Why do white men vote democrats?

What the fuck is their problem? Do they just not care about their own wellbeing or their children’s wellbeing? What’s the standard mindset that brings someone to such a self destructive behaviour? Are they simply unaware or do they hate themselves?

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>What the fuck is their problem?

It’s self destructive to not be a liberal


Well all the great leaders of our past who united different warring tribes and clans threw away racism to do this.

Racism only turns you into a target. And as romantic as the Spartans at Thermopylae sound, they got slaughtered in the end. Also they were not white so good luck whitey.

what a brainlet understanding of history

Don't reply to leafs

Both white conservatives and white liberals vote against their interests for the same reason- morality and ethics, guided by what they believe are principles.

However, liberals do so naively and hypocritically. Their nigger brethren vote Democrat because they want gibs. The white men vote Democrat because they have no self esteem and desperately want the world to think they're caring, accepting and generous.

Not an argument

Completely the opposite. Liberalism is self destruction.

What exactly is "progressivism"? It's changing norms. It's ending traditions. It's self destruction.

But does it end? No. "Progressivism" is an ever changing ideological that will always attack social norms. What progressivism has championed for in the past for free speech, now champions against it with "hate speech laws".

Whatever norms "progressivism" is aiming for today, will be challenged and destroyed by "progressivism" tomorrow.


Better than the pathetic excuse that is conservatism: aka babbying

White guilt yuppies with no kids or property to give a shit about or 68er boomers who never got over their heyday.

Conservativesm is traditionalism.

If you hate your life and the way you've been brought up, chances are you're a progressive who's been damaged that wants to spread your mistery to others.

>Why do white men vote democrats?
White men don't vote democrats, they vote against being ostracized as some evil motherfuckers. White men have been pressured in the last 60 years to admit their guilt for all the shit that kikes and niggers caused. White men have been blamed for everything they were not guilty of. Two generations of white men have been grown and educated in the environment where if you even as much as tried to have a discussion defending white men, you would be called literally "YOU FUCKING HITLER IS GONNA KILL KIKES NEXT RACIST EVIL DEVIL CRACKA". Therefore white men adopted to this situation while it was relatively comfortable to do. It was comfortable to call yourself "a democrat", while the economy never really hit any lows. The US economy really hit the bottom in 2008, when kikes with a nigger in the office pushed for 1+ trillion USD emission and bailed out of all sorts of kikes. The cause for this economic crash was obviously (((the events))) that took place on 2001.9.11

Now white men don't feel any comfort since economy is getting more state controlled, looking more and more like China or USSR. Business is being suffocated by foreign outsourcing. Economy itself is being suffocated by niggers, migrants, spics, kikes. White men are quickly turning not even to GOP but much further to the right. Literally to Hitler. That which once was a tainted, avoided opinion, now became the main foundation for discontent. That is why kikes and letists elites are pushing so badly for foreign migrant invasion, so niggers would outnumber whites as quickly as possible. They really don't have time since even at best niggers are not going to outnumber whites until 2050 and lefties simply don't have 30 years to contain white discontent.

Only 10 years ago white men voted Obama, now they would easily vote Hitler if such candidate was a choice.
Adding oil to the fire are kikes openly calling for white genocide. White men are gonna vote with guns soon.

Nice one Portuguese bro

Adaptation and change is the true tradition.

Koala-ty leaf post m8. Remember, if you kill your enemy they win.

>implying most republican politicians care

>being a tranny is true tradition
Why are all leafs fucking retards?

Who says you can’t kill your enemies? Racists are free game.

Hey you’re the one who’s first thought was trannies

Lmao, my race has no bearing on my personal identity.

As a white man I vote democratic because they generally support the policies I believe will most benefit the country as a whole.

I give zero fucks about the "white" race continuing on. We should all be intermixing and anyone claiming this is somehow a bad thing is just retarded and scared of losing what little they have in their lives.

If being white is all you've got going for you, you're just a shit individual, race has nothing to do with it, and being white doesn't change the fact you're a useless waste of space.

You’re a doomed soul. Please race mix, we need traitors out

My preference is for asian women like most intelligent white men. But there are some cute white girls as well.

We'll see.

Growing a white liberal faggot takes a lot of effort, investment and time. Turning a white liberal into a full blown SS death squad commander is fast and cheap - just make that liberal really equal to some nigger and the illusion is gone in a puff. Everyone really knows that liberalism is only "white people larping as good goys while it profits them". When the profits or even the benefits are gone, then it's back to the good'ol'days. It's the law of the jungle. Have you seen how tigers in captivity would allow themselves to be petted acting like total faggots, allowing herbivore prey to play with them? That is because the tiger is being well fed, well over his usual daily norm, as a result tiger is passive. But stop feeding the tiger even for one day and he'll blood bath the whole fucking zoo. A zoo keeper may larp as long as he likes as if the tiger is a good goy. The same with white people. We are predators. Niggers are prey. Always were. They are nothing but literally bulls. Yes, strong, but nothing more then pray and chinks are rabbits, small time game for us. Kikes are something like cats. They used to be our pets, but we "loved" them too much, so they grew on us. You know how a pet would think he's the master? Lol. Something like that. Kikes as craftsmen used to make nice things for us, make us feel good. At one point they were our good servants but for one reason or the other, someone decided to allow a servant to rule the house. I think it were us who allowed this, because we wanted for white men to wake up and kill all the exess of niggers in the world when the time came.

When the Industrial age began, the white elites understood well enough, that in 100+ years white men are gonna get lazy and niggers are gonna become numerous. So, we planned that by the time it all happens, that at the same time white men would be agitated enough and ready to kill niggers\kikes\chinks. It's kinda obvious if you look at it from a side, without emotions.

>says the pootuguese
you know, us actual white people don't consider you guys white...right?

It's because they're 30 year old soibois. Bam, boom. The number of boomer men who vote D is less than 30%, but up to 45% of Zoomer and Millennial men vote D. The younger you are the more likely you are to be a retarded fag.

Or the more likely you are to realize the republicans want to jerk off the wealthy donors and shit all over the environment so their bois in coal and oil can keep reaping immense profits despite all the evidence showing that we're well past the tipping point for global warming and we need to take drastic austerity measures NOW, or ruin our planet beyond repair.

Some of us give a shit about the planet we live, and the vast wealth disparity in our current economic climate.

If you're white and vote Democrat, you're a gaslit faggot who supports your country being turned into a third world shithole because at least voting for that will get you some likes on social media.

That's all it is. It's just about doing what gets them brownie points from the media that decides all their opinions for them.

>(((us actual white people))) don't consider you guys white
We'll check your genetics later, so we don't kill the ACTUAL whites.

because their fag boyfriends sayd ''vote this, or tonight i dont give you my dick''

it wasnt that long ago that the dems were the party of the unions and the poor. most people arent political and dont realize that the democratic party has changed. not everyone is an incel nerd that lives on the internet.

Grew up in liberal area Pacific Northwest . Didn't know anything about politics but I knew republicans we're evil fat cats and only retarded poor people and rich people voted for them. If you were Intelligent you voted Democrat and you were a better person for it you. This was what was I was raised to believe . Then I grew up. That's what the left believes

Yeah I think this is it

why do poor white men vote republican?
What the fuck is their problem? Do they just not care about their own wellbeing or their children’s wellbeing? What’s the standard mindset that brings someone to such a self destructive behaviour? Are they simply unaware or do they hate themselves?

user why would a poor white man vote for a party which says he doesn’t exist as all white men are privileged. Why would he vote for a party that supports open borders for cheap labor so that he can get his pay undercut so that poor white man cant support his family. Why would he vote for a party that will openly support an equity agenda that will disenfranchise his children and remove opportunities from them. Why would he ever do that?

every single thing you said is false. thanks for proving how brainwashed republitards are for voting for their corporate masters against their own welbeing

user are you literally retarded.
>>”white people dont knkw what it’s like to be poor” - Senator Bernie Sanders
>>”Abolish ICE”. - Senator Elizabeth Warren.
>> Equity- literally everything tweeted by Gilibrand
Lying fucking cunt

sanders isn't even a democrat
>abolish ice
this meme didn't even exist until this year

have any other anecdote to defend your corporatist masters?

You are literally retarded, as expected of a 30 year old teenager

>wealth disparity

Yeah it would suck if Hillary Clinton received more in donations from billionaires than Trump did, that would be a shame right Mr. Brainlet?


Because packing 40 million Mexicans into California shows a great love of the fragile ecosystem there.

>complains about corporations
>sees nothing wrong with the Dems literally sucking corporate dick

Lower taxes benefit small business owners. Large corporations simply offshore their money, and Trump is the only candidate to actually demand something be done about that. Obama literally gave a bailout in the trillions to companies like GM and saw nothing wrong with them flying around on their private jets.

You are so fucking retarded you actually take the lies Dems feed you at face value, rather than looking where their money comes from and how they use the Federal government as a piggybank to fleece you and pay off their rich friends with bailout cash.

Oh and let's not forget why rent is so high now! Mr. Obama let his friends at Blackrock Corporation buy up all the foreclosed properties on the cheap, and since they had a near-monopoly they jacked up rent costs. Obama, protector of the slumlords!

>Adaptation and change is the true tradition!
>No wait not I didn't mean trannies!

>Lmao, my race has no bearing on my personal identity.
It's funny because only a white person would say that.

Oh and let's not forget Obama talking about hope and change and then starting another war in Syria and another in Libya, and constantly pushing for America to launch a ground invasion of Syria.

But hey at least he wasn't Bush, because Bush was actually successful in being a warmonger- Obama just got millions killed without ever getting the popular support to get Americans killed.

I live in Southern California. Lately Ive been working in a wealthy, majority white part of San Diego.
While I was working I overheard the homeowner sneeringly reference Trump and it hit me. This wonderful white majority enclave is how California used to be. In the 70's California was 96% white and one of the most pro gun states in the Union. These Leftist Boomer fucks voted California into the grouplnd and now only they can live in this white paradise.
I live in a more (((affordable))) part of town amd Im regularly the only white person at the grocery store. Not only did the Boomers destroy this great State, but they still get to enjoy it. Theyre in these liberal echo chambers where they have no idea what their policies actually do and they just feed off of moral superiority

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>lower taxes benefit small business owners
so, why not cut taxes ONLY for small business owners? you realize the overwhelming majority of tax cuts were for the billionaire jewbergs?

Imagine how brainwashed you must be to think mr.goldbergstein earning 200k an hour is not a problem but pablo earning 5 dollars an hour for cleaning toilets is the problem

>muhh obamma!!

trump literally hired goldman sachs jews in his cabinet you braindead imbecile

Literally this

Your race has no bearing because you feel no "threat". Jim Clyburn is the ONLY high ranking minority in the Democratic House leadership. Only 55% of Democrats in the House are white, yet they occupy nearly every position of real importance in the Senate and House.

You would never vote for Al Sharpton because he's 100% black, you would only vote for Obama because he's half-white and you think you can control him.

The Democratic party is unironically the "real racists" because the entire party is structured to ensure white supremacy in the party.

And yet in just one or two election cycles the whites will be a minority of Democrats. What will you do then, I wonder? What happens when the minorities demand you move the fuck out of the way and step down from your stolen power, white liberal faggot?

>posts the "white is all you have going for you" meme

You are truly the weakest link, you dumb NPC faggot

Trannies would be a detrimental development doomed to extinction, like Panda bears that let their young starve.

Nature has to have losers too.

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Because small business owners fall into a specific tax bracket you stupid piece of shit. Closing tax loopholes for the large corporations is more effective than raising their taxes, because as has ALREADY been stated they are exceedingly efficient at hiding their wealth overseas.

You are one DUMB motherfucker


Don't pretend you understand us you little faggot


Pablo shouldn't be in this country and Daquan should be earning 10 dollars an hour as part of the toilet scrubbers union you dumb piece of shit.

It was LIBERALS who enabled the destruction of the United Farmworkers Union

>trump literally hired goldman sachs jews in his cabinet you braindead imbecile

Oh damn well I guess that totally makes up for Obama literally giving the bankers a trillion fucking dollars. Oh no wait, it doesn't.

You are a fucking puppet, so fucking dumb you repeat the same fucking Dem talking points they're blurted out for 50 years without ever making real fucking change.

>muh obbuma muh libruls!!
you republitards are like a broken record repeating the same buzzwords all over. Imagine how cucked you must be to defend so passionately your corporate jew masters while they fuck you in the ass lmao


You are literally this retarded


come on, even you can't be THIS dumb to think this is even close to true lmao. If republicans could they would have 0% corporate tax by now

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>What the fuck is their problem?
Let's take a look, because it's actually somewhat complicated, as understanding them is important if we hope to someday free them.
>Do they just not care about their own wellbeing or their children’s wellbeing?
Most white liberals don't have children, ergo they have no vested interest in the future beyond their ability to satisfy their hedonistic impulses. As for themselves, their atheist mindset breeds a nihilistic worldview, which further reduces their investment in bettering themselves or their station.
>What’s the standard mindset that brings someone to such a self destructive behaviour?
Hopelessness, guilt, and a deep fear of shame, brought upon by the oppressive eye of social media in a matriarchal society.
>Are they simply unaware or do they hate themselves?
It's a combination of both actually. Because they get all of their information from the (((MSM))) they are largely unaware of the truth, even if they research "multiple sources" (which are all owned by the same people). Their ignorance, coupled with a deeply ingrained sense of personal guilt, makes them more willing to only only accept the liberal worldview, but to fight vehemently to protect it out of an instinctual desire to atone for a past wrong, regardless of any secret doubts they may harbor.

Uncle Ted was pretty spot on with his assessment, definitely worth a read.

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Oh and also

>defend corporate masters
>"Obama giving a trillion to the banks is the same as Trump having a banker in his cabinet"

You are literally this desperate and retarded to defend forking over hundreds of billions of dollars to the banks and the corporations you claim to hate.

You unironically say you vote for the Democrats because they "stick it to the corporations" when all facts point to the opposite, then roll around and scream "WELL DRUMPF SHOULD HAVE TAXED THE BILLIONAIRES MORE" when closing tax loopholes did exactly that.

You have no solutions, you have no answers, you just want people to "give Democrats one more chance" because they constantly spew the same pretty words about bringing corporations to heel, then raise taxes on EVERYONE so they can fork over cash to wall street.

They go outside and have friends

The Republicans voted against the bailouts, genius. You are so fucking retarded you don't know the first fucking thing about RECENT politics yet you continue to pretend your opinion is worth more than dogshit.

>republicans lowered taxes
>this is the same as borrowing trillions, upon which trillions of interest will be paid to the FED- which itself is a bank- over the next 100 years

Wake up you braindead motherfucker, the Democrats are literally the party of the banks and Trump is literally the only guy criticizing the FED. How fucking stupid are you that you are unable to realize that Obama doubled the debt from 10 trillion to 20 trillion and got nothing as a result except enslaving us to eternal debt? How much of a child are you that even though Obama fucked your lily white ass raw you still believe that Beto is going to come save you, spouting the same bullshit Obama did while the DNC establishment is still intact?

You are fucking stupid.

Fat people with rainbow colored hair are not friends anyone should want to have, faggot

>hurr Obama bailing out a specific company to save millions of jobs and a bankruptcy that would have crippled the economy is the same thing as Trump giving tax cuts to ALL corporations while the economy was doing fine

man, you retards are played like a fiddle from your schlomo masters

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Because they don't feel like continuing to give power to the elites by keeping markets unregulated. Because they think the middle class shouldn't be heavily taxed, the upper 0.1% should. Because healthcare and education costs can bankrupt almost everyone in the country and no republican knows or cares to address that.

hey dummy look

>lose argument
>scream insincerely about jews to try and pretend he belongs here

Yeah that's what I expected from a redditor

>linking your own post

Learn how the website works you brainlet motherfucker, it's the easiest shit ever yet all you redditors struggle mightily to understand it.

My great-grandfather was an old school Dem: all about workers' rights and attempting to maintain a true middle class.

With every passing election, he sees himself alienated from the party he once voted for because the Dems stopped giving a shit about the working man and threw all their weight behind """progressive""" issues like trannies and faggots. He could never vote for the Republicans, so now he's stuck in a position in no one is worth a damn

>can't make counter argument
>hur go back to ledddit!
didn't expect much from a magatard

>If you have friends with anyone different from you you’re a faggot!

Incel detected


Holy shit we've gone into maximum fucktard mode

I was linking you to my post you braindead moron. How long are you posting here? maybe you would be more comfortable with the UI of r_The_Donald

I used to vote straight D, so maybe I can give you some perspective.

I grew up in the Bush era in a super red part of the country. The Iraq War was shilled super hard and everyone thought it was great.

When the Iraq War was revealed to be just a huge set of lies, it was a massive blow to me and my beliefs. Pretty simple-minded, but my brain went to 'Okay so if they are willing to lie so outrageously about the Iraq War, what else are they bullshitting us on?'

As Bush left the White House, I voted for Obama and the Democrats down the ticket pretty much purely because A - I saw the Republicans as the bad guys and B - they had 'progressive' ideas to fix things. Everything seemed fucked at the time with the economy and the wars so I thought 'alright, anything is better than this.'

Then as Obama went through the years I saw that the left was really just a different marketing strategy for the same system. Republicans, Democrats, both of them are retarded and serve the same masters.

My red pill was gun laws. I didn't know anything about guns and Sandy Hook happened, so of course I took the left's side on the debate since I had hated republicans so.

When I did a ton of research so could be educated on the topic, turns out the left was blatantly lying and misleading people as well. I felt tricked - AGAIN.

TL;DR - I voted Democrat so hard because of Bush and the Iraq War.

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Fucking Amen, grew up in PNW, that place breeds brainwashed whites. My whole life living there I swear “being republican” I fought a lot of scrawny white faggots in school over trying to brainwash me to be Democrat because I kept telling the Mexican kids to go get their leaf blowers out of there spic parents house.

Youre a fool if you vote either of the two major political parties.

You literally defend giving money to rich people for free, rich people who caused a recession and are still living in their fucking mansions propped up by Obama money.

And then you tell us "vote democrat, they cares about the people!" Your IQ is definitely below room temperature and you can't even come up with a decent comeback while you deepthroat that Blue Dick while the Democrats give another Handjob to their friends on wall street while pretending that they are the party of the working people while outsourcing more jobs and importing illegals to drive down wages.

You are the dumbest motherfucker, you have NO understanding of traditional labor politics and YOU are the reason why Unions don't matter anymore.

Kill yourself.

Yes, being friends with smelly ugly people means you are most likely smelly and ugly yourself.

>nu/pol/ are literally defending giving tax cuts to billionaire jews that will use their bonus money to subvert his country

this is peak nu/pol/

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Every single post you make gives me an alert on my extension you newfag motherfucker, something you'd know if you didn't literally come here from a redditor discord to try and "shill" because you're so fucking retarded you think you're clever with your obama dicksucking.

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>What is accelerationism?
Why would I vote for jews who want to discreetly slow boil me alive when I can vote for jews who want to outright kill me and thus further the collapse? Are you one of em good goy niggerloving MIGApedes?

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>if I repeat "jew" over and over they'll think I'm one of them!

When are you going to learn that that doesn't work? You're literally using a fucking memeflag to hide the fact you're not even American, which is a distinct quirk of shills like you.

It's like you people are so fucking stupid you constantly use the same failed tactics and unironically are unable to understand why your ideas don't work.

damn!! u magapedian r_the_bonalders are too smart for me to trick!

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Consider this question: is a United or divided middle East / Muslim world better for the United States interests?

Do you think most Ameritards can handle the truthful answer to that question?

(((Conservatism))) has conservered nothing. It is jewish bullshit that has been spewed for decades while it has conserved nothing. The people that label themselves (((conservatives))) are often more harmful to whites than supposed (((progressives))).

Lol. That was* Trumps entire platform. The White Blue collar working class. But I bet he's "Fuck Drumph" amrite? I don't know what they put in the water 50 years ago to breed such sheep.

I'd love to doxx each and every single one of those Shareblue and CTR employees so that people could hunt them down and torture them to death.

these retards are still in denial that republicans are the n1 pro-Jewish and Israeli group in the entire world aside from jews themselves. evangelicucks are literally kissing the ground after a jew walks by

It would be poetic justice if someone doxxed you, and filmed you crying like a little bitch while being slowly tortured to death and streamed it for the entire world to see, forever.

He distrusts everyone in politics. He hated anything to do with the Clintons but found Trump to be a tactless dickhead

how edgy! pls don't forget to post it on lebbit too for upbotes

Does being a paid shill give you enough money to buy your wife's boyfriend's kids new shit?

>He's a shit personality, why can't he be charming like Obama?
That's how I know your grandpas a airhead.

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hey bud, you forgot to include references to "BBC" and repeat the word "cuck" a few times, your conditioning is wearing a bit off

They like the idea of making the rich actually pay taxes and are often less hawkish than Republicans.

any white dude who votes democrat is a retard, we'll give people a pass up until maybe 2008, 2008 should have been different, but whites were brow beat, but its 2018 and no one should be supporting these bigots.

I don't know what's going on here. But this guy has a meme flag so he loses the debate

Israel and God’s Chosen People are our greatest ally and the literal GOD EMPEROR OF THE UNIVERSE has confirmed this.

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okay now this is an argument

This is why us MIGApedes need to stop pussyfooting around the question. Yes, we believe Israel and God’s Chosen People are our greatest ally and yes the literal GOD EMPEROR OF THE UNIVERSE has confirmed this. We need to just start admitting it instead of arguing with these alt right Nazipoos. #DeportAllNazipoosTooICE

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/ptg/ RISE UP

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If you faggots think you can flip the NPC script back onto us, you're sorely mistaken faggot. Leftists aren't funny, can't meme, have a complete detachment from reality, and have a lower IQ.

It makes me smile knowing how much you hate yourself, your life, and that you have no purpose other than being a cog in someone else's wheel.

kek, you faggots are insane

Because they care about things like fair pay, the environment, and access to healthcare. Ya know, good things.

And since white men generally earn more than minorities and face less explicit discrimination they can AFFORD to care about issues that benefit society as a whole and don't feel pressured to support policies that rely on fear mongering. Issues like crime, immigration, etc have a weaker direct impact on the population that is statistically the most likely to possess both material wealth and firearms.

Less vulnerable populations are more likely to vote for the greater good (as it applies to progressive politics, for lack of a better term, you know what I mean) over a vote that appears to more directly tie to immediate security.

They usually feel less threatened given their wealth and influence, and republicans rely on voters that feel threatened by things like immigration, crime, etc

You're just adorable