The white population is dropping all over the Western World. Is your country still 90-something percent white or a diverse shithole? What percentage of your country is white?
What percentage of your country is White
I'm the only white guy in my immediate work group, one of the only non-indians on the floor
We're a Racially diverse shithole in the United States: It's 65% White here... What about your nation?
please let us keep some people white
95% if you take out the number of gypos in the West.
0.3% muslim only 90% Orthodox.
And our diaspora went from 3.5 to a estimated 5-7 mil.
3 kids Romanian families in the UK for example is pretty common.
Yeah, I heard how white Nations in the Oceania region are being flooded with Asians. Do you think it would be put to a stop or continue?
I thought that Romania was whitter than that
OP let me use your mouth as a shitter
0.00% white 100% polish
They all look like trans. Bring back eugenics after we get rid of blackness
It's around 92-95 Most gypos migrate,to either France or UK.
47% on paper, probably less in reality like 39% i would say
America is not white fuck of niggers
I agree. You guys are pseudo-niggers of Europe. You envy racially superior Germans. Viciously killed over 15 million Germans around wwii.
We will make sure about your demise. Poland must perish. Germans should have their rightful clay.
Half of those are nigger tier peasants though so what does it matter
You probably reached 20% White because you are sending us all of your shitskins, especially Indios.
87% Danish and 92% white
They come here too...
Well they have been in Europe for more than 500 years.
Niggers are the problem the ones that you so enthusiastically bend backwards for.
about 70% overall, the cities are majority nonwhite.
What are the rest of 30%?
I know for a fact that in Brussels the 2nd most spoken language is Romanian.
Just so you Burgers understand.
Every country in Europe is 80% atleast.
Dunno about France,England however.Also dunno about Russia
12% Muslim
7% Black
1% Muttmix
8% Various others, Spics,Asians...
We were around 85% in 2012 so probably 2.78% now.
Countryside is 99.9% white,
Cities seem to look 65% white,
Towns 85% white.
Are those official cause i'm looking at some data atm.
And its atleast 81% Flemmish/Wallon (2018)
Also those various others are Eastern Euros as well.
And Im not counting albanians
The government releases the amount of people with a certain migration background.
These numbers are from 2015n but dont take in account illegals +-150K, Third generation(add about 20% to each number) and arrivals/depatures between 2015 and 2018 +-350K
I don't even know anymore , judging by Toronto standards .... Maybe 25-30 percent if you're lucky . My areas pretty decent , but some areas it's like travelling to another world lmao
Eventhough percentage of white declining,by sheer number we're increasing.The reason why percentage is declining is because other races started coming to US.Take for example between 2000-2010,white increase by 27 million.Black increase by 4 million.Asian by 5 million.So none of the minorirty race exceed white.It's only if you combine all minorities,you exceed white.
I am brown as shit and stupid af.
Well judging by that you have like a total of 1.2 mil non white migrants.
Lets add 300k gypos from all the eastern euro countries...1.5 mil
So you are at around 87-88%.
You'll be fine amigo:)
Atleast now we know that most EU flag shills are Murican and Strayans.
Thx for the info.
White in USA means arab, berber, Jews and half of spics though.
Racial statistics are forbidden in this shithole.
But considering
>we are with 11 million
>there are 700-800k muslims
>there are dozens of christian blacks in Brussels and other cities
>there are at least 200k illegal immigrants wandering around
I'd say we're 85% white
>Is your country still 90-something percent white
Its 2018... 90 percent white countries are illegal.
>So you are at around 87-88%.
You'll be fine amigo:)
The statistics of the younger generations are much more relevant, since our population pyramid is bigger on top. In our 3 biggest cities more than half of the kids at school aren't Belgian. In Antwerp 74% of the 0-9 aren't Belgian.
I think we're only 70% white in the -25yo bracket