>Fall Edelweiss >no watermarks, no captions, no branding, there's no Stage 2 WINTERSONNENWENDE (21-22 Dec) and after. Anywhere cultural enrichment happens and other opportunity targets to get plastered with Edelweiß. IOTBW rules apply. i.postimg.cc/Tfyc6zh4/edelwei.png
>What do Create Memes, spread Memes, attack the narrative. Join AfD or IB or Einprozent; counter subversion. Get Jow Forums. Spread flyers and stickers. Discuss politics with people; call attention to the Unrecht.
If induvidual wants world to be in certain way, but dosen't posses abilities and possiblities to change it in this way, he's best bet is that there are others like him and held ideas at least similar to he's who do have qualities to have a real impact.
Gates will die a natural death, Musk and Zuckerberg are young enough to benefit of the longevity escape velocity.
Hudson Powell
You do realise that its most likely that we will just die natural death right?Your way to futuristic, like people in 80s who thought they will have howering scatebords and flying cars by 2000s
Ryan Cruz
>decreasing the probability to die naturally, increases the probability to be killed. The children of the future wil claim their place.
Joshua Mitchell
>Allerdings ließen sich die Methoden der „Gelbwesten“, die nicht von Organisationen dominiert würden, „nicht ohne weiteres auf Deutschland übertragen“. Spontaner Protest sei gut. „Es ist es aber wichtig, dass politische Verbände, Gewerkschaften oder Parteien die Proteste stärken.“
When my great grandmother was born there were no cars and electricity was a rarity. When she died in 1991 we sent people to the moon, had computers and she drove with her grandson with 300km/h on the Autobahn. Exponential growth is a thing you know? As long as we don't destroy everything with a ww3 or get hit by some major natural catastrophe like a solar flare etc. this exponential growth will continue and through it everything is possible.
Checked, and somehow I agree. But I fear tensions will grow, as we are unable to keep up with this progress. We have to choose - slow the pace, so we can adapt, or live in crumbled society. I say cyberpunk dystopia, which we are entering now. The latter is more probable though, with all the ugly side effects.
Brody Hughes
She was born in 1892.
Everything I desire is already in development.
Gabriel Allen
My great grandfather was born before Willhelm the 2. ruled and died before Hitler came to power while having 2 wives and 5 Children. Get on ma level
You can't slow down progress and that's a good thing. Also society undergone changes all the time. A german peasant that lived 900 years ago had barely anything in common with a german that lived in 1915.
Dylan Lee
My maternal great grandfather had 3 wives and 14 children. Absolutely insane.
Luke Butler
He died in the early 70s
Aaron Barnes
i this is why you are so desperate to save your skin? because Gevatter Tod is so close and near you? a boomer over 60?
Not sure if it's good thing, but yes, society changes. It must adapt somehow. We'd see very interesting things in our lifetime, of that I'm sure. But I am not so sure about what will happen to society. I expect turmoil, unrests. We reached the point that things are developed so fast that normies stopped to care. It's just 15 minutes of fame for every groundbreaking innovation. Musk's reusable rockets? No one bats eye now, even though it's amazing masterpiece of engineering. Quantum computers - revolution, no one bats eye (sad!). And so on... it's all so tiresome -_-
sin I don't believe in "sin". Yet, there's a principle to life. For, life isn't nihilistic. Ask yourself, do my actions and activities strengthen or weaken me? If you're honest to youself, when asking this question, then you won't need a "codex of morals". Don't strife for survival. Survivalists don't survive. Strife for power and domination.
>shortsightedness Well, I agree. Shortsightedness weakens.
>Stagnation It will eventually end. The age of collectivism has already begun. Aproximatlly, 50 years of peace remain. The modern stagnation, is caused by the same reasons, by which the stagnation of the 19th century was caused; and, similarly, it will end, too.
>I'd rather see the world burn. It won't happen. Life doesn't die the socialist death.
> effective altruism 1) is that meme OC? 2) are you in EA?
Chase Lopez
>Don't strife for survival. Survivalists don't survive. Strife for power and domination. Gosh... It is as if several variants of Spengler are posting here.
Every single one of you pathetic covert narcissists who is failing will be a great joy to me.
>I expect turmoil, unrests. That's almost certain at this point. >normies stopped to care Let's be honest here, normies never cared. The average joe didn't give a crap when the first microprocessor or similar breakthrough technologies were announced. That will never change.
See 2 x No
Ayden Morris
> Let's be honest here, normies never cared. The average joe didn't give a crap when the first microprocessor or similar breakthrough technologies were announced. That will never change.
Don't give a fuck about normies. Build a moral that apply to those who deserve it.
I like to entertain the idea of 'sin' as a rhetorical sword. When I go full cold and logical rant only to in the end top it with a condemnation of the crowd for their 'sins' like a vicar preaching fire, brimstone and eternal damnation ... well, it works and frankly, it gives me a boner. You bombard them with facts, facts, facts, with neatly intertwined complexity and then when they finally fail to be able to cognitively follow you ... BAM! You call them fucking filthy sinners!
Yes, survival. Worthless on its own. However, the prerequisite for legacy. Maybe it is still the fear of death, I might betray myself here ... but what worries me more about death than nonexistence is simply not being able to see anymore WHAT WILL BE! I am too curious for that thought. So as compensation I'd at least like some shred of me, some idea, some deed to continue on. Don't have to be remembered for it but it should have 'lasting' effects. And without survival ... well ... empty ruins don't remember.
>Life doesn't die the socialist death.
Good to hear that from someone else. I don't think it will either but I know I can never be 100% sure.
it is like onions with the difference that beer makes you fat where onions wouldn't
Julian Martin
S O Y kek wordfilter
Jose Ramirez
>6 post ernährungsberater thanks though, i will keep it in mind
Wyatt Harris
Good night, fren!
Kek, I am Upper Austrian. Most likely the blood in my veins is actually beer! :D Now jokes aside, I never gain weight regardless of what I eat/drink. Stomach is in no good condition though, have to be careful here.
man fuck off in a few years you will suddenly up like Rainer Winkler
then the fat stores between your organs due to genetics and then slowly you will grow tits and a belly.
David Ward
No it needs its medicine. feed it more
Alexander Barnes
>slowly you will grow tits
Uuuuh boy! :D I get fat deposits on my back. Yes, I have a fatty back! Only in winter though, every year around second week of March I lose those 5 extra kg within a few days. It is like clockwork. I feel like I should maybe just hibernate. I rather worry about losing muscle mass slowly without some workout ... getting older is a bitch.
>Helle Jespersen gegenüber der Zeitung „B.T.“: „Nur zehn Minuten später klingelte es an der Tür. Es standen zwei Beamte davor. Da wusste ich sofort, was los war.“ Louisa war immer lebenslustig und fröhlich. „Alle mochten sie, sie glaubte nie an das Böse. Als sie von Marokko sprach, haben wir ihr davon abgeraten. Ich bin völlig zusammengebrochen. Man hat ihr den Hals aufgeschnitten, und keiner kann bisher sagen, ob sie gelitten hat.“
Mutter Maria, it's been almost two years since this dichotomische meme appeared for the first time in the chan-boards culture.... and still, this one made me crack at almost every detail. death to the artist of this stupid meme - he almost made me choke on laughter
GAS THE MILLENIAL AGE WAR NOW FROM THE UNITED STATES Just as Hitler and friends were the leaders of Germany while the younger generation were the soldiers, so too will the few based millenials help their younger Gen Z brothers and sisters to destroy ZOG
Mostly. It is not REALLY deleterous incest (although Jews show a distinct probability for certain genetic diseases ... however, the same applies to Europeans, ours are simply different). If you don't procreate with your direct cousins over a few generations (like some Arabs do) the accumulation of dangerous mutations is rather low (see heterologous recombination) ... however, you will accumulate 'neutral' traits like eg. big nose as these are not really under selective pressure (unless they make you 'ugly' but that is a relative view ... also, strong social cohesion may override this, you simply marry a woman despite the nose).
Samuel Cooper
So a society with very strict marriage rules without much choice and a small number would likely turn ugly over time because itvis not selected against? It more likely to have an „uglier“ mutation than a good looking one I guess?
Eli Anderson
As said, ugly depends on the perspective. Within certain parameters humans sure can 'learn' from an early age that certain traits simply identify the other as 'kin'. Of course, some stuff like eg. asymetric facial bones etc. are a clear sign of illness or bad genes ... there is 'ugly' you can used to and 'ugly' that seems to be hardwired into us.
Caleb Allen
Sure uglyness depends on perspective
Jaxson Watson
I fell for the BRAP meme and sniffed a girl's butthole about a month ago and it smelled so terrible I think I'm gay now. Help. I guess I didn't expect it to be so soul-crushingly abhorrent. In the days afterwards it was all I could think about when talking to her, and I ended up distancing myself as fast as possible and I'm pretty sure she knows why. I honestly haven't had any interest in her or any other women since it happened. I feel like a meme killed my sex drive and I don't know what to do.