You literally cannot refute this

You literally cannot refute this.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>need to dress and speak differently
I actually don't think that. They need to behave differently. This is very easy, very simple. You follow a lawful order. When you are asked to put your hands in the air, you do it. When you're asked to exit a vehicle, you do it. When you're asked to stop moving in a direction, you stop moving.
What we see often is black men doing the exact opposite as what they're told. That makes police nervous for obvious reasons. When you continually reach in your pocket or puts your hands where they can't be seen. When you move towards an officer who is telling you to stop (at gunpoint!), when you absolutely will not exit a vehicle for any reason because you're so certain you weren't doing anything wrong.
If you really are doing nothing wrong then you let them go through the motions and everyone goes home. But you don't do that.

didn't read it, so yes

>didn’t du nuffin



Attached: swastika-red-tshirt.psd.jpg (400x407, 28K)

Get pulled over for speeding.
AY yo, I ain’t got time got your bullshit, mayne.
Sure sir, here’s my license and insurance.

It’s not about skin color, you absolute idiot.

>the unarmed black guy myth
even if by change some rare occasion they actually are unarmed their behavior and unable to process simplest requests and orders will end up in shots fired.
the amount of shots fired I've seen because of nigger behavior is fucking next level shit.
So yeah maybe niggers should speak and act differently and not so niggerish but then again they are niggers so I wouldn't expect much.

Don't be a nigger and you won't be treated like one.

Sure I can

A. Dressing modestly won't stop a rapist
B. Police by necessity have to profile people.
Acting like a thug makes the police assume you may be engaged in criminal activity.

>its someone elses fault

Niggers and women.

>looks like a duck
>walks like a duck
>quacks like a duck

I like shooting ducks

>Ayooo 12, I gotchu my nigguh. Hea my license and shiieet nigguh.
This is also acceptable.


>All fields

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>dressing modestly might not stop a rapist
could absolutely prevent rape, tho. My statement is sexist af, tho. I accept that straight men get, to borrow commie parlance, triggered by the female form. Advertisers have known and exploited this shit since before PC was a thing. Shocked that I have to explain this.

the latest post-modernist claptrap is so incredibly removed from reality that it is quite impressive. Have fun with your skittle shitting unicorns; they don't protect you from the real boogeymen.

>We shouldn't invent vaccines we should just tell viruses to stop existing
The world isn't fair and the only thing you can change is yourself.

>unarmed black men
>black youth

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A woman has never killed a man because he didnt rape her in a split second. Many black men dressed and talking like gangbangers have killed cops. Done.

Strawman, no one is claiming black people are being shot for how they dress.

Telling blacks to act appropriately around the police is fine.
Telling women to dress appropriately so they don't put themselves in danger is also fine.
Perfectly good advice for everyone.

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>hyper masculinity of the white patriarchy *drops mic*
gay nigger faggot lmAo

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if you could like stop stigmatizing people because of their cloths that would be cool

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I'm all for dirtbags wearing their flags. Makes 'em easier to spot.

So he admits black men aren't particularly masculine?

BBC posters BTFO how will they recover?

no use replying to shillkikes.
hide them all. there will still be a handful of worthwhile threads to debate real topics and current events.

>women who dress like skanks want to be raped
>black men who dress like thugs want to act like thugs
one of these is mostly correct. Not that this nigger would get it.

>black youth

You fucking Cheks can't spell for shit...


then black men can be blamed for the hyper-gansterization of their culture and subsequent killings they cause which is vastly higher than the number of cop caused deaths of blacks

That's balatanty a political expression. It isnt the same as dressing slutty whatsoever. People can be naked and that doesnt mean they are thinking "boy I wish somebody would lust for me right now". They just want to mind their business. On the other hand anybody who wears a natsoc symbol is literally doing it for attention, to make a political statement. Nice try with your false equivalency ya kike

>Buay Dubz
Stopped reading

Ironically redpilled

niggers go in the trash anyway.

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So if a nigger wears a shirt that says "Kill cops", that's a political statement and he's fair game?

the no lacking challenge is always the perfect retort to the unarmed argument.

Let's take this fellow in the news right now Samuel Little. He's an unarmed black man that has killed 90 women since the 1970's. He was a boxer, and he would do the knockout game on women, and then strangle them to death. All prostitutes and druggies that no one missed.
This case refutes both OP's points. An unarmed black man will easily sucker punch you and kill you.
Secondly, he will choose you because you are dressed like a hooker, and turn out to in fact be, a hooker.

Attached: SamuelLittle.jpg (1400x788, 161K)

Nigger faggot trying to make faulse equivilancy and virtue signal

Let black people believe this. I enjoy waking up thinking about the pain a black family in Chicago goes through every morning when they find out their little dindu was shot by another black guy trying to keep it gangster. Black people are their own worst enemy, but they're too stupid to make and changes.
