Pulling troops out of syria

President Trump is considering pulling the country’s 2,000 troops out of Syria, in a move that would seek to describe the four-year American-led war against the Islamic State as largely won, officials said Wednesday.


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what implications could this have for the area? Considering that Russia and Turkey are both military competing forces for the territory and Erdogan is threatening a military strike on the kurdish workers party militia that our troops are supporting there. Is this a weak move?

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What kind of political move could be behind this decision? Any guesses or theories appreciated here. Literal brainlet on middle east politics in that area.

It means we made a deal with Turkey. It is hard to parse really.

Wrw, just heard Assad use chemical weapon!!!!

For the last two years Nato planes (Awacs) have surveyed the skies over worn-torn Syria. The team on board are seen as a crucial part of the fight against the group calling itself Islamic State.


>survey the Russian base as much as possible
>do absolutely nothing about IS except dropping a few bombs because SDF is worthless and starts losing territory

UN says 250,000 refugees could return to Syria in 2019


>no archive
kys faggot

sorry im a brainlet on the archiving thing. Care to break it down for me? is basically because you dont want to traffic their site?

>both military competing forces
Not so much. They came to mutual understanding. Wait for the intensification of Iranian - Turkish rivalry after US and Saudis are out of the picture.

Main thing that has been achieved by Russia geopolitically was to displace you as the top arbitrer for the regional conflicts and Turks have accepted that.

Yea I parsed they were cooperating together in the area. What is the purpose of fighting for that shit hole? I just dont get it. I guess I missed the whole reason it started there to begin with, the real reason it started and not the mainstream muh terrorists narrative.

so where on this map did the shit hit the fan?
Where did the fire start basically?

Attached: syria_civil_war_rebel_isis_control_map_2014-08-18_hi-res.png (1240x1024, 424K)

this one is more up to date. What is going here?

Attached: syrian-civil-war-map-of-control-2017-06-21.jpg (1230x1171, 389K)

It means that the US has decided to betray the Kurds (who were their main allies fighting ISIS) and allow them to get invaded by Turkey in return for Turkey's president Erdogan not further embarrassing the Clown Prince of Saudi Arabia by releasing even more details of the Khasoggi murder.

ISIS (which is still not defeated) will regain in strength in the short term, as the Kurds will have to focus on repelling the Turkish attack instead. What the Kurds SHOULD do is make a deal with Assad and not depend on the Americans (who always betrayed them in the past, eventually), but if past history is any guide, they won't do anything until it's too late to make any difference.

End result will be Turkey getting more territory for itself. At the moment, it claims to be in favour of a united Syria, but that's going to change down the line at some point, at a politically opportune moment.

Oh shit, civilians getting gassed tomorrow. I'd hate to be Syrian.


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That map is horribly out of date.

stop trying to pretend that you're smart

Yea we don’t want to give them clicks to help their (((ad revenue)))

This thread smells burnt ass! Soooo gooood!

Multiple converging reasons - eliminating Iran's ally, bolstering Israeli security by destroying a potential threat, saudi pipeline, testing new weapons...if Syria was a success for you then toppling Iran's gov would have came closer to reality.

So much for the colors that never run. USA btfo like shit pussies

Why is it you Turks enjoy shitposting so much? Seriously, I want to know.

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This shit is awesome, mutt. K*rds BTFO. They are yelling "come to defence ffs, where is US airforce". This day is my new birthday!

im just here to learn user. Im not smart and neither are you. Those who proclaim intelligence are surely the most ignorant, for learning never ends.

ah gotcha. Can you point me in the direction of a quick guide to archive?

I have a lot to learn apparently. I have had my eyes closed for so long in regards to the middle east by saying its not here so why should I care why should we be there. I know its something political im just trying to grasp the reasons.

Good summary of some of the issues to keep an eye out for (not all of which will be mentioned in the Western mainstream press):

South city of Daraa.
>rising social inequality
>biggest drought in 900 years
>poor rural young men (exclusively sunni) flocking to cities, finding no jobs, eventually they have started to protest for better social policies
>lingering memory of failed 1982 Muslim Brotherhood uprising
>2011 protests which were a part of Arab Spring were hijacked by jihadis almost immediately
>Saudi & Qatari money started to flow in to the rebels
>CIA and Turkey got involved next

And rest is history.

I'm unimpressed

Attached: Chad Israeli.jpg (866x965, 195K)

thanks checking now. also found this cool map
it looks like a twitter feed for war. kek


nice break down user. Thank you I will look into all of those events.


Does this mean the Kurds are going to get fucked by Assad?

ftfy gook

I know right not nearly enough.

>There is little information from official sources about the Russian air strikes. The Institute for the Study of War said evidence suggested Russian planes targeted deep into opposition-held territory, and helped Syrian government forces to retake control of the city of Aleppo in December 2016.

>Institute for the Study of War
Why don't you look at who funds this institute and who its members are.

I seen that and thought ' THAT SEEMS INTERESTING" How awesome would that job be?

>The Institute for the Study of War advances an informed understanding of military affairs through reliable research, trusted analysis, and innovative education. The Institute is committed to improving the nation’s ability to execute military operations and respond to emerging threats in order to achieve U.S. strategic objectives. ISW is a non-partisan, non-profit, public policy research organization. Dr. Kimberly Kagan founded ISW in May 2007, as U.S. forces undertook a daring new counterinsurgency strategy to reverse the grim security situation on the ground in Iraq. Frustrated with the prevailing lack of accurate information documenting developments on the ground in Iraq and the detrimental effect of biased reporting on policymakers, Dr. Kagan established ISW to provide real-time, independent, and open-source analysis of ongoing military operations and insurgent attacks in Iraq.

>Kimberly Kagan is the daughter of Kalman Kessler, a Jewish accountant and school teacher from New York City

Every fucking time

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I seem to remember the Russian military holding regular press conferences about their air strikes and other activities, actually. They're all up on some Youtube channel.

They certainly fought against all of the jihadis, both green and black. Russia's strategy has been to agree to ceasefires with the "moderate" ones but to keep fighting against the "non-moderate jihadis (Al Qaeda, etc.)". Since there aren't really any moderates, and all of those groups are linked, these ceasefires always eventually collapse as their financial sponsor proves unable to control the situation. The same thing is happening with the Idlib ceasefire - Turkey has proved unable to live up to its obligations.

The green ones had been funded by Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the NATO countries. The NATO countries have mostly pulled their support, and the Saudis and Qataris have more pressing problems these days. Turkey is the remaining sponsor of the "greens". Turkey has been using its greens as a bargaining chip, allowing Assad to conquer some lands from them in return for Turkey conquering some Syrian Kurd lands.

>Frustrated with the prevailing lack of accurate information documenting developments on the ground in Iraq and the detrimental effect of biased reporting on policymakers, Dr. Kagan established ISW to provide real-time, independent, and open-source analysis of ongoing military operations and insurgent attacks in Iraq.
Right. Independently funded by the US government (oops, by military companies who get all their money from the US government). Led by a neocon who supported the Iraqi surge and a prolonged Afghanistan occupation, both of which have been miserable policy failures. No biased reporting there, I'm sure.

Dam sounds like a whose dicks bigger situation. As usual bunch of powerful gibs me dats fighting for scraps from the big dogs food bowl. When will they learn

Nah doesnt seem shady at all, are you sleepy yet? Im sleepy.

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>This shit is awesome, mutt. K*rds BTFO. They are yelling "come to defence ffs, where is US airforce". This day is my new birthday!
Promise to kill them so they don't come here and steal more of our gibs

Knowing this meme, but acting all normie upthread?

I guess I've been had.

>Based Russia
>a few cockroaches
>military competing forces
top kek

The Russians and Syrians made an agreement with the kurds: Kurds will integrate into the SAA against the turks

Where did you see that? Last I heard, that's what the Russians/Syrians wanted to do, but the Americans influenced the Kurd leaders to stop those negotiations.

no user I've just lurked here for awhile I catch a lot of memes that I like and just save them. You've not been had you've been very helpful i truly am ignorant in middle east politics.

>golan heights not even in Syria
a jew made this map

The plot thickens......Go on then....sauce me



Opinion discarded

I guess the main question Im trying to get answered here is why are we there and what is the outcome if we never were there? Who would have controlled that area if we hadnt interfered and why would it have actually been a bad thing?

lol that map is completely wrong. All of southwestern Syria is under government control, and ISIS is just a sliver of territory along the Euphrates.

suspicious gas attack in 3...2...1
oh noes we need to stay now :c

ISIS would probably be stronger than they are now, which would be a bad thing because it's ISIS.

am i the only one who thinks this is a sign of shutting down the entire government?
>Going to save money after they are back.

>It means that the US has decided to betray the Kurds
they wouldn't own half of Syria without our support what war are you fucking watching? Go get fucked by a dog leaf.

Thanks for all the bumps guys. I appreciate your efforts to educate my mutt ass on middle east politics. Looks as though I have a lot to learn on my own now. Special mentions for

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No it means Trump is winning against the (((advisers))) that have chokeholded him.

This has actually been openly kicked around by some of the talking heads of written media.

happy hannukah

A stunt to calm the base after pissing them off with no shutdown and yes prison reform. Will backfire when the left starts calling it collusion because it helps Russia.

Right it seems like a strong stance against the establishment but what does it mean for politics outside of the US? As in how many other countries does that move affect? Who is gonna steam roll through there now? Will it actually get better or worse for them?

At least I use an actual flag. So you think Turkey is going to give back those lands to Syria?

Ok, fair enough. It seemed odd to me that you'd pick something up about Jews but be ignorant of the Middle East politics which are so important to Jews. For example, Israel has also been fairly involved in Syria. They were funding and arming the "greens" next to their borders and giving them medical treatment. Also supporting them with airstrikes. Although if you ever try to add Israel as a participant of the conflict in the infobox to Wikipedia's Syrian Civil War article, you'll find it's impossible.

>Who would have controlled that area if we hadnt interfered and why would it have actually been a bad thing?
Kind of hard to tell if the Saudis or the West was more interested in seeing Assad fall.

I guess the missing link is that Syria is one of two countries at its borders that Israel still doesn't have a peace treaty with and has a territorial dispute with. It was to Israel's advantage to do everything possible to weaken it. I don't know whether they succeeded, though. Yes, after losing most of its oil and agricultural land to the Kurds, Syria is no longer viable economically without support from Russia and Iran. On the other hand, Russia and especially Iran are providing a lot of support. And that explains why there's a big campaign to damage Iran.

Does anybody else feel like the whole world is run by drug money and big pharma? It just feels so odd to me that we go to war in afghanistan, they produce opium, now we have an opiod problem. Any body else feel that way or just me?

We should move the troops to turkey and wipe out the eternal roach

We should just say that we’ll bomb anyplace that is taken over by isis in one year. That should give the citizens some reason to rebel against isis. Then we should bomb them once they are taken over. Then leave and give the same terms for next year.

We should move the troops to Israel and wipe out the eternal kike, bringing us world peace.

its crazy how well propaganda works
Assad was close to total victory, the US was about to go home and just like that POOF the narrative took place despite him getting rid of every chemical weapon years ago and proof of multiple terrorist gas cache but nooooo media tell the world Assad man bad and it works

Well im kind of odd user. I dont fit the typical description of Jow Forums user. I'm more inquisitive than authoritative on ideals. Dont get me wrong I have morals and seek justice through the right means, but I consider myself more of a william wallace type personality. Desire to lead the peasants to true freedom.

it reminds me about the yellow vest things here in France, the police blocked the road, the trains, the buses , arrested thousands of people and the media happily announced that the yellow vest were loosing popularity cuz they weren't a lot of them in Paris, i fucking hate propaganda

The ultimate enemy of the people. The world narrative from paid irl shill posters (a.k.a. the journalists)

Yeah but that's not funny, just true

propaganda destroyed hitler and still does to this day.

its so fucking powerful its insanity!

The US has always used the Kurds as a bargaining chip; useful, but something that can be traded for a better thing.
>Iraq 1991
>Iraq 2017
>Syria, Afrin 2018

Like it or not, Turkey is far more useful to the US than the Kurds. The US cannot allow Turkey to switch to being Russia's ally instead, even if it's only temporary (as it always is with the Turks; they play all sides and change alliances on a dime). The Kurds did their job by defeating most of ISIS, but the US is in an untenable position. They're surrounded by countries who don't want the US there and who don't want Kurd independence (something that Syria, Iran, Iraq and Turkey all find common ground on). Sure, Syrian Kurdistan is rich in oil, but what if the countries around it decide to blockade it? The Kurds' bargaining position is not nearly as strong as they seem to think it is, and being social media darlings doesn't count for anything on the ground.

We know who really controls the propaganda.
The hidden bankers. The war mongers. WW2 should have never happened, but it was profitable for it to happen.

Don’t Kurds scream allah akbar when they fight?

No, because they speak a different language. Also, the dominant military faction there is leftist and secular. Probably some do though, especially the ones who fight for the "greens".

No they yell "Where is US airforce"

You're right... it's chemical warfare and population control against us... having an economic crisis and flooding our country with opiates was a perfect storm. Lost 2 friends and years of my father's life to opiate garbage

So they are our enemy. Let them fight our other enemies.

This is also true.

Bump, fuck jannies.

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>fails miserably on the objective

Lol he said he was pulling troops from Syria for the 9000th time. Instead American bases kept popping up every year

Amen. Good job boys !

We are happy too roach! You guys will have a tough time vs Kurds. We don’t give a fuck what happens to either of you