Recently I found out my girlfriend cheated on me and I tried to move on but I can't do it...

Recently I found out my girlfriend cheated on me and I tried to move on but I can't do it. I can't break up with her because we can't survive it. She says she would kill herself if I left and I would probably end up drinking myself to death. The guy she did it with is almost my puppet master and I haven't even said a word to him but I feel controlled by him. We had sex for the first time since she told me recently and I cried the whole hour and a half home. I just want to move on with her because I love her and she loves me and I still think she's a good person. I just feel depressed constantly and every time I think about how she must have moaned his name I almost throw up. I have 3 times now. I just want to move on with her but my mind won't let me. I have manic depression and this can trigger episodes of that and it often does. I feel suicidal on a daily basis now not just because of this but it creeps in my head every weak and haunts me and doesn't go away until I can't take anymore. I just want to be normal and realise people make mistakes and move on from it. I have never had confidence and this is exactly why. Almost every girl cheats on me or leaves me for someone else. I've always felt adequate since before I even got my first girlfriend. I just don't know why.

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>Recently I found out my girlfriend cheated on me and I tried to move on but I can't do it. I can't break up with her because we can't survive it. She says she would kill herself if I left and I would probably end up drinking myself to death

Cuckadoodle doo! Consequences be damned OP, just end it already because your current situation isn't much better than if you were dead like you suggest might happen.

Shes not a good person and is using you. Move on. Being in denial isnt helping anything.

Maybe you're right I just can't snap myself out of it. Nobody else makes me feel like she does though. Nobody else does for me what she does and she only did it once. She makes me so happy and I know she would take it back if she could but she cant

Realistically she isn’t in love with you because she cheated! Take it from personal experience. Just move on. With time everything gets better. Suicide is never the answer it does nothing but bring more pain. Do your thing man do something with your life. Never settle

I just feel so dependant on her. She's my rock and the only one who talks me down from the ledge of killing myself and when she holds me in her arms everything is okay and I feel so warm and loved.

You are not responsible for the happiness of others. You are responsible for your own happiness.

>She only did it once
This mentality where you constantly excuse her behavior needs to stop. "Oh, she only did it twice, she still loves me! Only 5 times, we are still happily in love!" You are in denial and are enabling her into doing it again. I know its a meme but you are unintentally cucking yourself. Please grow a pair and leave her.

Killing yourself won’t make a difference. Grow a pair and move on, who gives a shit if she kills herself. She clearly doesn’t give one fuck about you. Quit being a pussy.

She just had repressed feelings for him because he's manipulative and does anything for some ass but she dated him for 2 years straight and she has him blocked on everything now

I care if she does. She is the only beacon of hope for me. There's layers to our relationship that's impossible to explain but I wouldn't have stayed with her this long after that if I didn't think she cared trust me I've never forgiven someone or given second chances before

I promise it WILL happen again. You are letting her cheat. I know the kind of person you are and you wont listen to anyone here or leave her until she leaves you. You can get out early and keep your dignity and some self worth, or wait for the end where she leaves you for some dick she perfers over you. You HAVE to understand that she likes OTHER PEOPLE more than YOU. If the opposite was true, she WOULDNT have CHEATED.

I'm crying but thank you so much for that. I needed that. I just need some time to build confidence to end it.




I just needed some knocking down but everyone Is right

Please don't make people leave I'm lonely and it's midnight and no one else will talk to me

Just consider how mad you'll be when you find out she gave you crabs, herpes, chlamydia, or hpv

Condoms dont work for those fyi

have pride...thats all i can say man...i know its hard currently my gf is away and we are taking a break after she said she didnt wanna be together because of personal hurts and you wanna be with her because shes a part of your life that wont ever go away...its tough but you know what you have to do so make it as quick as possible, if you unironically wanna talk about it without being upset just post your discord and talk to people in private it helps

No one wants to talk to you because everyone is giving the advice you asked for but not the advice you are seeking.

The logical, sound advice of the people from experience:
>dump her

What you want someone to tell you because it's the easier path with less effort you have to put in because you're lazy
>Forgive her

It's pointless to try and convince you when you're not willing to listen and just making up excuses about poor old you and signalling how miserable you are, which is why I said it's pointless to keep replying, yet here I am reiterating my post, essentially posting spam.

Quit deluding yourself and take control of your life. Spend some time in isolation and build something worthwhile that nobody can take from you or just be a pathetic cuck either way good luck dude.

user, as someone who also had a slutty gf in the past, I'm TELLING you to leave her. Who gives a shit if she will "kill herself." These sluts aren't worth it. I'm begging you to leave her

Also, how is this guy your puppet master?

Dump her, you fucking idiot.
Or hell, let me speak to your subconscious mind for a moment. You listening, subconscious? He needs you to bail him out of this. Sabotage it if he's too much of a pussy to do it himself. Be a DICK. Find an opening and nuke it. He needs this.

You need to go get professional help, and get on medication. You need to get your condition in check before anything else. Get stable, and then see what you do and do not want.

She doesn't love you and the man that cucked you is laughing every time he remembers it.


well maybe you going out and having sex with someone will kind of balance the whole thing out.

>she says she will kill herself

No she won't. She's emotionally blackmailing you into staying with her so she has a security blanket when she's of getting pounded by Chad. You need to get out. The relationship is tainted

The moment she decided to betray your trust was the moment the real relationship ended. Anyone in any kind of serious relationship would understand how important trust is and the fact that she still did it just means she doesn't care about trust.

>The guy she did it with is almost my puppet master
This bait get a weirder by the day.

Just end it dude.

She cheated on you once , will most likely cheat on you again and again. Love isn't cheating on your partner. She pretty much is using you. Snap out of it buddy , you'll never forget this and it'll always be on your mind. It's consuming you and extremely toxic , break it off with her right now . She isn't worth it , and there are better girls out there who won't cheat on you or settle with you. I'm aware it's tough but things will never be the same with her , just break it off rn .

>she just had repressed feelings
>she just fucked with him once
Where did he cum? Inside her, on her face? How long did she suck his dick? Was she wet immediately? How much did she want it? Just imagine her face when he made the first thrust. Did they cuddle afterwards and hold each other tight in the afterglow? How big was his dick? Did she like him more then you? At least the novelty of having a new guy fuck her must've made her excited. In what positions did they fuck?

I've been cheated on too and these thoughs won't leave you till she's gone and out of your mind.

well duh ur unhappy your genes are telling u ufucked up. millions of years of evolution. heres a hint if u had got her pregant and had 2 kids u woukd not give as much of a fuck. asur genes passed on. also mu wife who has my children knows if she fucks another guy i will hunt that guy down and kill him mercilessly she realises the implications of this. its about the only thing that keeps a woman in line now.

Have some respect for yourself.
She didnt care about you enough to not sleep with ither men. You owe her no favors. Pack up and bail, nigga.

You have a codependent relationship that is quite toxic. Do not rely on a woman for your psychiatric health. Perhaps you should see a therapist yourself.

You’re a pathetic cuck


>gf cheats on you
>”user if you leave me I will kill myself”

Dude what are you even doing? She’s a lying bitch. She won’t kill herself. If you dump her she’ll go straight back to that guy for “comfort”.

Dumb that whore. Don’t be a cuck

and why the betrayal is more insidious, this girl doesn't love you but wants to destroy you from the inside

He isn't your puppet master, she is

>She says she would kill herself if I left
kek, you are being taken hostage in your own relationship and are such a beta cuck to buy into it.

you dumb fuck


>If you leave me I’ll kill myself!

Any response but “GOOD!” is cucked

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>your a cuck
>use her apologies to fuck her in the ass
>dumb her straight away
>if she kills herself good
>99% chance she wont
>100% chance she will cheat on you again

mfw op will probably marry her or some shit fucking weak

Did you break up with her OP? Keep us updated in this thread pls

Just focus on all her bad traits, it really helps.

>gf cheated
>threatened to kill herself if I leave
>she says she loves me despite cheating and threatening to kill herself if I leave
>the guy she fucked is still around

Leave her.
If she actually kills herself, it's not your fault, you can't help her if she is legitimately going to kill herself, refer her to a professional.
You have no obligations to her, you shouldn't feel cucked by the bull.
I've been cheated on OP, it doesn't get better, she can agree to concessions, blowjobs on demand, giving you half her earnings, and replacing C's with B's like a blood, you won't get over it, you won't move on, the relationship is done.

End it with her and work on yourself, you owe yourself that much.

Where do you live OP?
I'll kill both of you so neither need to suffer because you both "need" each other.

NEVER have children. They will probably gender fluid and be completely insufferable.


OP you need to leave her. Fuck that worthless slut. She’s noting but a cumrag.

Let me ask you something about the guy your gf cheated on you with. Was he a friend of your gf, while she was still dating you?

She cheated on you and then threatened to kill herself if you leave her. How on earth have you convinced yourself that she's a good person? You nee to move on without her, not with her. Cheating isn't a 'mistake', it's a conscious choice people make if they don't give a shit about their partner. Leave her immediately

both of you are weak as fuck
please do remove yourselves

I'm in the same boat.

I'm actually almost dead from drinking myself to death. Constant blood diarrhea.

Don't drink. Girls are temporary. Fuck them. Fuck your friends over. Or don't, kid. Life moves on. Let her "Kill herself." That's not on you. She's controlling you and you're a little bitch for it.

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your both too weak and should not be passing your genes onto offspring.

>she would kill herself if I left
>cheated on you
I hope you're not this naive or you wouldn't survive out there.
Drop her like a stone