Niggers are literally dying out in the USA

USA has managed something I thought impossible - black birth rates have been now officially pushed below the replacement rate.


Hispanic birth rates have decreased rapidly in the recent years as well

>"Between 2008 and 2016, the IFS reports, the fertility rate dropped from 2.15 to 1.89 among black women, from 2.85 to 2.1 among Hispanic women"

Meanwhile, white birth rates are staying reasonably constant - it's very likely that in the near future, white women will be having more white children per capita than black and spic females!

How the fuck has USA managed to accomplish this!? Can Evropa yet be saved from the black and brown tide?

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Showing the replacement fertility rate for posterity

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That's what Liberals have planned. Blacks have a history here so they even despite voting Democrat won't betray core American values. In order to get Socialism, they have to replace the population. Reminder that blacks hated Bernie. It was Hispanics and whites who promoted that fucker.

I wonder how much of that loss in fertility rate is due to abortion

Notice how libs deliberately say the "browning of America." SJWs love brown skin because of its vague and unclear ethnicity. Blacks don't have a place in the NWO, they have too much cultural baggage and identify too strongly with each other. Blacks need to be genocided just like whites, turning everyone brown is necessary to create a new global slave race.

Now we need a wall

I am surprised niggers can even survive as a race
>high abortion rates
>gun violence, gangs
>high drug and alcohol use
>high rates of smoking
>poor diet, high diabetes and blood pressure
How do they even fucking exist?

Should take a look at the sub groups too

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the mammies have 4-5 kids each, paid for by the state

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No cause of welfare, niggers in eu get paid the more they breed

no you fucking mongral, they reclassified all blacks as mutt whites.

I’m well versed in this. Up until 2008 the white fertility rate was actually increasing. Whether or not it will return back to 2008 levels and continue to increase is a mystery but with the Trump economy and general feeling of optimism (specifically for whites) its very likely a return to what it was is. If Black birthrates continue on their trend and white birth rates stay constant (don’t increase) the black fertility rate will be below the white one within 5 years. OPs image is wrong for Native Americans tho, their birth rate has collapsed.

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A whitepill indeed. I think conservative whites, and groups like the Amish and the Mormons are still above replacement birth rates.

Is this true? I thought they were supposed to grow in population.

They haven't in decades don't know why you would think that

Bean people will finally seize American, not with guns but with cum instead

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I’m probably mistaking it with Africa population

who are others?

Litteraly bye Felicia

this is thanks to planned parenthood.

Don't tell them! Wtf OP

L here’s a Amish white pill (I hope it’s the right image). There are 325,000 Amish people in the US as of 2018. They have an average fertility rate of 7-8 and a religious retention rate of over 80%. Their population doubles every 20 years. From 325,000 in 2018 they’re estimated to have 1 million by 2050. Then if trends stay constant the us should be Amish majority (not even white majority) by 2170. From 1992 to 2010 the Us population increased by 25% while the Amish population increased by 150%. The Amish population is increasing at 6 times the rate of the national increase (taking immigration and natural increase into account).

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could you tell me more about the amish? Aren't they basically christian muslims?

Only a matter of time the (((religious liberation ))) hits them.

There's a lot to this. White liberals secretly view blacks as a complication. Because of the white liberal worldview which is dominated by victimhood, blacks have found themselves a home within white liberal ideology.but that doesn't mean that white liberals really want anything to do with blacks.

While a lot has been made of the effect of abortion on black demography, and equally significant cause in that demographic stagnation has been single parent households. While we talk about the state replacing fathers from a financial perspective, the welfare compensation is relatively meager in comparison to what a working adult would bring to the home. This comparative lack of resources is really bad news for your population in the long run.

>Blacks have a history here so they even despite voting Democrat won't betray core American values. In order to get Socialism, they have to replace the population. Reminder that blacks hated Bernie. It was Hispanics and whites who promoted that fucker.
You're retarded if you think blacks like or even understand white America. They have a long history of supporting socialism, dating back at least to WEB DuBois. Their only issue with Bernie was that he didn't shill hard enough for Black Lives Matter.

>Aren't they basically christian muslims?
They are unironically the religion of peace. They are close knit communities that only deal with outside stuff through certain men of the group. They build great homes in next to no time, and are very much community driven.

>Their only issue with Bernie was that he didn't shill hard enough for Black Lives Matter.
he did more than hillary. "White people cant be poor" and what not.

The real reason they voted hillary is that they relate to bill clinton

Bunch of blonde haired blue eyed qts that are are really kind, good at hunting, bake delicious goods, and build sturdy fences.
Also block all of goddamn backroads with horse drawn carriages going 2mph all the fucking time REEE

t. ohiofag

In birth by women

How many black babies born of white western slags
How few white babies born of black sheboons.
Ha ha ha ha ha
White babies

via destroying the family.

looks pretty sick. do they accept outsiders who want to join their comunity as members? What's the difference between Amish and Mormons?

Pretty much except they don't go around doing jihadist bullshit. They're also armed to the fucking teeth but don't talk about it. Also they speak "pennsylvania dutch" which is some crazy fucked up form of german.

Tight-knit is a supreme understatement
It is virtually impossible to join their community.

whites know the leftists are out to get them now and know their only hope is in numbers

if you actually did what Ted Kazinsky wanted you would be amish

How can they be stilll alive and not being completely fucked up after a couple of generations? I'm intrigued now.

If I remember correctly it’s something like 350k black babies are aborted every year.

Do you mean genetically, culturally, or something else?

>Blacks have a history here so they even despite voting Democrat won't betray core American values.

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It's not impossible. It's just that most people wouldn't be interested at all in changing to that lifestyle. But anyone could become Amish if they actually committed to it.

It's happening to everyone living in the West for some time. It just means that EVERYBODY gets replaced by negroes from Africa. No "beautiful mixed race" or other propaganda bullshit, EVERYBODY gets replaced. The half-breeds, the immigrants, everybody will be replaced with the lowest and stupidest people on the earth, as those are the ones who keep breeding like rabbits.

Yes and we need to do what Hitler did. Smash and burn everything on the way out. Leave nothing for the niggers. If Jews thought this was such a good idea we have to scratch our heads why they haven't done a better job manipulating and making money out of Africa.

Leave nothing for them. Not even clean air. Global warming, who cares. Black air for black lungs.

Yeah have to be willing to change your lifestyle, you have be from a sufficiently similar sect of protestantism, you have to learn their unique german dialect, and even then they might not trust you.

>white's number even lower

how do i convert to amishism

see this


converting to mormonism is more realistic