I was listening to a podcast where boogie2988 was being interviewed

I was listening to a podcast where boogie2988 was being interviewed

He's easily over 400lbs yet he says he's never had a problem getting women, had a girlfriend when he was a teenager, had several long term relationships with hot girls before meeting his wife and now that he's divorced (at the age of 43) is fucking 20 year old camgirls who are an "arkansas 10/LA 8"

I'm a woman in my mid twenties who's never been able to get a boyfriend even though I've tried online dating and going out to bars and parties and social events. All I've been able to get are people wanting to hook up and have a one night stand. I hover around 200lbs although I've usually been around 160lbs until recently when I gained weight

How come a middle aged man with loose skin and lymphedema can get dates and I can't? I guess I'm incredibly ugly and boring?

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do you just sit around waiting for someone to show an interest in you? because i guarantee people like him don't do that.

He couldn't be lying at all could he? I mean Boogie wouldn't LIE!!!

Like I said, I go out to social events and put myself on dating sites. I've pursued guys and been rejected by all of them (and I definitely don't just go for conventionally attractive guys either)

I absolutely one hundred percent guarantee you that he did not date attractive women. Maybe by adv standards, but not by everyone else's.

He sounds so self-assured it really doesn't seem like he's lying

He's probably counting hookers.
>all i can get is one night stands
And do you take the offers? If you start whoring around like that, it could be why. Nobody wants to date a doorknob.

So he lied about how attractive they were?

He describes dating them and moving in with them and stuff

I haven't had sex in years and I've only had sex a few times before I realised casual sex wasn't for me.

You could try pof. It's a bit less skany than tinder. Or you could try asking guys out.

He's "famous" and has money now. Someone decent looking will throw themselves at him just for that.
You aren't those things I assume so comparing is pointless.
If you're perfectly happy with how you are then you need to settle for someone willing to love you how you are right now. That isn't going to be a 10/10 prince charming most likely.
If you're willing to put in the work to better yourself (in more ways than just looks) then you can strive for something more.
You're only going to get the effort you put into yourself out of a partner.

People lie. More at 11.

Attractiveness is relative you retard

I tried pof, okcupid and tinder

Well even unattractive men don't want me so...

How can you tell when people are lying or not?

online dating is bullshit. of course that doesn't work for you, most people use them for hook ups only.

Ask for numbers and make the move to set up dates then. You cant depend on the guy to do it i guess

I have tried that

I got ignored.

Are you actually getting to know the guys but end up ghosted or are you just asking guys out en masse?

You have no sex appeal... lose the weight and tone up and you’ll get men.

If you dont wish to stop earing bags of chips nd tubs of ice scream while only watching youtubes and betflix enjiy yiur fatty lonly fate.

Well I try to get to know the guys and be their friend but they don't want to be friends with me

Even when I was a thin teenage girl I couldn't get a boyfriend, it's the same whatever weight I am

Ffs where do you live if you're close I'll date you just to prove you wrong(no sex included).

Boogie wasn't dating good women, one was a manipulative feeder who locked him in a basement for 3 weeks til the cops saved him

Fuck off nigger shes mine

>now that he's divorced (at the age of 43) is fucking 20 year old camgirls who are an "arkansas 10/LA 8

Do you have a source for that? I follow his channels, and that just doesn't sound like the sort of thing he'd say.

sounds better than being unwanted and alone

regular people dont have successful youtube channels with half a million suscribers and give conferences, taking boogie or anyone like him as an example is extremely idiotic, he doesnt represent normal people


boogie got lucky. for every boogie there's 1000s like him worse then you

well he is rich as fuck so camwhores gona whore.

>social events
such as?
>dating sites
dating sites arent daiting sites, dating sites are quick fuck sites
just try to do things that involve other people, there isnt any big advice that anyone can give you, maybe you are ugly, maybe it is something else, maybe nobody will ever love you if it is outside of your control then it can be painful but it is outside of your control, all you can do is keep trying different things because one of them may make you happy
If you live in a city and have realistic standars you can find somewhere tto go and something to do that involves people

For one, Boogie is a lot older where being a fat male didn't mean as much and in a lot of areas was even kind of expected. He also put himself out there a lot. Also, being overweight is a lot worse for women than it is for men, though it's almost equal in these days.

>I hover around 200lbs

Do not he lost a shit ton of weight since he divorced.

He didn't give his height brainlet. 200lbs can be either a small moon or a hungry skellington depending on height. It tells us nothing.

It's a girl

Parties, talks, conferences, that sort of thing

Even when he was young and broke he had girlfriends, his stories are from before youtube

> He also put himself out there a lot

What exactly do you mean by that? Like going out a lot?

>What exactly do you mean by that? Like going out a lot?
Literally anything that involves speaking to other humans outside of a professional context.

>Even when he was young and broke he had girlfriends, his stories are from before youtube
and? hes still one VERY RARE case.

Then I put myself out there a lot too.

If boogie is very lucky then i suppose op is very unlucky

I guarantee you that on some level he's lying about how many women he's slept with. Probably including hookers, too.
As I recall, there was some fuckery about either his wife or one of his long-term girlfriends being one of those degenerate fucks who latches on to someone with a horrible health condition, his morbit obesity, and enables them so that their spouse is dependent on them for even the most basic tasks.
Boogie puts on a face as a super nice guy who's chill and just has some personal demons with food, but I guaran-fucking-tee you that he's hiding a lot of personal shit he deals with. YouTube personalities are just as fake as celebrities, never forget that.

>he's hiding a lot of personal shit he deals with
He's actually very open about his problems. That's one reason he has so many followers.

You were never a thin teenager, just relatively less large.

I was 60kg when I was 16, I consider that to be thin.

As an adult I've always been overweight

>Parties, talks, conferences, that sort of thing
so all passive events where you meet complete strangers instead of something that will help you build relationships with people

What kinds of events are those then

you cant think of asingle active thing you could do with other people?
i dont belive you

I just told you all the things I do with other people and you said they were too passive

So no I can't think of other things other than parties and public events

I can grantee that your personality is the biggest problem for most men. I can't say whats wrong with it ofc since I don't know you at all. But I think that most men would at least give you a fair chance if it seemed like hanging out with you would amount to a good time.

Well only you know the answers..

Also. Do you work, have a stable career and goals?

Truth be told its a bit odd for women not to have a boyfriend every month

Is there a park or equivalent where you live?
Then there are people who get together there for running and biking and doing all other sorthts of physical activities, that's a start, outgoing people who like physical activities are highly sociable, if you feel too insecure there are also similar things for people trying to loose weight or people who don't want very physically taxing activities
That's a good start but there are plenty of other things, for every single useful thing there is a class that teaches how to do it, you could learn how to sing or dance or play a music instrument too, that's not very useful
A class is a consistent environment where you will interact with the same people over and over for a long period of time
But you won't do any of this, you will keep complaining and being passive and waiting for some man to magically appear into your life and save you from being so boring like the little Disney princess you see yourself as
All you do with your life is drinking with your drinking friends, sitting on a chair while someone who actually has something to say speaks and walking around at the anime mall

You know what the difference between you and boogie is? Boogie isn't passive
Sure he is fat as fuck, be eats like shit and if he tried to jumpw his feet would just detach from his body but he created a you tube channel a d grew i t enough to be really popular by creating content people wanted to see
By taking trips that where difficult for his massive body to meet his fans
He made the effort of going outside and meeting people and forming relationships
Boogie is better than you, don't look down on him

I'm a college student, I have classes with people all the time, still no 'boyfriend'

But you're right, I am boring and I don't know how to become interesting.

I do make the effort to meet new people though. It just never leads to an intimate relationship

Haha, I go out and meet people too. I have no problem making friends so I don't know what you're talking about. It's just that I can't get a date/boyfriend

>I struggle being social in college
Fucking hell, I have a hard time finding food at a supermarket
What the hell are you doing?

I'm social, but I've never met friends in classes only in bars/at parties. So I can be social, but classes aren't where I'm good at socialising.

By drinking and being a passive person
Do you think that going to a party is the same as weighting over 600 pounds and taking a trip half across the country?

If you only meet people in bars and parties you are only ever going to meet people who are exactly like you, no wonder every single relationship in your life is shallow and meaningless

What's not "passive"? I'm not sure what you mean, meeting new people and talking to them is pretty active if you ask me

Well it's not like I didn't try to make friends with my classmates.

doing things
fucking doing, do you understand doing?
do you ever put any effort into anything?
relationships are hard
intimacy is hard
emotional connections are hard
if you want to have meaningful relationships with people you have to learn to put effort into it, you arent doing it and the people you meet are just like you and they arent doing it either
is this the life you want? people who only call you when they want to have fun but when you need something or someone they just avoid you?

you didnt

I do things, what makes you think I don't do things?

I have projects and classes and things like that. I get along with the people I work with but it never turns into an intimate relationship

Boogie was literally a shut in and he's said he's never approached women in his life, they've just come to him

He's 6'2.
Unlimited free success with women.

Once again: fat females are more disgusting than fat males, and Boogie is a lot more desperate than you.

Here op Make each other happy.