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>nigger hand
the state of it lads
step your game up cunt, that image is ages old
It was in Finland btw.
Because the beauty of the White Aryan woman must not perish from the earth.
>3 down 3 across
She needs to be told again.
>Middle right
Fucking Aria Stark
>thot swat
Black genetics
What did the woman do to deserve this? Fuck his bestfriend?
so glad I wasn't born a sociopath
you people are retards
worthy of being killed really
Outside without her burqa. Didn't you see the text on the top left?
>dat babooshka
you mean slaves?
get your language correct lol..
bitches who do the kings bidding or die
Need more whores getting murdered by their nigger boyfriends threads.
>associate with black wannabee ganstas.
>what could possible go wrong.
Naive white girls need to stop this retarded shit.
Leaving the kitchen
Sorry but you posted what looks like a white couple engaging in domestic violence.
This thread is about paying the toll
Camwhoring. Thats her dad
you are rus
dirty rus poster
pick one: paying the toll is a price that all women who choose non-white mates must and will pay.
No. This is a thot patrol thread. It's actually better when it's a white dude
look how jewish of you
>harder, harder!
bitches love being manhandled like this
>It's ok if she is a roastie as long as she doesn't fuck niggers!!!!
White knight cuck pls go
wew, no one deserves this
kill it with fire
That woman was outside without a male relative escort, smoking, and her head and thighs were uncovered. The lad went easy on her: she should have been stoned. Massallah.
>talking shit while posting a cuck video
Kill yourself
Lynch all thots
Black "men"
slav > white
the fuck, that dude started the shit
>"it's better when it's a white dude"
>posts a Russian webm
All roasties eventually fuck a nog. They seem to think that women can and should "sow their wild oats" even though they have no fucking oats to sow.
I know you're just replying to a tard, but I wanted to point that out.
If you think that was a proportionate response to her flicking a match at him then you are the true subhuman. He is a nigger in every sense of the word.
>"sow their wild oats"
does female autism even know any bounds?
How can literally anyone still defend white women. The only way to save the world is to put a pullet in every single womans head
The French whore was thrown off of her shitskin bf's room because his mom was coming in.
>He is a nigger
That's why niggers are replacing you, whitey.
i need to see the pepe hitormiss gif now