Know girl I stumbled upon in porn IRL

Was browsing through amateur porn and cammers last night and found porn of a girl I interact with almost daily. Hadn't seen her that way before and I think it may affect my relationship with her.
How do I approach this, do I tell her I know and talk to her about it? Or do I try to brush it off and try to see her for who she is, not what her hobbies are?

It's really bugging me because I saw her as a professional previously and this really shattered my image of her, so I'm not sure I can just ignore this.

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learn to accept that all humans have sexual desires and are deeper than the surface level they perform

Why should this affect anything? People have sexual desires some people use that to their advantage. She's smart if she's using being a camgirl as a business model I'm sure she's completely different in real life for her it's just a hobby so no need to let it affect how you see her.

>and this really shattered my image of her
She's not your wife. Mind your own business.

Heck, I know I do too
Just feels like I've been lied to - now that I see both personas I'm not sure which one is the real one. Her online persona compared to real life is night and day.
I guess I should be.

She's acting it up for the cameras because she gets paid for it, she (probably) doesn't get paid to be your friend. Certain things work online that don't work offline, I'm sure you're different online than you are in real life.

>lied to

You don’t have any right to know this about anyone. It’s her personal life, it’s not like she’s fucking cardboard cut outs of you or dedicating her vids to you for old men to watch.

>two personas

Do you really want to see every single persons sexual habits/side? Really?

Just fuck off and leave her alone, who cares what she does it’s not up to you.

Alright, thanks anons.
Time to man the fuck up and accept it.

Let's just say for argument's sake that she wasn't a cam girl, but say a disgruntled ex uploaded a sex video of them to the net. Would she still have two different personas, or be lying, simply because your professional or business relationship doesn't include cum shots of her?
Most adults, if they're lucky, get to have sex or have had sex in the past. That doesn't mean that they are any less serious than someone else about their job.
Now you're implying this girl is an undercover porn artist. It's kind of like if you had stumbled across her stripping when you went out with your buddies.
If she was a college student by day and a stripper by night, it wouldn't mean she was "lying" if she got an A in Biology class. It wouldn't mean she was 'lying' if she didn't receive the periodic table whilst derobing for men.

Finally, you're being a bit of a hypocrite as you obviously are a consumer of porn, yet you're judging this young lady for participating in porn.

It's like if you purchased a hamburger and then denigrated someone for working as a waiter or fast food employee because it's a degrading job.

Agree 100%, I was being hypocritical and stupid about it. The shock factor got to me, I guess.

I found out my cousin posed for a porn shot. I only see her once a year so I have that in mind the first two years after I saw that. I totally forgot that she was in a softcore porn shoot until I read this thread. Idfc anyway. She is married now and has two kids. She also has a masters of education.

Pretty funny how life is sometimes. My advice is keep this to yourself, it is her life

I'm afraid that I'll slip my tongue or say something that might trigger her to realize that I know.

How did you avoid her suspicion? Do I just start avoiding her more and avoiding casual conversation? She'll definitely know something's up if I do that.

Well only seeing her one time a year really helped me. Like I said I just sort of forgot that she was in one until I read this thread. She had no suspicion toward me, but again I can only imagine the paranoia she felt of it biting her in the ass. It hasnt yet and life seems good for her. Who knows what happens in 10or 20 years from now. I know im not going to say shit since it hardly concerns me and she was an adult when she was filmed and it was her own damn choice knowing her family.

Dont say stupid shit or act funny (pull up her video with the volume maxed and LOL) and things will be all good. Hey we all do stupid shit we aint proud of.

Are you a virgin?
So what, they got naked and do stuffs?
How do you see a girl you just fucked after normally, disgusted as well?

Did she do the porn shoot before or after the marriage and kids? If after, I would probably never talk to her again imo. Its like those porn stars who actually have kids, or worse, got pregnant from a scene.

It's literally pointless to even think about these things.

Porn isn't real life, sex isn't the point of life, you're one in a billion penises, and women can do with their vaginas whatever the fuck they want and it doesn't make them immoral or moral. You don't even know this woman and she doesn't give a fuck about you anyway. /thread

Not OP, but would you tell her about it in this situation?
I mean maybe she doesn't know that it's online, like an ex uploaded it or something, or maybe she doesn't know how easy it is to find, if she's supposed to be on some pay-only premium site so that people don't find her as easily.
I can't think of a single way to bring this up that isn't horrible, though, as it sounds like OP works with her.
>Bring it up with her
>She complains to boss about OP making her uncomfortable
>Email link to her anonymously
>Now she thinks some creep is stalking her
>Probably will contact OP and get him arrested for "cyberstalking" her
I mean shit man

>She's smart if she's using being a camgirl as a business model

the dumbest shit I have ever read.

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toastie roastie
sorry princess but in real life, actions do have consequences.

What if OP were to blackmail, I mean he has all the cards...

If you see her as a professional, I'm assuming you have a relationship with her through work. If that's the case, DO NOT SAY ANYTHING TO HER. I promise, it will only cause problems you do not want.

porn isnt about sexual desire its called being a degenerate without pride or standards, she is a slut and needs to face the judgement for her actions

fuck off, you dont have to be devoted to someone to judge their actions if that were the case then i suppose crime isnt a thing so long as you arent being directly harmed....grow up and face reality that people need to be called out on their degeneracy

Unless she doesn't care. Or is the type of person to take a personal hit just to make sure he gets fucked hard for trying to blackmail her. The downsides to that scenario are pretty big.

literally kys, the woman not only allowed herself to be recorded but from the sound of it intentionally encouraged or at least allowed the distrubution of her activity, it has nothing to do with her sexual behavior and everything to do with her being an unproffesional slut by exposing herself to the world, if someone pisses on their neighbors wall every day to piss them off even if it doesnt affect you in the slightest you still have the right and the duty to call them out on being a cunt


You think a real roastie would care if someone called her that? Chances are she wouldn't know, or care, especially if it's said by someone that's sexually unattractive (incels). It's really silly to use this as an insult, I've literally never met a sexually active girl that cared about the amount of partners she's slept with.

I'm a virgin girl, and also not the person you replied to, but feel free to call me a roastie, it's nbd

>you dont have to be devoted to someone to judge their actions
>then i suppose crime isnt a thing so long as you arent being directly harmed
False equivalency. This chick doing porn harms OP in no way whatsoever. It is none of his business as she isn't his wife. Can he judge her from afar? Absolutely. Can he shittalk her to his friends? Absolutely, but that'd be very womanly of him. Should he teach his children that pornography is on the whole bad? Absolutely. Should he call out this girl who has no effect on his life? No. Get your priorities straight.

kek whats with all the fucking white knights out and about, if you call a whore a whore for being a whore it doesnt have anything to do with you but rather that she is being a whore, you faggots defending her behavior saying she can do what she wants and he needs to mind his own business sound like fucking college pricks who can only dream of getting laid, when you grow up you realize sex is a personal interaction that only concerns you and your partner, you should keep your partners down to the bare minimum preferably only one if you can help it, from the looks of it she allowed herself to be recorded that alone is enough to warrant her being called a slut, either she was messing around with someone who wasnt mature enough to not upload videos that for better or worse shouldnt have even existed, they didnt care about them enough to make sure they were completely secure or most likely she knew it would be uploaded and didnt care or possibly even wanted it to be, such behavior is disgusting and if she is found to be acting like a slut then by all rights you call her out as one, get out of your safe spaces and judgement free zone this is the real world where people can face consequences good or bad for their decisions

call her out? did i ever say he should call her out? no.. op asked if he should tell her the truth and if its bothering him and he thinks that this realization may impact his opinion on her as a person then he has the right to tell her as much, if she asks why it bothers him he can explain why what she did is wrong but otherwise he just tells her he saw what she did and that if she notices him acting distant or less friendly thats the reason why and to be professional from here on out and just get the job done

>would a faggot care if you called them a faggot
some would and that just shows they know what they are doing is wrong, same way that if someone calls you a cracker and you get offended then it shows your own insecurity over the matter, but that doesnt mean you shouldnt call them out on what they are and at least point out what they are doing, roasties are sluts and need to be called such in the right time and place just because they arent bothered by their disgusting behavior doesnt mean you dont call them out on it

Nice novel faggot. Now stop worrying about whom everyone else is fucking, and deal with your own interpersonal relationships.

>did i ever say he should call her out? no
What was this, then?
>face reality that people need to be called out on their degeneracy

>op asked if he should tell her the truth and if its bothering him and he thinks that this realization may impact his opinion on her as a person then he has the right to tell her as much
But she didn't tell him anything about her time as a porno person. She didn't invite judgment, OP found her by surfing the internet. It's not his place to say anything unwarranted since she's not his wife. If it bothers him so much, he should muster some self-control because something like this:
>and this really shattered my image of her
Is completely self-centered and has nothing to do with the work being done, especially since they're not married. It's in the past, it's unchangeable, she didn't bring it up, there's work that needs to be done. That's all there is to it.

All humans dont do porn and arent degenerate as fuck wtf lol

Yeah, but a fuck ton of us watch and enjoy it, and secretly most of us are degenerates in one way or another. You're on Jow Forums, so there's at least a 100% probability you are too.

No, I am not a degenerate niether are a majority here, most are just deluding themselves and are just pansy pussies outside the internet.
Watching porn isnt nearly the same as doing it, and you are completely retarded if you think so. Next thing you'll tell me fantasizing is the same as sex too.

Really? If we opened up your browser history, there wouldn't be single thing on there that someone might construe as degenerate? Not a single thing you'd be slightly embarrassed to have other people know about? Okay.

And there is a big difference between doing porn and watching it. Never said there wasn't. But it's pretty fucked up of you to watch someone fuck and then turn around and decry them for providing a service you use. Don't try and claim the moral high ground because you're only helping to finance their degenerate behavior, not actively participating in it.

No, absolutely not. If you open my browser history you'd see tons of world cup shitposting and touhou mmds and hentai.
I dont give a fuck if someone doesnt like it.
>paying for porn.

Finding something on the internet open to everybody is not necessarily consuming content or helping pay them.
Someone's browser history is closed to them only and not open to access from the outside world. The specific sex worker in question actively made her content publicly accessible so she shouldn't be surprised to find that someone knows about her degeneracy.
Whether OP confronts about finding this public content is thus up to them.

Call her a whore and tell her the lord will smite thou degenerate
>s-sex workers d-deserve respect

It was WAAAAYYY before she got married and had kids.

The High Sparrow has spoken! REEEEEE

Link it faggot, thousands have seen it already, I want to too.
Her Twitter, you can find the rest pretty easily.

Dang, it's a dream of mine to see someone I know (and are attracted to) do porn.

>asian girl
>every guy she's with is white
Every time man, every time.

It's not what you think, especially when it's someone you least expected. Even worse if it's someone you interact with regularly, and didn't have any kind of feelings toward previously.

>least expected
Why? Did you actually believe that pure bullshit? EVERY girl 5/10 and up has been around.

Oh man I'm going to have a good fap over her. Thanks.

There's a difference between getting around and having a alternate porn persona. I didn't doubt that she got around in the slightest

I played MMOs with a girl who used to have a very active amateur porn account on Reddit. She was actually really chill and funny... She just also enjoyed fucking and making videos. I may or may not have lost some sperm to her in the quiet hours of the night.

Just go up to her and ask "When's my turn?"

Basically same situation except all interactions are in a professional setting.

>not a degenerate

Keep on lying to yourself.

Also, you don't have to be directly paying for the porn yourself to finance it. You help generate ad revenue, which goes back to paying for the porn to be made.

Even if some how you don't pay for it, you help create the demand. Face it, you just want to feel morally superior, while you sit in your ivory tower jerking off to cartoons.

You're the worst kind of degenerate: A hypocritical one.

>missing the point this much

Whether or not OP should say something to his co-worker (he shouldn't) isn't what I was talking about. It's about closet degenerates casting dispersion and judging the same people they are actively touching themselves to.

If you don't consume any porn, and harbor no fucked up sexual fetishes yourself, go ahead and judge. I just find it hard to believe anyone on Jow Forums is that chaste.

And no, secretly being a degenerate is not any better than being an open one. It just makes you a liar as well.

Teachers are fucking liberal degenerates

Thank you for that deep, and thought provoking insight.

Ignore. If you tell her you know she will FREAK out

Am I in Jow Forumsadvice?

A cartoon porn is 100 times better than the real one, moray and visually.
Getting fucked by 100s of men isnt nearly the same as masturbating to it. One involves public attention and lots of degrading sex, the other doesnt. They have ruined their future prospects of ever having a normal relationship and marriage. Because nobody wants to marry a slut. You are the same kind of retard who argues that violent games make children violent. And dont even fucking kid yourself, they arent forced to do it, they do it out of their own volition. And just like they are free to take their life choices, I am free to shit on them for it.

>masturbating to normal porn is degenerate now
Wow I didnt know I was posting in a fucking church. Get out of here padre.

roasties here dont like men having standards. it complicates their life a little when men have standards and show that they arent a slave caste to settle down for once their labias turn inside out.

It's not degenerate, my child.

Don't put words in my mouth. I said that you don't get to act morally superior if you consume porn, because you're contributing to the "degeneracy" you want to complain about. That's it.

I am not contributing to any degeneracy. It existed before I did, and will continue to exist forever as long as there are women willing to do this. Hell even if you remove money there will still be tons of porn produced daily.

this. why the fuck are you so bothered OP

>Hiding your degeneracy is a lie
No it's just common decency to not whore yourself out or openly announce your fetishes. Holding a professional position and whoring yourself out while holding it is worth berating, as any individual can find that indecent side of you as its publically accessible. This not only ruins your credibility, as you're the one whoring yourself out, but it also ruins company reputation.
Since there are more parties at risk here it's normal for OP to feel disgusted or uncomfortable to rely on a coworker that deems it necessary to use their bodies for money.

Because not only does it affect performance at work, but now I find that some of her content was taken AT work.
I feel disgusted to even shit in the bathroom at work where she has flashed her tits in for thousands of other men to jack off to.

>Another asian girl that only fucks white dudes

Man, I feel bad for asian guys, but it makes me hate hearing them bitch about "yellow fever" more and more every time.


this board is so.y cuck central, unironically defending whores, kill yourselves.

pic related, you in the left

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This, i was genuinely surprised at the ammount of cuckery in this thread Apparently Jow Forums unironically defends this sjw bullshit now
just don't get in a relationship with her and you'll be good

>It's like if you purchased a hamburger and then denigrated someone for working as a waiter or fast food employee because it's a degrading job.

You seem to have given that as some sort of abstract example, but that is actually a rather common phenomenon.

I've got a salaried desk job in IT - though not quite good enough to call it a career yet - and while I make more money than fast food employees, I have more respect for them than a lot of my coworkers. I know I wouldn't be able to do their jobs, whereas a bunch of my coworkers probably shouldn't be doing what they're doing in the first place.

don't want to be friends with a camgirl? than just don't be friends with a camgirl.

does that make you a misogynist and/or a bad person? maybe, but it doesn't really matter. if it bothers you it bothers you. It's simple, you need to surround yourself with people you can be comfortable and positive with

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what if this is an elaborate marketing scheme

in any event, be chill user. if you play it cool theres an off chance you could even bring it up. who knoooows

You have dirt on her; don't tell her and in the future when she tries something funny you can ruin her life

>does that make you a misogynist and/or a bad person? maybe

How does rejecting a fucking pornstar make you a bad person