''Two white women decapitated in Marocco''

>''Two white women decapitated in Marocco''

Press ''R'' for Rip

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Most of these white girls who go to Africa are sex tourist freaks btw, so you shouldn't feel bad about them dying.

Press S to spit on roastie

Good job Moroccan friends

Out greatest and oldest ally.

That's stretching it. Blessed be Based Jefferson's name for killing those pirate sandniggers


Morocco is Americas oldest ally, have some class.

W for Why even go there?

based berbers taking out the eurotrash
i hope their last words while their throat was slit was; but i'm not racist!

Oh look. Dumb fucks did something stupid and died. Shocking.

>And nothing of value was lost

Because (((they))) have been pushing the idea that all people are equal and all cultures are the same so traveling through marocco is basically like travelling through Norway except more poor people.

I remember some Turkroach wrote here during an earlier incident he basically said:
"Why do you keep sending your blonde women out alone into the muslim world?! These people are like animals when they see a blonde chick they can't controll themselves."

Its really not funny honestly, these mental children, who were raised in a walled garden, were failed by society who didn't educate them on the savagery of the human animal. Should always have male escorts of your nationalitys as a woman in 3rd world countries , end of story.

Liberal values are born in ivory towers.

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Lol, here in Austria they only reported that they were stabbed.
Pretty gruesome death they received there.

You guys think they had any second thoughts on shitskins before they died?

I doubt even at the brink of death would a woman ever realize she was wrong.

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> if you don't want that Mohamed comes to you
> send thots to Mohamed

meanwhile are those spoiled idiotic chicks only a burden for every society

probably blamed themselves for being white and apologized, although it was there fault for going there.

They bent the knee but did little else for us. France was our oldest ally.

*Record scratch*

*freeze frame*

Yep, at least i'm not racist

Again (((subversives))) let wolves into the walls and then sheep get killed, its not the sheeps fault its the shepherds.
Depends on how long their deaths took, if it was quick then no, if there was an extended period of captivity, then theres a solid chance. Depends on the level of naivety.

their programming was in constantly reboot mode like an OS with fucked up kernel

Toll payed.

>Literally going into isolated mountains full of goat fuckers
What did they expected? Making friends?

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Goddamn burger, you don't even know your own history. Morocco was our only and first and truest ally during the revolutionary war.

They've been with us since we claimed independence.

you know, because there's a lot of room for interpretation on someone's head being sawed off
based and redpilled

Why were they killed though? They weren’t raped afaik

Maybe, maybe not. Sex tourists usually don't go climb mountains. There's no high mountains like that in Scandinavia so that's why they might have been there

Good point.
It all leads back to the false religion / premise of equality.

>muslims accept thottery

Fuck that these sheep cheered as the wolves came in

I remember it being labeled "neck wounds" or some shit yesterday

>American education
Not that this is taught about it in Swedish schools either, but we at least can excuse ourselves with having been busy with the much more important Napoleonic wars at the same time. Yet still found time to help you rescue your McDonalds-workers

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>sex tourist

sexually frustrated brainlets belive this

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Pussy got busted

The Barbary pirates wern't Morocco, they were located there.

poo, leaf, aussie or that one butthurt pole?


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Mental subhumans made bad decisions. Uhhh yeah which is why we are supposed to protect them from themselves. Women have the brainpower of literal children dude.The (((intellectuals))) who led them astray are to blame. Stop falling for (((their))) tricks

That true

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>go to muslim country
>get raped
>get beheaded

What did they think would happen?

No only old women do that.

These were too young somewhat attractive women. They would have no problem getting sex in Denmark or Norway.

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Were they decapitated postmortem or was that the cause of death?

What the hell is with Muhammadans and beheading anyway. It's almost like they can't not do it.

Yeah i would have just chained them up and kept them as sex slaves desu, what a waste of whores

quick, cheap and you can do it anywhere
and also because they are bloodthirsty barbarians

>things nobody cares about

they enjoyed it

I would with pleasure watch the video of this beheading.

>Scandinavian women
>African carousel
>Raped and decapitated

ROFL as if (((they))) even have to, women naturally believe retarded shit like that.

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>White people are stupid sheeps and (((they))) are the shepards that rules them
LMAO. At least our rapist beaheaders are native home grown. But to import your own killers? And then do eveything in your power to defend them? Man, I am glad to not being european.

That's not the point. Where is our big thanks for helping you invade your first country? Unintentional though, the Swedish fleet was just chilling and blockading the port of Tripoli when the whole American fleet suddenly showed up

Women realizing she was wrong would require intelligence and introspection, which we know women do not possess.

Well, thank you then? Is that what you want?

I was just saying the Barbary pirates are not Moroccan, they were a broken piece of the Ottoman Empire.

Another woman that wanted to travel the world just disappeared in Peru a week ago. Jow Forums right again. They never listen.

And how would you know?

Most often when cases are reported as murders. The women were also raped. News wouldn’t want to hurt the image of our Muslim brothers

Especially in filed court cases. They often don’t file the rape charge when there is a kidnap and murder because those two counts are easily proven and will get a life sentence anyways.

I would reasonably assume they were sex’d then killed.

It's what happens when you let women run nations. Even the ancient Greeks knew this and made a play about it, and this was without (((them))) having any major influence in the society. Women just have no place in politics, they are incapable of putting the tribe first and do everything in their power to ruin society when put in positions of power and authority.

A couple of years ago there where a terrorist attack on a beach-resort in Tunisia, where the attackers targeted European tourists.
In the aftermath tourism (which is the primary income in Tunisia) fell dramatically, and has only recently begun to normalize.

Morocco's economy relies heavily on tourism, they are not gonna jeopardize their economy because of a couple of death Europeans.
They are gonna obscure what happen, they don't want "raped and beheaded in Morocco" headlines in Europe.
hell, even if they can't find the people that did this, then they are probably gonna find some innocent guy and pin the murder on him - just to make Morocco safe again..

Why the fuck do white people go to Africa. No fair-skinned persons belong in that shit continent.

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The Barbary pirates sailed as far as Iceland to capture slaves. We did you euros a favor.

>Greeks knew this and made a play about it

Ah, yes, "The Assemblywomen". A play about women coming to power and instantly installing a communist regime. "A man may sleep with any woman, so long as he sleeps with all the women uglier than her first"


A recent best-seller put a very digestible narrative on this bit of history.
>Thomas Jefferson and the Barbary Pirates
The book empathizes how important this was as America's first test in projecting naval power abroad to protect commerce. I liked how much insight it gave to the diplomats getting shit done by themselves, no backup, no resources and thousands of miles from home.

And that's a good thing!



As if the Maroccan government has the brains and resources to track down whoever did this completely randomly in the middle of a fucking mountain.

They picked up some random inbred peasants and said "We gottem!"

Thank god, I can’t wait until these beheadings start happening on the streets of my city. Down with kafir pieces of shit

John Calvin was pretty based when it came women ruling as well.
"Yet consider now, whether women are not quite past sense and reason, when they want to rule over men. In a word, it is madness. For, were men made for women? It is true that today men are as channels through which God causes His grace to stream down upon women. For, from whence does labor come? From where do all the most excellent things and highlyesteemed things come? To be sure, it all comes from the men's side. So God is wellpleased for men to serve the good of women, as experience shows. Yet St. Paul has an eye here to the beginning of the creation, where it was said that it was not good for the man to be alone, and that he needed someone at hand who would always be ready to help. Since God was thinking of the man, it certainly follows that the woman is only an accessory. And why? Because she was only created for the sake of man, and she must therefore direct her whole life toward him. She must confess, "I am not supposed to be without direction here, not knowing my purpose and station. Rather, I am obliged by God, if I am married, to serve my husband, and render him honor and reverence. And, if I am not married, I am bound to walk in all soberness and modesty, cognizant that men have the higher rank, and that they must rule, and that the woman who disregards this forgets the law of nature and perverts what should be observed as God commands. This then the place to which St. Paul brings back women. (Men, Women, and Order in the Church: Three Sermons by John Calvin [Dallas: Presbyterian Heritage, 1992], pp. 3536.)"

Nearly every worthwhile culture in all of history knew this.

But us? No, we're special, our women are special, and the fact that they use every ounce of power given to them to destroy their men and country is pure (((coincidence))).

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probably snownigger whores but what happened mores epcificallY?

Morocco is pretty safe and civilized

Tenda cuck dicklet BTFO

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>Geez, what are we going to do this december, Frida?
>We could go to the Alps and scale some mountains, Ebba!
>What if we go to a muslim country instead? We are strong independent women after all

I hope they are considered for the Darwin Award

I think in those situations your brain doesn't compute higher thoughts too much.

They were probably thinking very little and feeling a lot of bad feelings

This sort of thing happens to so many White women every year that they'd have stiff competition.

That may be, but there is a certain level of sex tourism among women. They want to do their fucking far away from home, so no Ahmed from the neighbourhood talks bad about them...