe come in"
>mfw rifles are illegals so we will invade with knives
>mfw when we binned most knives
>have to use tea spoon and state approved tea pot
>such glory
>god save the queen
>bragging about your nation full of somalis and your "foreign legion" which is entirely failures who couldn't make it in the military and africans
>Remember he lost to the Rotchschilds
>Be French
>Have white in the flag for special occasion
>Surrender day, no need for a new flag, we just tuck the red and blue away and look - at the core of every frenchmen is a surrender monkey, just like their flag
Ha ha ha says the guys that have been running around dressed and acting like headless lemons for the past few weeks. Lemonvests the lot of ya.
>brother war
>t. american
Swedes, Brits or Ruskis are not my brothers. My brothers are Estonia and Hungary and Karelia. Just because they have white skin doesn't make us "brothers". Things are not the same as in muttland, where every nation and kin are the same, as long as the skin is too
>be french
> surrender
Fixed that for ya
Good one, is this why you British mogs put a cross on our flag?
The United Kingdom(but basically all european countries really) can't invade shit in Europe.
The power difference between UK and Germany is minimal and even then the USA would never allow it, Germany is an ally and there are countless american bases in Europe.
I would be extremely surprised if anything happened
kek cope more paki lord
>the guys that have been running around dressed and acting like headless lemons for the past few weeks
hey at least we don't spread our buttcheeks for the governement, in the end you know i am right, you can't possibly miss your level of state tirrany:
>can't buy guns exept 22 lr or 12gauge rifle
>need to show your id for tableware
>send 15 yo to prison for mean tweets
>tell parent to stop their rascisme when they complain about their child force to go to mosque in school
>learn 1500 little girls were gangraped by paki
>learn the cops covered the affair
you can cope as much as you want, you know deep down we french have more balls than you
Bernard Hinault was your last winner in1985, 33 years ago, let that sink in.jesus yu cant even win your own national bike race let alone anything else.
And what a propitious time to invade via France. Haha, wasn't it implied Britain helped incite untested with the yellow vests the other week?
OP is just being a retard. The British army is just being mobolised to deal with any emergencies that happen as a result. It has nothing to do with war. Armies are also humanitarian agencies in the modern day.
and you think that's a good thing. you're proud of that.
France would obliterate you though.
They have the strongest army in Europe
Can't wait to slaughter the invaders
they have to get em across the channel, foolio
OI! ye cheeky wanker
they should bomb brussels.
would be epic. jews would scream bloody murder as their eee-you domination gets jacked.
damn straight we do!
I am aware of that, I just wanted to write it to calm down the most autistic Jow Forumsacks
>Armies are also humanitarian agencies in the modern day.
I understand what you mean but it's more a result of low budget and low need for it and that situation can change quickly, even though it's unlikely
The british would have to get their troops across the channel which would be a problem because the french have a stronger navy.
So, yeah, the French would buttfuck them anyway. I don't understand what you mean?
It is, and I am. I could not give two shits about Sweden or Britain, they have deserved what they get. Estonia and Hungary are different, we are of the same kin. I cannot say the same about America, or any other country
You'll always have better armies than us, frenchy. If you had the brains to use them you'd be fucking lethal.
>French army
That’s why a girl was able to write a book about the industrial scale gang rapes going on in Paris suburbs by your new Frenchmen. You are fucked.
>dying for israel
That feeling when the greatest ally is the one to forcefully start cleansing Europa from its jewish gayness
I mean, I understand that they have been a joke for 78 years but there was a time when the french were actually feared and respected as soldiers. I wouldn't underestimate them
wait but are they doing this on (((Theresa's May))) orders? it cannot be
Rule Britannia, Britannia rule the waves n shit
He proud that some jew somewhere in history tricked him into hating and fighting his fellow white man. Stay proud dumbass.
I honestly didn't know Austria was still a country post-ww2
Shit homes, the UK is just as internally divided as the rest of us homes, you kill each other before you would kill anyone else viva la Mexico
>Europoors making fun of each other
Feels good to be an American
>american flag
it checks out
America and Britain should just let Europe get on with fucking itself like it always does. We should be talking to Putin, not Merkel that literal backstabbing kraut. Fuck Europe and all the lives wasted on that ungrateful shithole of a continent, there will be no more.
The dominions would join in as well. The crown is more than just the UK
hes a big target
>Posting a mexican soldier
The Army is mostly on leave over Christmas.
A real shame that the Telegraph doesn’t understand that.
No chance... Britain never invades equal powers
If only Napoleon could see the absolute fucking state of France now. You should send his corpse back to St Helena out of respect. And to stop his tomb stinking of piss. You dirty, disgusting filth.
Eternal British Allies!
We are once again plagued by the curse of German Imperialism. Honor our 600 year old alliance and rescue us from the EU
What is this retardation?
Just like old times eh friend
France literally begs to use our army to quash uprisings in Mali and C.A.R because the French are that useless.
France vs the UK has no winners, both would be destroyed. In France's case it would be the best thing for them, the smell of nuclear charred flesh is preferable to the stench of piss and migrant shit radiating from Paris.
Calais is rightful British clay. Re-taking it would solve an awful of the post-Brexit problems.
We can do a swap, the French can have Hull or something and we'll have Calis
I was obviously ruling out a nuclear conflict.
You might think what you want of the french but on paper they would crush you at sea, at land and in the air. Maybe they will surrender in less than a month again, who knows, but on paper you lose. Sorry, Nigel.
With state your country is in, do you really want to fuck with us? We Anglos have & always will curp stomp you mainland eurokeks back to the stone ages
The whole country is a laughing stock I've never seen a society of men so emasculated. Sorry chap, wouldn't want the Queen mum to find out
This, sadly. Unless the Brits only issue pinpoint decapitation strikes against globalist EU targets, thousands if not millions of white people will be sent to die while Achmed and Muhammad can further rape the wives and daughters at home, on both sides. TPTB will use this opportunity to finish us off if we're not careful. War, yes, but a civil war across the continent to take our countries back, not a nationalist war to manipulate the true patriots into killing each other just so the vermin can reap the remains. Evaporate Brussels, Strassbourg, maybe Berlin, heck, even every major capital-like population center, it would be a needed spark (and way to rid the countries of leftist traitors), but a conventional war? Madness.
>The whole country is a laughing stock I've never seen a society of men so emasculated
>Is literally German
Imagine having this little self awareness.
>they would crush you at sea, at land and in the air.
>At sea
LOL. Maybe on land but not at sea. There was a theorised battle on youtube between France and UK by Commissar Binkov. There's no winner and in terms of tanks/planes/helicopters etc, we have more than they do.
>Uses broomsticks and dildo powered tanks in battle
The utter lack of self awareness from Germany and the lack of any kind of humble attitude from them considering the damage they've done to Europe in the space of 3 years is amazing. Truly you deserve a prize for your autism.
>help the kikes destroy Germany in WW2
>over fucking Poland
>which you didn't even save from the Soviets at the end
>"wow look at how kiked the Germans are now"
Eternal anglo never disappoints. Daily reminder that Constantinople would be back in Christian hands twice over if the Brits had never left their shitty island
Why the hell would we want that dumping ground? Nuke it, nuke all of France and be done with it. Fucking useless shit hole, and flood the channel tunnel with concrete, nuke Ireland because Leo Varadkar is ugly and deserves to be obliterated. Spain can be annexed along with the Canary Islands because of holidays and hot sunshine.
The Eastern Soviet states can be given back to Russia, they can sign an agreement to back off and kill everyone within their Federation.
We're good to go!
Why didnt you post a picture of traitor Flynn ?
Are you retarded? Germany was POZZED UP muslim lovers before WWI, they literally worshiped Saladin and the Muslim army against the Crusaders you stupid cunt.
What you think that National Socialism and Hitler was all white power and white goodness? Idiot, they were civic cucks, if you want to admire anyone you should pick Cecil Rhodes, who know what the nigger was and knew that the nigger could never be tamed, only lashed and beaten into submission.
Nazis had our former territories that were lashed with the whip all sexed up and loving Hitler because he sucked nigger cock.
Now be silent you insolent little fuck nugget, you're the biggest kike puppets going, thanks to the Puritan fuck cunts we deported to your shithole. Shame France saved you, we could have been rid of the cancer that is the USA long ago.
>Conveniently forgets that the ameritards took part in WW2
It isn't our fault that the krauts broke every single arms limitation and non aggression pact signed in the treaty of Versailles. Were the terms harsh? Sure, but the Germans had crossed more than enough lines before we decided that enough was enough. Hitler made a gamble and it fell flat. He deserved what he got.
w-we're on g-goo-good terms, aren't we o-old buddy old pal?
Cecil Rhodes, the conspirator extraordinnaire that claimed he was making a secret society to destroy Germany by asassinating Franz Ferdinand and blaming the German huns
>Cecil Rhodes, the conspirator extraordinnaire that claimed he was making a secret society to destroy Germany by asassinating Franz Ferdinand and blaming the German huns
Sounds like shitposting before shitposting was invented.
It won't happen.
It never happens
Read a history book you fucking Britbong. Did you renew your tele loicense m8
No one cares about your internal problems you god damn disease of a country. If we actually dig deep enough into history we'll find your shit hole at the center of most of the shit that happens. You try to blame us for it because that's what you're good at doing. But you're the bacteria and we're the antibiotic and like it or not we will fucking destroy you. Fight all you want, it's futile you disgusting scum hun.
Get rid of that gay paki nigger lover Varadkar and we won't have to starve you again.
I suggest you read a history book, Alaric you nigger.
Are the Brits actually gonna "Oi you gotta fishing license" foreign fleets in their water?
You see this is the type of psychotic behaviour that makes nobody like Britain anymore. you assholes tried to blame everything on Germans for 10 years with nothing but shameless propaganda. have fun with Theresa May give her my regards
army are mostly pro brexit, good luck crushing dissent.
That's a point actually, we wouldn't be gearing up for a barney with France, we'd be making sure the Troubles don't start again after we brake the Good Friday agreement with a Hard Brexit.
Guy was a legend
Seeing as they attacked one of your nuclear submarines that was docked in Gibraltar because MUH FISH, MUH ARTIFICIAL REEF, MUH EVIL ENGLISH MUVAFUCKA. The mainlanders are lucky we haven't sunk any of their little trawlers. They should be licking our fucking foreskins clean. Not parading around like prissy pussies.
Ulster will always be british
>implying europeans are brothers
that's a jew meme
I like this thread. Will there be oil involved in this plan Brit bros?
Today I will remind them
>blaming the Germans for disregarding the absolute abomination that was the Treaty of Versailles
>destroying the West and handing half of Europe over the Communists over Poland of all places