Boogie declines Info Wars interview

Imagine having the chance to meet Alex Jones and you decline because you're a scared cuck.

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Gamers are fucking retarded, adult men who play games should be executed

I thought /ourhamplanet/ was slowly becoming redpilled? Too bad, would have been a fun interview.

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>Not in a million years
>politely decline
what an incredibly retarded humble brag

Nobody gives a fuck about obese slobbish E-Celebs. If he died the world would literally lose nothing of value.

dafuq is a boogie?

>muh morals
>evil conspiracy theories
>complaining about censorship by corporate trusts is toxic problematic
The kool-aid runs deep

I fucking hate reading that twit shit do you read from the bottom up or wtf is going on?

>talking to Alex Jones is amoral

This dude is the biggest cuck alive today.

boogie is legitimately a double digit IQ retard

Boogie fears Alex Jones lmao

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Lol, I just checked his twitter and one of the most recent posts is about how much he loves his ex wife who cucked him and divorced him and took his house.

>standing up next to Alex Jones

Can this disgusting bag of mayo even stand?

Shame this fat fuck isn't dead already.

>toxic af
We're gonna need a bigger oven.

But InfoWars was shut down so why are you posting old material you stupid fucking American?

>toxic af
Why do white people want to be niggers?

yeah Alex Jones is so evil, hateful and bad. Epic win for boogie.

Boogie is a grade a lying sack of shit who flip flops on everything. You just have to look at his kiwi farms thread to see how he'll change his opinion within 3 days of saying the total opposite.

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Anyone who uses the word toxic unironically are not based nor redpilled.

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he really is. He thinks he is some enlightened logical centrist who needs to weigh in on every issue. He is a mentally retarded man baby

really makes you think

How much does this beast weigh?

hes such a fence sitting cuck I'm sure he had no qualms with his wife getting serviced by african bulls while they were together

>they let nazi larpers on jewtube

Why would I want to meet Alex Jones?

People still care about this fat fuck?

Based. Why would anyone voluntarily be a quest on that clown show/snake oil infomercial?

I hate that fucking cuck-dirigible and I've only seen him mentioned here. Why do children like him so much?

>Give edgy response
>Claim good manners

>I could virtue signal, but lemme ask for a headpat instead
Woah is this nuposting?
I'm going to diet and save money, but am I? Haha *dabs u*

it's a CIA experiment

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>standing is a chore
This is why your wife takes bbc

>can't read zoomer

Or get lost.

This is the future.

Get with it.

I love how he claims he's not virtually signalling when it's exactly what he is doing.

Sage for thread about a tweet

he's such a pissy cunt
fat faggot

lol, what a fucking poofter.

>toxic af
Hey, lop your fuckin head off, alright?

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he knows Jones is a zionist hangout

look at the size of that lad

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