Why do white women do this?

You'll almost never see a Chinese or Japanese girl do this. This is why I'm going to spend the rest of my life as an English teacher in Asia (before anyone points out my flag I have English nationality)

You want me to stay in my own country? If you were Roman would you have stayed in the collapsing Roman empire in hindsight? Don't think so. You stay and fight when you have a chance of winning. But when you're surrounded by 98% traitors, cucks and whores then there's no option but to burn it all down.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>You'll almost never see a Chinese or Japanese girl do this.
Prove it.

>Proving a negative
user, you need to into scientific method

t. filthy traitor


>I'm going to spend the rest of my life as an English teacher in Asia
literally what all white women do. kys millenial faggot

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what animal is that

It is about colonialism. They are taking black babies away from blacks. Basically, it is a passive aggressive racism. They are saying white people need to take care of black babies because blacks are too irresponsible to do it themselves. Not to say that any of the white women posting these types of pics would actually take the black baby, though. If anything, they would give the baby to the clinton foundation or big name adoption agency. That is the evil of white women.

Because white people are altruistic

>you don't see Asia do this
>I'll go to Asia
Why would they let you?

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>the girl I like doesn't want me so society is fucked

How original. The chinks will eat you alive poofter

>I have made a claim
>Okay, prove your claim
lol k

I wanna beat her to death

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How am I a traitor? Even if I gave my life to this country, it would be wasted. The process of decay is irreversible at this point.

Again I point to the example of the Romans. Would you have stayed? I don't think so. Only the idiots and unfortunate stayed in Rome.

It's the opposite sex of the white male wich got the the wealth and freedom 100 years ago to destroy the white race (keeping a nigger in her arms)

Once that innocent looking baby boy grows up, I bet he will have a massive, wholesome, gargantuan cock. I blush and get hard at mere thought of what a savage beast that kiddo will turn into. Burly black arms, raw, relentless hands, soulless, bestial eyes, and absolutely no light in his soul; only unquenchable thirst for rape.

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>x doesn't exist
>yes it does
>where is your proof
>seethes internally

Yep go in chinkland, make some mongoloid babies and kys spineless fag

They're desperate for English teachers and I'm an 8/10 white man, I can do whatever I want.

i meant that weird thing in her arms

You're not funny bro, you're a weird fucking faggot and a subconscious cuck typical nigger loving polishkike

>if you were roman would you have stayed in the collapsing empire?
>solid infrastructure
>more military protection than those outside of the Empire
>more literacy
>more money
user, you do realize that the period after the Roman Empire is referred to as the “dark ages”, right?

If you can't beat them, join them.

I knew a blonde girl who did this, had pictures just like this.
You want to do just what you are critical of white girls doing and it's just as bad. Girls like to feel feminine so like aggressive masculine men. beta boys like to feel masculine so are attracted to what they perceive as submissive petit feminine Asian women. your mindset is just as bad and you are just as much a part of the problem as them.
If you do any thing like you are suggesting don't bring it back to Europe

Stop deluding yourself. If you unironically reply to that, you're a fag in denial. I'm sorry to break it to you, but that's how it is. Embrace your sexuality, my man.

You missed the point. I mean, would you have stayed in Rome a year or two before its collapse if given the choice? Obviously you wouldn't. By your own logic, you are a coward.

Don‘t start with that shit, my sister is in Uganda feeding the poor right now

It's their motherly instincts. Honestly it's our fault for not knocking them up in their 20's. No wonder all the grills I know are settling for small animals like cats, small dogs and monkeys. They are on a ship without a captain because us men willingly gave up our balls. You wouldn't blame a dog for pissing on the rug either.

Fucking faggot

>not knowing he is the one who's gona pay our pensions

Bro get out from that cave

Same reason women fawn over kittens, puppies and other "cute" animals.They are unable to see anything but a cute infant.
Little do the realize that if they suffer the nigger to live it will turn on them every time.

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>It's our fault for not knocking them up on their 20s
They'd never let you, mate. I know four girls in their early twenties to get pregnant.
Two are Muslim
One is a single mom
One is an evangelical Christian

Female cousin told the family at a Christmas gathering that she wants to help the poor in Africa and bring back a caramel baby. Her mother and father (jew that married into the family) are east coast liberals that applaud this. I was disgusted.

how could i make such mistake? Boldrini punish me for my sins

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Every day I long for the nukes more and more. From the ashes the phoenix will rise again.

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American btw just stationed in Germany

Mental illness

Typical projection. No need to fear your own instincts, just open your mouth and accept the inevitable - the putrid fragrance of Africa, the nigger sweat and unrepentant desire to inflict pain and suffering on others, the multigenerational retardation of black apes indulging in senseless rape, murder and overall chaos, the bellows of black nigger apes resounding across the entire savanna and last but not least, the nigger cum streaming down your Romanian throat. Don't clench your butt cheeks, don't frown, just accept your fate with dignity.


Asian chicks are just as bad when it comes to niglets, moreso because they have feminine instincts

You are supposed to find a picture of an asian girl you dumb piece of shit

Attention as a form of currency is more desired by women than money.

Sounds like hell.

She will send you ten niggas to raise. Enjoy

Kek, roasted the try hard Pooland cuckposter. Based and Romaniapilled.

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aha dis nigga gay

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>checks flag
Yep, another fag in denial

check n KEK

Honestly this. People like to carry a cause bigger than themselves

The way the stokes on that black sun isn't lined up with the rest of the pic really triggers me.

As opposed to sinking with the ship?

fug now I can't unsee it myself

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They never do it because they’re all racist as fuck

hoping she is raped to death

As a white man I bring a net positive amount of taxes to the system. Why would I stay here then? If I am essentially changing nothing yet upholding a system that is trying to destroy me?
If all white men decided enough is enough it would be done in a matter of days. Do you think that the situation would at all be better with me spending my life slaving away here instead of living it carefree somewhere else? Friendly reminder I pay over 70% of my income to raise nigger and Muslim offspring, the population density is higher than Japan or Taiwan, more immigrants are still being imported, we have no individual rights, you'd have to be insane to want to stay in North Western Europe or want to raise a kid here.

This. Fucking gay Poland pull yourself together

In all honesty, I think it's the consequence of a really long Jewish propaganda scheme to shame whites and adopt preposterous, pathological altruism. If that girl is serious, then it is because she hates her own kind. If not, then she does that just to get attention, she doesn't truly care about that nigger baby. It would not surprise me if it was the latter.

found the British loser teaching english in poland who is butthurt nobody wants anything to do with his penis

Nothing is going to sink. We have seen worse in past

>why do white women go overseas and help nogs?
>I'm going overseas to help the Chinks instead

I'm not gay, I'm a fag, there is a big difference there, bucko. Also this

We have not seen worse in the past you fucking retard

Point to one example where all of the west was demographically displaced to this point where without genocide we are guaranteed to be a small minority by 2100

I can understand you, if I was born flemish I would probably do same. A small country flooded by maghrebs, each corner of belgians cities are a danger for local snowflakes. There is no real degeneracy oposition.

From what I know ordinary belgians makes romanians or slavic friends looking for protection against maghrebs. Ironically funny but sad.

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we have never faced demographic and cultural replacement like this before

Kids in school with this attitude get beaten and ostracised for a reason. Doubling down like a massive faggot

No, I'm going to enjoy my life while Europeans can sleep in the bed that they have made. If a war broke out expelling these shitskins and Jews I would have happily joined it. But until then, I'm not feeding this corrupt system. I would rather see china succeed. Which, I am well aware, will also collapse with the West.

you can't prove a negative, immense retard
post a single example disproving OP
jesus christ, the fact that you managed to post in the first place baffles me

O nie kurwa, zostałem wykryty, oy vey, shut it down!!1!1


oh geez, I guess we'll never really know...

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In which school, Chang?

Ok so where will you be running to? Iceland? Norway? Stay here and fight for your clay you coward. Do it voor Vlaanderen

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It's manifest destiny wrapped up in the moralism of the zeitgeist: the irony is that these well intended morons don't see themselves as a new class of colonizer but instead as a liberator bringing their values to the needy; which is what previous iterations of colonizers said.

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Its a White whore wanting to feel like they aren't racist. Its all a fake fantasy.

All non polish schools by the looks of it

Unironically yes, Slavs are one of the best groups to roll with. Natives here will never help you in a fight. They are all docile and weak. Everyone here gets harassed by the migrants and they tilt their heads down like good little cucks. And if you protect yourself they'll jump you with several of their friends and family, no white person will ever help you. I've know this to happen to several people now.

Also the police has never done a single thing about any of times I've known it to happen. Most incidents are swept under the table, never reported on either.

White women have an innate hatred for themselves and will do anything to rid themselves of it. Nothing ever works so they move from one gimmick to the next.

Why wait for the ashes, brother?

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It would depend. If the collapse caused an actual war to happen I'd fight of course. I'm a reservist so it wouldn't be too hard. Speaking of which, you should be one too.

Why are you replying to me? To prove some point? OK, you're not a homosexual, I get that, you're good boy, you would never want to suck a black cock.

Because the system is bogged down to hell and back trough bureaucracy and globalisation. The renaissance followed the plague. The same will happen here, but not before the Evropean winter.

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Because nothing can happen. Most people are too old to have kids. The young generation is completely bluepilled and can't have kids. Meanwhile the immigrants don't care about living like animals and have 10 kids on the tax payers dime. The funniest part here is people calling me a cuck for not staying here and paying taxes to support this crap. I'd rather raise white kids in Chile than here.

>Talks about deepthroating nigger cock
>Cuckposts relentlessly
>Flag - Should be cleaning toilets instead
No wonder your young are getting blacked by Euroweek niggers, you're too busy try hard cuckposting on pol instead you fucking loser, kek. Genuinely pathetic.

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>I'm not gay, I'm a fag,

what's the difference?

I got denied medically. Though in 6 months I have redpilled nearly all of my normie friends to the point that we are singing Erika in the streets. Had to calm down a buddy earlier when he came up with the idea for a second kristalnacht lul. We all used to be reds as well. That doesn't apply anymore since now our skin colour is our uniform. Good luck in Chile tho, send crates if you can.

There's a good book on this, 'The Way of the Superior Man'. Settled a lot of masculinity + femininity questions for me, in a way that doesn't insult either side.

Btw just so everyone knows

Living as a single white man, Belgium is the most EXPENSIVE place on the planet. All so I can be a good cuck and feed the immigrants.

Staying here is the real cucked option. Uncuck yourself and control your own destiny away from the traitors I say.

He's a weird mentally ill faggot just look at the incredibly gay mind that polish faggot has and he even has the guts to play those reverse psychological faggot games like "oh you're bashing me for being a faggot so you must be one in denial" all gays are cancer and they will all get a slow painful death along with their shitskin lovers.

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I just spent a week in rural germany. Everyone was walking around with rifle bags and hunting knives. Only saw one nigger as he entered a local bar trying to sell some LED eifel towers, that's when we made eye contact with the locals and had our instant connection. They all know. We know. We might be biting our tongues but we're all on the same line.

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Please tell us you're just larping being this soul crushingly retarded. You can't actually be thus stupid? Please?

You bullies! Stop!

I feel you; identical to gypsies here, they're always tough in nuumbers

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Based white women BLEACHING blacks with their white wombs

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so powerful. so strong. so beautiful. my wifes kids ran up to me and clapped when they saw this picture. im literally shaking with joy and crying tears of happyness

Faggots get the gas along with their pet niggers.

I know what you mean, gypsies have same fight tactics, but here you still cand find odinary citizen who are ready to fight back and protect themselves, only these youngsters are now very docile and tolerant, because their parents rise them in this way. Im not realy proud of my generation half from us are ok and based, the other half are slightly snowflakes, things are worst for those who are younger than me.

Romanians I know who moved to Belgium were junkies weak fucks or thieves, I hear you've got some drug parties up there and every degenerate from my city willed to go.
On a summer festival a fellow was stabbed by some marrocan or something like.

How can niggers ever recover, look at this baby it has clearly lighter skin than father, BLEACHED

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You that your flag automatically makes you a raging faggot, right? Despite my penchant for black cocks and bestial niggerdom, I will never attain this level of raging faggotry.


>I hear you've got some drug parties up there and every degenerate from my city willed to go.
>On a summer festival a fellow was stabbed by some marrocan or something like.
Yup sounds like Belgium aright. Just stay away from the bigger cities.

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Just shut the fuck up already you cringy faggot you're pathetic.