>BUILD THAT WALL in israel >BUILD THAT WALL in israel >BUILD THAT WALL in israel >BUILD THAT WALL in israel >BUILD THAT WALL in israel >BUILD THAT WALL in israel >BUILD THAT WALL in israel >BUILD THAT WALL in israel >BUILD THAT WALL in israel >BUILD THAT WALL in israel
38 billion for israel!
Nathaniel Robinson
I think we ought to round up all the illegals, give them guns, and send them to Syria to die for us. They want to be American? They have to go die in the Middle East. I totally don't say this because I want to see goblins and Arabs fight. Oh wait I do.
Anthony Foster
>still getting connection/script errors for pass GODDAMIT GOOK MOOT
>You can be angry at Trump for cucking on the wall (as seems certain now)
>You can glad he's withdrawing from Syria (if it actually happens)
Carson Hill
Wait, why is he declaring victory over ISIS? He didn't get a surrender, he didn't kill their leader. Literally nothing has changed. I know some of you dumbfucks aren't just shills, so tell me: how the hell do you eat this shit up?
>We ignored the animals who carried out these attacks in the years before 911, naively hoping that they will just fade away on their own. That's what happens when you ignore Israel and the House of Saud, they get away and live another day.
Christian Lopez
I want Brazil to declare war on them briefly just for the nursery rhyme memes. >Kurds and HUE
Jack Carter
(he didn't tho)
Chase Jenkins
We are pulling our troops out and that is all that matters.
Angel Reed
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
What? No, that isn't all that matters. What about truth? He's saying we won. How did we win? We're leaving. That's the opposite of winning. That's a retreat. We're running away.
Can someone redpill me on what’s happening with the trump charity? I see a lot of posts on kikebook about it but none of them make sense. Why is it shutting down? Did they actually do anything wrong? How is it different from other rich people’s charities? I know they’re all tax avoidance vehicles and that’s fine with me because taxation is theft, I just wanna know the real story. Thanks.
Lincoln Sullivan
I wonder how many of these warhawks are there on the ground in the frontline fighting
every time we kill their leadership a new one pops up in a couple days an organization like ISIS is never going to give a formal surrender - staying until they give us one would essentially be establishing a permanent military presence in the region i know you aren't even worth a serious response but enjoy this one anyway
Rand never needed a redemption arc because he always stuck to his principles
Gavin Allen
>step1 - remove troops from desert >step2 - place troops on border >step3 - build wall >step4 - have the haphaphappiest christmas since since bing Crosby tap-danced with Danny fucking kaye
So we just ultimately get drawn back in. That's not a withdrawel unless you tell the other stupid fucking 'allies' this is your sandbox to die in, have fun with the Russians and Iranians.