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>White trash and niggers just happen to buy pit bulls
>They totally don't buy them because they are an aggressive breed which has been actively bred for about a hundred generations for fighting

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Literally pol. Blame the animal not the niggers. Good job.

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>whats so special about pitbull owners
I get the joke, but thats some shit quality writing


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>Niggers are violent by nature
>Dogs which have been actively selected to be more aggressive are perfectly fine, it is just the owner's fault

The cognitive dissonance required to think niggers are violent due to genetics while dogs which have been actively bred to be violent aren't violent by nature due to genetics is immense.

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best one so far, we're going back to discussing the FED very soon.

>Nigger nogs
>Get nigger dogs


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people who watch sports are the biggest retards but we're not even allowed to criticize the obsession with sports in our culture, because you instantly get accused of being some fedora wearing shitlord who never has fun, has no social skills, etc

really makes you think

Sports are there to keep you placated.

You'll allow the government to do anything to you just as long as you can watch your favorite sport with a can of beer in your hand and a TV dinner in the microwave.

>Y-you can't ban niggers from your restaurant, that's racist
>Of course I can refuse to serve people due to their sexual orientation
Honestly I say let business owners refuse service for any reason, the free market will work itself out.
>I don't serve niggers
>Open up a place next door that does serve niggers (pay before your food arrives)

>Honestly I say let business owners refuse service for any reason, the free market will work itself out.
And how are you going to pass such a law and/or constitutional amendment?

Oh that's right...the Jews will stop you.

>All the people who are just going to react to this and not consider whether or not OP was a waste of time shill


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b-but drumpfs orange

Because most of the people who are anti-sports are pretentious hypocrites.

>Sports are so dumb, why would I watch a bunch of burly men charge into each other at full speed for two hours?
>Wow, I love Fallout 76, it is a fun mindless game and it is great if you have friends to enjoy it with.

Criticism of something is far more valid when you are not a hypocrite, someone who smokes 3 packs of cigarettes a day shouldn't be surprised when people consider him a faggot for calling out someone for drinking on the weekends.

Mindless entertainment in all its forms is a general bane of an intelligent society. Occasional indulgence in mindless entertainment to unwind is fine, but when you play video games for 4 hours a day every day or watch football 4 days a week and golf the other 3 days there is a problem. Buy some books and read them, it doesn't have to be deep fiction from before the 1850s, you can read non-fiction books about history, science, philosophy, politics, or economics, you can try writing your own book in your free time, you can watch free lectures on the internet about a plethora of topics.

The real sign of an NPC is that they have no hobbies that require intelligent thought (and no, map painters like Victoria 2 and Hearts of Iron don't require intelligent thought).

Well legally you won't win that argument anyway, if you at least condemned laws that oppose your argument you would have some ground to stand on.

Truth be told the American people should have risen up some time in the last 60 or so years, and the fact that we didn't illustrates that the fight is for all intents and purposes lost. We were past the point of peaceful protesting decades ago.

>I hate sports
>I hate Fallout 76
Explain then, faggot.

The point was video games in general. If you play Hearts of Iron, Counter-Strike, DOTA, or Fortnite you are no different than a 50 year old boomer who watches two hours of football four nights a week.

That has to be the worst "art" style I've seen. And the subjects are pure cringe as well/

The real sign of an NPC is thinking their hobbies are meaningful and everyone else’s are mindless entertainment.

So good

>Why seek to expand my knowledge and/or improve myself bro?
>I just need mindless hedonism to be happy