What makes you against left-leaning policies?

What makes you against left-leaning policies?

>race is a worthless social construct. It segregates people into fighting against each other instead of fighting together to make the world a better place.

>gender discrimination suppresses the potential of half of the world (male or female, depending on which side the pendulum is swinging towards at any moment), meaning that only one half can contribute to growth and development. Hugely inefficient.

>an unregulated market opens opportunity for large organisations to take control of the market for their own benefit, thus creating monopolies and buying out or stamping out new ideas that could improve lives all over the world. A lack of competition also slows down progress.

>the only benefit of strict borders is to the government, as it facilitates management of the country's resources. Hard borders implemented globally may keep migrants out, but it also prevents us from travelling and exploring our planet.

>access to high quality food, water, housing, healthcare and education is far more valuable to the citizens of a nation than foreign policy interference, and in most developed countries can be achieved locally.

>the future is renewable. The only reason countries hang on to non-renewables is lobbying and political investors who insist on funding the fossil fuel industry. Now is the time to jump ship and implement renewables on a large scale before we fall behind when they really take off.

I understand some people's stance on more polarising topics such as gun control, abortion and cannabis, but overall I believe that the points made above are more inclined to make people's lives better than any right-leaning policy that I ever came across.

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Die nigger lover


Die nigger lover

>I believe that the points made above are more inclined to make people's lives better than any right-leaning policy that I ever came across.

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Die nigger lover.

Might as well live like an ant, bugman.

Left leaning policies don't hold up to scrutiny.

Only White Christian men have EVER maintained a standard of human rights and non-corrupt to shit government... And everything you posted is meant to destabilize their culture, birthrates and nations. When the pin drops, 3rd world will start genociding each other again while our nations piral out of control.

You forgot to change your username on the third one. Sloppy.

All of those graphs were generated by the Heritage Foundation, which is very biased. I'd take it with a grain of salt.

From their website:
The mission of The Heritage Foundation is to formulate and promote conservative public policies based on the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense.

I agree with all except the first two and the strict borders argument. Race is an important social construct because humans are tribalistic by nature and gender discrimination according to the natural differences in the sexes is logical.

>gender discrimination suppresses the potential of half of the world

It doesn't, women actually breed more when they are discriminated. And that's most of their potential anyway.

People segregate themselves, then the government forces integration. Why do you hate freedom of assosciation? What do you think will happen when Whites have no where else to flee?

Niggers tongue my anus.

There are a lot of scientific arguments against your bias, like women being doing better than men academically and in certain industries. Procreation is important, and it wouldn't be a challenge to the human race if we were provided with the ideal conditions to do so - like any living creature. There aren't enough incentives for people to have children.
It's only an important social construct if you accept what you call our tribal nature. As thinking beings, we don't have to accept it.

Just hope it spirals into small, white communities gunning down waves of browns. Remember, he promised us that his spirit will rise from the grave. He was the spark, we are the fuel. Let's hope someone steps up and mixes the two, igniting the flame of mother europe's greatest children, forever cleansing the world of browns.

>All of those graphs were generated by the Heritage Foundation, which is very biased. I'd take it with a grain of salt.
Show me a study that confirms that the economic freedom is incorrect. That's how science works. You don't get to dismiss studies because you dissagree with the ones who did the study.

Gender discrimination forces women to take up womanly roles such as having children, raising them and providing maid duties for the men who have much higher specs in literally everything making them more suitable for getting stuff done. Current western society is like having 2ghz processors trying to run Skyrim on max graphics and saying it runs the same as 5ghz processors when really it barely runs at all (see failing women CEOs for example). Also no children throwing the West under a bus.
Renewable resources are a huge meme. Even wind has a direct influence on rainfall which is currently causing some regions of Europe to experience drought for the first time ever. On the other end of the scale we have hydro-electric dams which have done more environmental damage than nuclear meltdowns. They somehow managed to flood huge swathes of the Amazon rainforest.

I'll let other people pick up the other topics but the main point is that liberalism is seriously misguided and based on principles that reality frequently tells to fuck off. Most liberals have never even bothered examining an issue that they take interest in and simply blindly believe the 'scientific evidence' written in books by (((respected authors))) while ignoring actual case studies entirely.
>Muh coincidence.
>Muh freak accident.
>Muh couldn't have been predicted.

Whites, like any race, should be able to live anywhere. Exploration of our own planet should be the birthright of every human.

Most people live better lives and contribute more to society when roles aren't imposed on them. Freedom to carve your own path is the essence of entrepreneurship.

Your ideals are based on the assumption that
>all men want to provide
>all women want to stay at home and raise children

When both of those things are often not true.

>race is a worthless social construct

>gender discrimination

So why is the left obsessed with shoving in everyone's face their race and gender non-binary down everyone's throat?

Race doesn't exist, except when it's to show how black people have it worse than everyone else and that white people need to pay for slavery. Gender doesn't exist in binary, except for all the womenz and wage gap and stuff.

The left is retarded.

To me maturity is not figuring out which side your on. It's figuring out in granular detail the similarities and differences between each and how practical any set of given policies would asses the needs of the country at the time they are needed most.

The problem is there are policies that need to be in place that is generally supported by a party not currently holding enough government positions to effectively make a difference.

We keep flipping between Democrat and Republican parties every 4 to 8 years and most of our focus is only surface level. Which party gets the presidency, holds the most seats... etc...

This means that any non-partisan approach to setting policy is going to take more effort than just voting.

This can scale at any level; federal, state, county, city.

I really wish people would stop focusing on the political parties and vote on the issues rather than the politician.

Actually adding specific topics, nice work OP
>The belief all races are the same has complete stripped weatern culture and has allowed the import of third worlders who drain us ecomomically
>Women in the workforce should be paid the same however it has taken away from traditional family structure causing break up of families and declining birthrates. Also given women an increased voice in politics and stupid fucking social and economic policies
Increased regulation has also made it much harder for small businesses to open up and be competitive, which in turn caused giant corporations to dominate the marketplace
>Decline in culture, importation of third worlders and illegal immigtants have destroyed us economically, lowering incomes and pushing two working parents and declining birthrates
No reason we should be forced to purchase anything, people should have the ability to decide what the want to buy and how they spend their money
Propaganda for increased regulation and power of the state. There is no advantage to destroying resources economically, businesses will find ways to continue growth

I'm no law expert but I'm pretty sure everything can be legal under certain conditions.

>>race is a worthless social construct. It segregates people into fighting against each other instead of fighting together to make the world a better place.

Okay, when are you going to tell black people that their racial identity is invalid and that we need to end affirmative action policies? Also, when are you going to tell Jewish people the same thing?

You do, actually. When you see a study claiming that coffee, wine and cheese will make you lose weight and cure cancer, most of the time they're funded by coffee, wine and dairy companies, and those two factors together are enough to make a person question their findings.

In an actual paper you'd also have the methodology, which would help answer some of those questions. I also noticed that for a lot of those graphs, they seem to lack standard deviation and standard error values, they also don't show P or r2 values for significance and correlation. It could just be because whoever put the figures together didn't think to do that, though.

Men don't 'provide'. They selfishly increase the standard of living of themselves and their family.
Women HAVE to raise children because if they don't get pregnant a few times during their life then our race or even species declines. If they spend their time playing CEO and getting themselves into tons of debt then they are wasting their most valuable resource which is naturally their womb.

Freedom is a meme. Most people aren't smart enough to take advantage of it. 90% of people do better in life if someone guides them every step of the way. Entrepreneurship is another liberal idea where only the people who create something new should have money while those who reproduce the old get little. This shit is why singers get paid a fortune while farmers get paid almost nothing despite the latter being far more important for society.

Men wanting to provide. What kind of fucked up society creates retards who could even consider this? Charity itself is a fucked up system of spending other people's money on their behalf. Only cucks provide without recompense.

because the left / right shit is for brainless retards

I 100% agree. Most of these things are common sense, but it's hard to filter out the bullshit through all the propaganda.

That's why the Internet is a blessing to be a resource for validity and accuracy as much as the stigma has been to never trust the Internet or it's users. Things are changing.

Propoganda spotting is getting more effective day by day. Let me mention theYouTube Rewind video that scored a record breaking 10 million dislikes scoring it as the most disliked video in youtube history.

That video was chalk full of socialist propaganda and leftist bullshit.

What about stay at home fathers? Some people would have been far better off had they been raised by their father. Like I said, it's not about imposing these lifestyles on people, if there were more incentives to procreate or if most people weren't living paycheck to paycheck, everyone would be having children.

I disagree with your views on entrepreneurship primarily because most of modern technology was created by people embarked on that path.

Yep, and then you go on Jow Forums or any form of politically incorrect forum, and it's filled with comments about putting people down just for the sake of it. And giving more power to elites like it's going to accomplish anything for the middle class. Just utter right-wing nonsense that I've frankly never seen anyone spew in real life.

Jow Forums is a haystack and everyone once in a while a needle will poke you and triggers your AIDS paranoia.

That metaphor can also go the other way in that Jow Forums is asshole and every once and a while a turd nugget made of gold will pop out.

Mothers are supposed to keep the children alive and looked after. Fathers are supposed to teach. Modern decline has been going on for more than a hundred years.
>if most people weren't living paycheck to paycheck, everyone would be having children.
Yet cities where people have the most disposable wealth is also where the least children are born. Your theory falls apart before it even left the gate.
Entrepreneurship has it's place however it shouldn't be the forefront of education/social desire as it's merely a fleeting cloud that few have the chance to reach. Almost everything in the modern world was a gradual improvement on things which already exist and many people who are named entrepreneurs are merely people who made lots of money the standard way. For example the guy who made millions selling diamonds after buying them abroad. He didn't have a new idea he merely compared two prices and bought a ship to transport them.

>>race is a worthless social construct. It segregates people into fighting against each other instead of fighting together to make the world a better place.
Its genetically identifiable.
People wouldnt be in each others nations if (((your))) open border multicultural crap wasnt pushed.
Then once you let them in, kike race baiting is what cuases the fighting via victim complex crap based on lies. JEWS were behind slavery, not whites.
>gender discrimination
doesnt exist in the west
>unregulated market
a resource based economy fixes the problems with capitalism & socialism
>>the only benefit of strict borders is to the government,
mass immigration pushes down wages, overloads infrastructure (like schools, hospital beds etc), also undermines nations culture and values
> prevents us from travelling
no one is against tourist visas you fucking spaz
>the future is renewable.

>imaginary solutions to imagnary problems for imaginary reasons, always resulting in increased government power

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Die nigger lover

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This is now Fennec fox thread.

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I hate arabs and niggers. They smell and look like shit and are violent apes.

Well said Schlomo

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Cities with most disposable income still struggle to invest in property, as most of these people would be full time working middle class. If a couple can live off of the income of the man/woman alone, then you get the situation where they can easily have children because there will always be a parent present. When they both need to work, it becomes more difficult.

Countries with lower income generally have a high population on welfare, and people on welfare have plenty of time to kill, which means availability to raise children.

With regards with what each person is "supposed" to do, again, that's nonsense. It's been proven time and time again that people are most productive when they have the freedom to do what interests them, especially when survival isn't a concern. That's how modern science was invented - by rich people with time to kill. Newton, Darwin, all the important names. They didn't pursue science for money or glory because they already had both. They did it for fun. Pigeon-hole the human race and what you're creating is a generation of unproductive, unhappy desk slaves.

Oh Italy... oh wait Ireland. Ireland one of these days I am going to grab all your quality people and mass breed you for myself. I will create a country that is truly *mine* because I would have selected and mass bred you for the sole purpose of being *my* people*.

>Countries with lower income generally have a high population on welfare.
This is a straight up lie. Welfare and GDP are completely linked.

>Newton and Darwin became scientists for fun.
>Completely ignoring the long education in times when your career was decided early on in life as general education didn't exist.

>What you're creating is a generation of unproductive, unhappy desk slaves.
You mean like modern society where the vast majority are clerks?

I suspect you are trolling at this point. Your points have flaws larger than the points themselves with many being entirely backwards exchanging black with white.

> What makes you against left-leaning policies?
people who wanted what you want now, but then got into power

>>race is a worthless social construct.
Claims such as that one. I don't really need any other reasons. A mouthful of 100 % bullshit intended to make me abandon my family is enough to make me against leftism.

I meant cities, not countries. That was a typo.
How does the US have so many people on welfare and yet such a high GDP?

Newton started out as a farmer, actually. And Darwin pursued science as a hobby. Most of our current most notable entrepreneurs are dropouts as well, who just did what they wanted to for fun.

Modern society is problematic because of wealth distribution, not occupation, except for countries where education isn't widely available.

>race is a worthless social construct.

It's predictive in that it gives you a good idea about average group IQ levels, criminality, and susceptibility to specific diseases. How is that worthless?

>like women being doing better than men academically

How is this a scientific argument? It's merely stating a fact. Want more facts? Most teachers are women and highly ideologized, also people often tend to assign positive traits to women only because they are women("women are wonderful effect").

Kek, let's speak of how they are underrepresented in STEM everywhere. And as gender equality increases their number in these disciplines decrease.

Europeans made children during the Black Plague, the Great Depression and the World Wars, so this is not about poverty. Just think about immigrants, they are on average poorer than native Europeans yet they make more children.

>as it facilitates management of the country's resources

Me on the left

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>What makes you against left-leaning policies?
Because they're anti-White and support the genocide of the White race.

jesus christ, go the fuck back to r*ddit

I'll never vote for a political party or movement that concurrently supports open borders and a welfare state. The kind of person who votes for such a thing or believes that it will work, is a person that is mentally ill, and should be put in a psych ward or disallowed to vote. I'd only vote "left wing" if you supported closed borders, the deportation of illegal immigrants, and the placement of indiscriminate automated turrets along the entire north and south borders, but then you wouldn't really be "left wing" anymore so what's the fucking point.

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Leftists aren't against racist policy. See Affirmative Action.
The left is also for the importation of Muslims. How's that fit in with their anti gender discrimination?
Leftist economics are a lot more anti competition than capitalism.
Illegal immigrants = tourists and other such retardation follows.

>race is a worthless social construct. It segregates people into fighting against each other instead of fighting together to make the world a better place.

Only read your first point because it's inherently false.

Human evolution is not merely ongoing but is in fact accelerating. Source:discovermagazine.com/2009/mar/09-they-dont-make-homo-sapiens-like-they-used-to

Human races are diverging into separate species, not mixing into one. Source:discovermagazine.com/2009/mar/09-they-dont-make-homo-sapiens-like-they-used-to

The difference between the left and the right is that the right acknowledge that the left genuinely want to help people have generally good motivations, they just disagree what tactics will work best to achieve that.

Where as the left ignore the criticisms against their ideas and instead malign the right as fundamentally not having good or honest intentions.

Most of the shit the left come up with are either completely ineffective at achieving their goals or they're effective but they have insanely bad unintended consequences. Most of the ideas in the OPs post meet one of these 2 criteria.

>race is a worthless social construct
This is false and leads to third worlders believing their poverty is our fault.
>gender discrimination suppresses the potential of half of the world
Men aren't women and women aren't being suppressed when they aren't being encouraged to act like men, there's value in feminine traits, that's why they developed.
>an unregulated market opens opportunity for large organisations to take control of the market for their own benefit
Of course, half the people on this board agree, the other half are american.
>the only benefit of strict borders is to the government, as it facilitates management of the country's resources
You don't use your country's resources? And no one advocates restriction of travel, just of migration.
>access to high quality food, water, housing, healthcare and education...
This really only applies to America, and the only reason they spend so much on military is because they're the world hegemon. But I agree, they should get the fuck out of people's shit.
>the future is renewable.
The present isn't, a lot of money can still be made off of oil.

> What makes you against left-leaning policies?

they're for fags, stop making us look like cucks and piss off faggot

An advanced civilization needs energy. There is no current alternative to fossil fuel.

Liberals think it is a great idea if we abruptly cut fossil fuels without a viable alternative.

If we stop fracking gas will cost $7+ a gallon and we will go into a decades long economic slump and your children will have a bleak and precarious future.

Dear sir in the Pretty Red Hat,
my name is merissa and I am sitting a few rows behind you. I am in Los Angeles because my family lives here, we are jewish. we survived the holocaust. my family members were murdered in gas chambers - all of them except the 5 that lived. So here I am, on a plane with you. As my father says, we were born with anguish.
I flew to los angeles because 11 Jews over 55 years old were shot + killed during prayer. After they were shot I couldn't stop crying. I was afraid. I didn't want to be alone.
Our president blamed Saturday's killing spree on the synagogue. He said if they had an armed guard it would have been fine. Do you have an armed guard when you pray? God should be safe to convene with, right?
A lot of people were upset, angry, + scared on the plane when they saw your hat. For you, i want to assume it's about politics, economics + the support of a charismatic man. I wonder if you mean to scare black people, jews, + immigrants? To us your hat sanctions our death, our murder, our evisceration. Because your hat supports a man who does little to help us + so much to fuel hatred, violence + cruelty.
I love you. I hope your good america doesn't include flushing me + my people out

>gee I wonder who wrote all of this???

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>race is a worthless social construct. It segregates people into fighting against each other instead of fighting together to make the world a better place.
This is the opposite of modern left

gender discrimination suppresses the potential of half of the world (male or female, depending on which side the pendulum is swinging towards at any moment), meaning that only one half can contribute to growth and development. Hugely inefficient.
Name an example of gender discrimination other than the wage gap which has been debunked more times than abortions in chicago

an unregulated market opens opportunity for large organisations to take control of the market for their own benefit, thus creating monopolies and buying out or stamping out new ideas that could improve lives all over the world. A lack of competition also slows down progress.
> This is literally what is happening under the modern left regime.

>>the only benefit of strict borders is to the government, as it facilitates management of the country's resources. Hard borders implemented globally may keep migrants out, but it also prevents us from travelling and exploring our planet.
Have you ever heard of a passport?

>access to high quality food, water, housing, healthcare and education is far more valuable to the citizens of a nation than foreign policy interference, and in most developed countries can be achieved locally.
This is more libertarian / populist ideology not modern day left which is the opposite.

>the future is renewable. The only reason countries hang on to non-renewables is lobbying and political investors who insist on funding the fossil fuel industry. Now is the time to jump ship and implement renewables on a large scale before we fall behind when they really take off.
> How can developments be made with diversity hires under a leftist regime?

You are actually more right leaning than left leaning my friend.

Affirmative action is about fighting the idea of race, race doesn't actually exist in nature.
>Its genetically identifiable
No it's not, that's geoancestry but everyone directly traces it back to the same Homo Sapiens out of Africa.
>Name an example of gender discrimination other than the wage gap which has been debunked more times than abortions in Chicago
This is a strawman as OP is arguing not just from the present time but historically against traditional gender roles and your reactionary ideas of wanting to go back to where that kind of thing was part of cultural hegemony that's declined in influence.

Literally stopped reading on the second line.

Article is shit. Taxonomic classification is based on common ancestry. Humans are too interrelated to warrant any further speciation beyond homo sapien.

Leftism is a cancer on western civilization.

>Blend with negroids and become negroids

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