Are americans really like this?
Are americans really like this?
I've only known people to wear those ironically
kinda want the 'dont mess with my snake' t-shirt
Yeah I have all those shirts and wear them all at the same time. 3XL sells fast so you gotta get there early or be smart like me and tip the stock boy to hold a dozen for ya
fuck no. I can see giving it to someone as a joke though.
Kek, no.
Nah just old nam vets and truckers...who were nam vets
Lol what PX did was this picture taken at?
These are like 80s, 90s style, country, biker, trucker type apparel you see in gas stations in rural areas. You rarely see people wear that kind of shit unless they are old timers. Honestly, I agree with most of what's on those shirts, but I would never wear that obnoxious shit.
Yes. My 70 year old father in law would wear any of those. He's worn shit like that to nice restaurants. With a Vietnam veteran baseball or cabellas hat that never comes off, even at the table
They were the original boomer memes. Now they just collect dust in small shops
Conservatives pretend that they are.
In reality they usually always cuck on important shit when even the slightest amount of pressure is applied to them. What an American thinks he is and what he really is can be very different things.
Available in XL to XXL to XXXXL
Too funny.
Boomers are.
This is the definition of fair-weather patriotism. I'm surprised there is no greatest ally shirt.
This, This, and This some more.
It’s basically like that here too. Based boomers
America is God's gift to the world. It is a nonstop source of absolute fucking retardation.
Probably a highway gas station.
I dunno, less than an XL you are probably gay, manlet, or a complete pussy.
Idiocracy incarnate.
>Posting truck stop tshirts
Also, I just checked the sizes of those shirts.
>only a handful of mediums
>everything else is XXX-L
The real Americans are
>did was this.
While I agree with the sentiment of the shirts, I'd never wear any of them. A man should wear a button down shirt or at least a polo shirt in public or when entertaining company. T-shirts are basically underwear.
I own two cutoffs with eagles and american eagles purchased at walmart for $6 each
I like them
Did was you questioning my grammar?
*tips fedora*
They have mental problems, 99% of that shit a normal person never thinks about and is not concerned with.
people do wear this stuff but its not like its popular fashion
Based, where to cop?
It's funny because it's true.
Those are truck stop t shirts.
>support our troops
die for israel goy
You should come visit Florida sometime.
These are sold at pilot/flying j truck stops in America.
Source:am trucker.
We love our freedom
We love our guns
It's really not complicated.
We wear our views on our sleeves. It’s called freedom, try it.
No icefag this is a truck stop. Basically a huge gas station that caters to the doomed souls that delivery our freight.
Truckers are odd characters and I can see why given the hours they work. Many seem to have these types of antisocial attitudes.
I met one once that was high on meth in an Applebee's (fake wholesome chain restaurant) and he was on like his 3,000th mile of the week or something crazy delivering hogs for slaughter from Georgia to Kansas City.
Imagine driving around Iceland twice per day perhaps is a close analogy
i would unironically ironically wear the first one
That's rich coming from a penal colony.
I live in the midwest and i see ppl wearing this stuff all the time. I love it, especially when you see a limp wristed onions boi wearing a che Guevara shirt at the mall.
We haven't been free for nearly a century, silly boomer.
You're asking the wrong question. The real question is why expressing these sentiments would get you thrown in jail in most Euro cuck countries.
And I'd like that with a side of freedom fries.
>A man should wear a button down shirt or at least a polo shirt in public or when entertaining company. T-shirts are basically underwear.
>t. never done a day's work in his life
I bet you think farmers are poor too
Boomer detected
Do you also wear socks with sandles, and at some point in your life referred to the "stopping power" of .45 caliber?
if i would move to burgerstan, i would wear those stuff all the time
Why? He already lives in hyper-Florida. Their snakes are more venomous, their sharks are bigger, their crocs are bigger than our gators, and their people are drunker. Florida is just the tutorial level for Australia.
Quads of absolute cucking of the Eurocuck.
Is that really a lot of miles? I've driven coast to coast a few times on various routes and averaged 550/600 miles a day pretty easily. My longest stretch was 14 hours and I woke up and snapped off a 12 to follow it pretty easy. If the vehicle has a comfortable seat, I have music, and I can smoke cigs once an hour, I'm good.
Except northern texas. Fuck that place.
Entrepreneurial? Whoever made those tshirts was pretty smart knowing there would be idiots to buy them.
Those shirts and truck nutz are pure americano.
This one bothers me. Why would you ruin a perfectly good rifle like that, or let it fall into enemy hands?
>a leaf
>not concerned with freedom
Checks out.
Looks like a pilot/flying j
t. trucker
Yeah same, wearing a retarded american flag hat with the straw and the beers and a MURICAH FUCK YEAH shirt while I scream at niggers playing some niggerball game is my personal american dream.
Ive always thought it would be amazing to live in idiocracy world. It would be so easy to do literally anything you wanted by just tricking people. When I thought about it I realized the movie is just how jews see things.
>a perfectly good rifle like that
That is known as the battlefield cross. Their boots, their rifle, their helmet put on display on their base in a symbolic motion. It is a memorial to recently killed soldiers.
And the rifle is stuck into the ground by it's bayonet you fucking retard, and in any case, guns arent so fragile that being in contact with dirt will harm them. kys
That is what we average otr. Take into account delivery times, mandated 10 hr breaks, etc
Agreed, I would unironically wear that one around to places. It's the only design out of them that I like.
Don't forget your Metamucil!
Camisetas de la Creatura
I like the bottom one, seeing how Merkel was disgusted with the flag ... I want one with ours.
I bet he loves israel too
Why would we be gifted retardation?
You mean the flag of the guys who probably ruined our hope of a strong white civilization for ever ?
usually an american city will have a black section, a white section, and then a POOR white section. for me the southern end is the poor white area, where you find stuff like this. there's a very popular truckstop with all of these shirts.
These shirts are Boomer equivalent of shitposting.
>that to nice restaurants.
Olive Garden isn't a nice restaurant Jerald
Am I the only one who wants to see the hats?
Americans don't even speak English properly.
>Only 16.99 partner, support our troops!
Fuckin cucks, they are being skinned alive and are cheering!
Jews love it!
Looks like that pic was taken at a truck stop.
I would buy all of them except the snowflake one.
>A man should wear a button down shirt or at least a polo shirt in public or when entertaining company.
i really want to know what these kinds of posters look and act like irl
I was born in the US and my Dad wears shirts like that and since he learned how to use the internet he also posts pictures like that.
Cringe worthy shit like this is certainly part of the American custom and tradition, yes.
That wasn't written by an American. It was written by a nigger.
every day before checking the mail
>hat that never comes off, even at the table
why is that a rule, anyway.
>i really want to know what these kinds of posters look and act like irl
big tony
now that's some cringe
these messages should be in your head, not on your chest and back. virtue signalling for hicks lol
I think it's pretty funny. If they could sell shirts that said "SUCK MY DICK" with an American flag on it, they would.
i see the american flag but all i can think of is Norf F.C. when i see those faces
This, however kneeling for a middle eastern kike should not be in their head either.
That’s obviously from a truck stop, or Paki gas stations. No one honestly would wear that, but a truck driver, or a braid-wearing Boomer edgelord.
Where’s our “Don’t step on snek” shirts?
This. I go to Ohio every year and I've seen tons of this clobber, both being worn and in stores. I love it, it's like a hard-faced way of rubbing-in your freedurm of speech.
Depends on the political environment youre in. Youd find that more in small towns where the owner of the shop decides the merch. Places with hunters and agriculture and trucks, but you get to the more liberal places and its shit like i love my dog and I drive a hybrid. Also notice how much more extra large and up there are than larges and meds, actually surprised to see a medium at all, Its probably gonna go to a fat child.
>doing anything ironically
go back back hipster trash
They can and do.
Saw a guy in a Lowe's once wearing a shirt with flag and an angry eagle that said something like "don't like it? FUCK OFF!"