So seeing how well such a simple campaign as "It's ok to be white" worked , we could use the same simple template to trigger the muslims worldwide , and prove it once and for all that they do not belong in modern society
Something like "Muhammad is a pedophile" would be a fact that is backed by their cult manual(we could even put the Quran verse at the bottom) , so they can't deny it , and it will trigger a massive chimpout like never before if we put it up everywhere all over the world,not only from the mudslimes but from their libtard defenders as well
We could also use caricatures of the guy , like the Charlie Hebdo guys did , that worked extremely well for sure in triggering the savage monkeys to mass murder
Any ideas welcome , let's get this show on the road!
If you want to do something make it different than IOTBW. As we all know there is no phase two so making it similar to IOTBW is a bad idea.
The only real answer is to stop being apologetic for the truth and start telling everyone you know ever redpill you know.
Never relent. Always name the jew, always. No exception.
Aiden Wright
This is not phase two
This is an idea to get out of the boring stagnancy and slow takeover of everything by these animals , get people motivated to stand up against them
Camden Russell
how about We demand the right to consummate marriage with our 9 year old brides to follow in the legacy of the most perfect man! No longer will the Muslim community cower and submit to foreign ideologies and backwater moralities. I mean they have a point, morality is subjective. They get to have MKUltra programmed submissive NPC wives by doing this.
Aaron Kelly
I just got an even better idea , we could even set it up so it will look like it was started by jews to maybe something like "Jews disavow the pedophile prophet Muhammad" , and we could wear kippas or those big jewish hats while putting the posters up
What if they respond with instances of child rape in Christianity?
Juan Lopez
Someone who is bored with the stagnancy , i want to see some action now , this slow takeover is fucking BOOOORING
i highly doubt they would respond with reasonable arguments , they kill each other over less
Sebastian Sanchez
Good, all religion is a cover for pedos
Andrew Mitchell
I don't understand why nobody has reuploaded the "Mohammed's Gay Bar" music video onto Youtube since it was taken down a few years ago.
It resulted in that spergout in Sweden and the creator's life was threatened by Muslims worldwide.
Connor Smith
How about "Aisha is a whore". That will really start a shitstorm.
Samuel Edwards
Good. "Mohammad was a pedophile" is a good start. Quoting recent ISIS manuals about how to be a good Muslim should be added. Madern Islam is a rotten as the originator.
>it is possible to rape one's own wife This is retarded feminist nonsense. There is nothing wrong with fucking a 6yo girl. They are hot and made for sex.
This sounds like a brilliant way to get yourself murdered and spark another wave of islamic terrorism. Good job OP.
The point of IOTBW was to be an innocent statement that most reasonable people would get behind and would open their eyes to the extremists who found it offensive. Saying Mohammad was a pedo, while true, is inherently provocative and you're going to be stuck trying to find normal people who'd stick up for a message like that.
Exactly, in the mean time, do your part and plant bamboo seeds in random people's lawns.
Ayden Sullivan
Then these muslims are submitting to foreign ideologies, Mohammed would be ashamed of these converts, no longer practicing the true religion but a shadow of it.
Noah Martinez
yeah enjoy the neverending subversion then fucking lukewarm cuck,IOBTW changed nothing , normies still dont give 2 shits about being colonized
Who is this "we" you speak of? Not your personal army, that's who.
Christopher Reyes
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
Adam Fisher
Oh dont worry you dont have to do anything , just shit on your ass and mommy will make you tendies
And? What's wrong with fucking a 6yo girl? They're hot and they like it so why not? >they're too young!! The only thing determining whether it is okay for a man to fuck a cunt is if he owns her. Her age does not matter.
Daniel Reed
Keep quoting the shameful truth about Islam. Mohamad was barbaric.
Kayden Ramirez
Wyatt Martinez
I would like to remind you niggers that a "Pedophile" is someone who haves sex with a "prepubescent" person.
In Islam you need to hit puberty to be able to have sex: "And when the children among you reach puberty, let them ask permission [at all times] as those before them have done. Thus does Allah make clear to you His verses; and Allah is Knowing and Wise." (24:59)
Read this: ttp:// It explains how in Islam it is forbidden for a child to have sex!!
Divide and conquer goyum! Yes those dirt poor middle eastern farmers and peasants are your enemy!
Die for Israel Goy, we're your greatest ally! And seeing that we own all the media and world banks, we are make sure you don't forget this either, you don't want to be an antisemite right?
Logan Green
Go away kike.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Its not the Mooslims in government, university, hospitals, police forces... that are kiking me.
>Gerimandering the definition of a child to explain away the pedophile foundation of Islam.
Actually, the definition of a pedophile is someone who has sex with someone younger than the age of consent, the lowest of which in any civilized country is 15.
Get the fuck out of here Abdullah
Cameron Robinson
Moohamhead thigh-fucked a 6yo. He was a genuine loli fucking cunnyseur.
Nicholas Cox
That's your shitty modern definition, (((AOC))) didn't exist that time. I would like to remind you that the age of consent in Western countries used to be lower before it got ZOG'd!!
Nope, he married her at 6 but consumed the marriage at 9. And according to the Hadiths she already hit puberty that time!!
Adrian Clark
>the definition of a pedophile is someone who has sex with someone younger than the age of consent Are you an actual retard? You seem to have legitimate brain damage. But that doesn't matter! Feminism has taken over that means anything else is evil! >consumed the marriage at 9. Yeah, but thigh-fucking doesn't count. And really it's the only way to do 6yo girls.
Joseph Reyes
>tight-fucking That whole thing is a meme that isn't based on a reality, there's no proof it happened!!
Aiden Nguyen
>I just got an even better idea , we could even set it up so it will look like it was started by jews, and we could wear kippas or those big jewish hats while putting the posters up
>Someone who is bored with the stagnancy , i want to see some action now , this slow takeover is fucking BOOOORING
>The only thing the goyim will understand is violence , on a massive scale
What cha doin' rabbi?
Jaxson Harris
Angel Bell
"Bukhari 7:62.88 Google it"
"حَدَّثَنَا قَبِيصَةُ بْنُ عُقْبَةَ، حَدَّثَنَا سُفْيَانُ، عَنْ هِشَامِ بْنِ عُرْوَةَ، عَنْ عُرْوَةَ، تَزَوَّجَ النَّبِيُّ صلى الله عليه وسلم عَائِشَةَ وَهْىَ ابْنَةُ سِتٍّ وَبَنَى بِهَا وَهْىَ ابْنَةُ تِسْعٍ وَمَكَثَتْ عِنْدَهُ تِسْعًا."
These are the only posters you need.
Maybe throw on a snappy hashtag, like #islamincompatible
Juan Sanchez
Cooper Bell
William Murphy
Easton Harris
He wasn't the only, everyone in the medieval times did!! And I would like to remind you it has nothing to do with being black, it's just that the ones in the slave market were black!!
Ian Diaz
>gods perfect man
Nolan Bell
Luis Hughes
No, it isn't. Also, it isn't a real marriage if it isn't consummated so must have bone when she was 6. I ain't even against it, 6yo girls should be fucked.
Liam Jackson
The difference is you are pretending that is okay today. You are pretending that somebody mentally a child being fucked by a 54 year old man is okay. You are elevating this man. It get worse, too - It blames God for making her attractive to Mohammad. By "providence" she attracted him, it was a miracle, and so on. It's incompatible with our society's values.
Or do you think that no Muslim apostates would reply? I attended so many weddings of 9-12 year olds in Michigan. Every fucking month, two or three. Police do nothing because it's "racist." Fuck you pedophile fucks.
Ryan Richardson
It's ok to own slaves as long as you treat them well.
It's forbidden in Islam to beat your slaves: "Abu Mas'ud al-Badri reported: I was beating my slave with a whip when I heard a voice behind me: Understand, Abu Masud; but I did not recognise the voice due to intense anger. He (Abu Mas'ud) reported: As he came near me (I found) that he was the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) and he was saying: Bear in mind, Abu Mas'ud; bear in mind. Abu Mas'ud. He (Aba Maslad) said: threw the whip from my hand. Thereupon he (the Holy Prophet) said: Bear in mind, Abu Mas'ud; verily Allah has more dominance upon you than you have upon your slave. I (then) said: I would never beat my servant in future." ( Sahih Muslim Book: 28, Hadith: 4396)
Jacob Green
If you believe your god told you it’s ok to own slaves, you are under some serious brain washing
Jeremiah Nelson
Actually I was thinking of following up IOTBW with some stuff like "It's okay to save money". The economy literally can't function without debt and debt repayments, meaning (((someone))) will overreact and paint this as economic sabotage. But to the average person, how could it NOT be okay to save money? Isn't saving money how you afford the stuff you want? Why are these people saying the message is harmful? Is there something harmful about saving money, and if so, what?
But sure, go after the muslims an the pedos.
Logan Powell
Jack Perez
Also put a little star of David on each poster so the mudslimes don't get confused about it's origin
try to think outside your binary box for a second you fucking droid
Landon Bell
I'm going to fuck my own 6yo daughter. It's what little girls are for. >It's incompatible with our society's values. Because your "society's values" are just feminist nonsense. Feminism says "fucking sexy little girlchildren is bad" and you just accept it. > I attended so many weddings of 9-12 year olds in Michigan Good, girls should be married young. What, you think girls should be sluts instead?
Jacob King
Oh god what a stupid thread. A kike trying to make the world.hate on muslims on Jow Forums nonetheless. You're stupidity started when you said Prophet being a pedophile. That shit came out of jews later on. There is absolutely no hadith like that, let alone a Qur'an verse XD. The prophet freed a black person Bilal from slavery so you must be pretty stupid of you think islam endorses slavery. Also, although there is no age limit for sex or marriage in Qur'an, there is an absolute law that marriage can not happen without the bride consent AFTER removing all pressure on her to marry. Egypt lately in the news have further enforced the ban child marriage. Bahrain has also the highest age of consent for sex at 21 in the world. Come back when you have better arguments.
Elijah Moore
>Mentally a child WTF man, a child is "prepubescent" person. You can't be physically pubescent and mentally prepubescent.
I would like to remind you that she asked for sex, see In the verses it says the girls need her parents permission to have sex, if she asked her parents then it means that she wanted it.
>You're pretending it's ok today Nope, I didn't say it's ok to do it nowadays. I just said it was ok in the past!! In fact the age of consent in my country is 19 yrs, does that mean that I can call anyone who fucked an 18 yrs old outside of my country a pedophile?!
Lucas Cruz
Absolutely fake kek
Lincoln Foster
Who cares? This is their prophet. Jesus didn't rape little girls lol
Are you calling Dave Ramsey an economic terrorist?
Henry Martin
You know the best thing about twenty-nine-year-olds?
There's twenty of them >buh-dum-dum
David Long
How fucking stupid can you be
4 seperate Hadith say that Muhammad married a 6 year old. Do you not believe in the Hadith or Islam?
Aiden Cook
>our prophet was a celibate bitchboi! >get rekt mudslimes! And again you can not rape your own wife. Stop pushing this feminist lie. Having multiple wives(including a hot little 6yo) and producing offspring is objectively better than never touching a woman.
you don't sound very Confederate show your flag, fag niggers
Isaac Collins
Post them bring them cmon. Copy and paste them exactly like the original is in arabic. If the prophet was a pedophile the jews would have barked about it back then when he was LITERALLY living with them. You ve got so much confidencr post those hadith youre bulshitting about
Julian Long
>a child bride is just like an adopted daughter except she can be fucked So, exactly like a daughter? >once she grows up Ain't nobody gonna waiting on that. >FLAG FLAG FLAG Can you newfags just fuck off already?
Tyler Lee
> be UN flaggot > thread is stupid disregarded
Mason Kelly
>If the prophet was a pedophile the jews would have barked about it back then No, because back then this modern pedo hysteria didn't exist. Nobody cared if you married a preteen girl. >newfag talks about flags when he has nothing to say
Mason Gutierrez
Stop spreadin stupidity, youre accepting that the prophet married a child. He did not. This stupid claim by the kikes should come to an end. Anyone saying otherwise POST THE HADITH IN ARABIC LIKE HOW IT WAS ORGINIALLY Claims should be backed by proof
Grayson Robinson
Are you denying the Hadith?
Ryan Anderson
lol, have another (YOU) not new, but even if I were, even a newb can tell that memeflags hide your geoflag, which raises suspicion as to your motives behind hiding it
Aiden Morgan
search my ID; I've said plenty in this thread
Angel Ross
LMFAO, here comes the leftie (((Progressive))) Muslim!!
No I am asking you to post them here. Or perhaps you can't. Funny all that talk with absolutely no evidence. Kikes should just go and wait until the Jesus trashes them
Robert Johnson
Make any poster and you can be sure I'll stick hundreds and hundreds in all my neighbouring cities. I always keep my printer busy.
Xavier Thompson
William Rodriguez
real op, happenings now
Benjamin Wright
even though I disagree with your position, I agree with your standard of evidence it's the same standard that asks you to reveal your geoflag
Grayson Gutierrez
>even a newb can tell that memeflags hide your geoflag Yes, and anyone except newfags like you knows that geoflags are a new retarded feature that only leads to retards like you thinking flags mean something. >which raises suspicion as to your motives behind hiding it What? Are you fucking retarded? Flags don't matter. "Le memeflags" is how it's always been, only retarded newfags like you don't know that.