I’m 20 year old male and I was just lied to by an old geezer. He told me he was 24, when in reality he was 38. I was taken advantage of. No matter how many times I shower and scrub away at my skin with soap and clorox, I still feel dirty. I need closure.
What would you say about this person I texted?
>What would you say about this person I texted?
I'd call you a faggot and say your thread is shit. tl;dr
Stop being a faggot
Kys faggot
Thanks so much for your words of support so far You guys are helping me out so much rn
Just gays doing pedo things
ayeeeeeeeeeeeeeee u a bitch
>I dont find older people attractive
>So that makes YOU the pedophile
This is the reality you signed up for when you adopted the homosexual identity.
You're 20 and think you are a "boy"?
At that age I had my first house and business.
Honestly, just kill yourself.
I didn't read any of that shit, but you lost just by sending it.
>be fag
>makeout with other fag
>realizes fag is oldfag hunting for fresh boipucci
>act like a woman
an hero already aidsmachine
bro im not reading any of this shit either
some old dude who looked young lied to you about his age to get you to fuck him and now you're mad because you found out he was really old
Sounds like you have a major case of being a huge fucking faggot
Kill yourself. You are a disgusting faggot faggoting around ruining the board with your personal faggot bullshit. Fuck off and die
Thanks for all the love! You guys helped me put the knife down :)
>expecting sympathy from Jow Forums about being a faggot
Where did you think you were?
dude you're a gay homo go and deal with your sick homo shit privately. pro tip though misrepresentation of oneself in such a manner could lead to you having undue emotional distress and a very good case to sue this other faggot for it go and find yourself a good Schlomo lawyer
you don't want to know what else he's had in his hands like 38 year old meat
>I need closure
No, what you need is to close the oven door on yourself
>play faggot games
>win faggot prizes
whoever this is, she texted with a faggot.
pick it back up pls
Now you have AIDS from your fag
choose one
not a she, a he.
it makes it even more faggoty
The Boomer posts never cease to amaze me on Jow Forums.
Based Antonio
You're both butt pirates over the age of 18. This really is what you signed up for. Did you use a condom because if not you probably just got 38 years worth of homosexual STDs up your ass.
KYS, you will feel better.
Haha that's what you get for being a fag also if you're above 18 you're a fucking adult start acting like one and maybe people will take you seriously
>a sodomite being a peodophile
Nothing to see here.
I’m so dirty. I need to be cleansed with love right now :(
How could you not tell he wasnt 24 when you fucked him?
As a 23 year old who owns his first house and business. Fuck off boomer, my situation is as a result of exceptional circumstances. I am blessed to have what I have.
But the majority of our generation is fucked.
>Boomer faggot dabs on the zoomer faggot
I love it.
I don't understand this bullshit thread, OP. You're 21 years old and thought you were dating a 27 year old man, but in reality he was actually 38 years old? How does that make the old geezer a pedophile?
I'm in my 20's and I'd date a younger guy. Does that make me a pedo? This thread looks like a retards diary entry.
I legitimately want you to die
Suicide or wait until we hang you from a fucking lamppost, so long as you find your way to hell
It's a gay man named 'Joshie" who was catfished by a 38 year old gay man pretending to be 23 and then pretended to be 27, but he was actually a 38 year old geezer. Not a female, two gays.
ur gay af faggot
Gets dicked down by an older man and all this faggot is worried about is the age difference...
Gj telling them off, I didn’t read any of it either.
They seem like an insufferable faggot.
What's the problem, was his asshole too loose for you?
>be in your 20s
>make out with a guy that's older than you
>call him a pedophile when you find out he's 38
lmao, what in the fuck?
So you're a faggot?
Disgusting. You'll burn for that.
are people actually taking this thread seriously
lol he btfo you in a text after he pozzed your neghole
remember faggot, after you die suffering on earth, you have an ETERNITY of torture in hell waiting for you
>guy who shows up, likely fat, lots of hair everywhere, wrinkles
Why did you make out with a guy who obviously could NEVER have been 27?
Also, why are you meeting strangers on the internet in public/private for sexual encounters/dating?...Finally, unless he straight up manhandled you and fucked you in the ass/mouth unwillingly, I don't see anything ILLEGAL here.
I’m 32 and I get carded all the fucking time.
If you aren’t a fat slob with shit genetics you don’t age much as a man.
Pretty soon getting a woman pregnant is going to be pedophilia.
What even is this faggot thread?
No (you) for a faggot!
This is like having your arm cut off and complaining that the knife wasn't sharp enough.
I agree as a 23 year old making $250k as a GM for Wendy's. Boomers need to fuck off.
>why are you meeting strangers on the internet in public/private for sexual encounters/dating?
It's what faggots do. 20% of faggots have over 1000 (one thousand) sexual partners in their much shorter than average lifespan.
>Guy who is of legal age to make his own decisions and didn't get actually raped is claiming rape.
>OP is literally just mad because he got used like a 'piece of ass' and crumpled up/tossed out like a tissue paper
Welcome to the real world, don't trust everyone you meet on the Internet.
Here's what you do, OP.
1) Get your gun. If you don't have one, buy one.
2) Arrange to meet with the old dude. Say you want to apologize and after calming down just want to talk.
3) When he gets there, talk with him.
4) At some point shoot him.
5) Now, you're a wanted criminal. Don't go to jail and kill yourself with the gun.
That way, two of you fucking faggots will end up dead and the world will be a slightly better place, because there's two less faggots ruining the atmosphere.
I'd say you deserve a prolapse
>over 1000 sexual partners
Christ. No wonder they get AIDS/HepB all the time, and spread it like free butter.
Yeah I get that. Im 41 dont look it. But I damn sure dont look like early 20s. And you get carded because of policy. I too get carded when I go somewhere people dont know me.
I uses to work at sams club and loved carding the little old ladies buying wine.
>im gonna need to see some id for that wine ms
>oh you! Arent you sweet tee hee tee hee.
>im serious
yeah whatever, i didn't even read all of OP's bullshit but it makes sense that OP is a massive faggot.
oh dude you wouldn't believe it, the daddy issues are of the charts these days. I dick down quite a few of these fags they're so easy.
I get skeptical looks and they always scan it if I go to a liquor store I havnt been to before.
i just scrolled to the grey part and concluded the same, aint reading shit so i skip to the opinion sharing.
Suck my balls or gtfo
I'm also not reading any of this.
kys op you dumb faggot
On top of beeing a faggot you're a snowflake. Like "literally" KYS.
>in your 20s
>fucked by a 38 year old
It would only be a true pedophile if you were 14, 16, or 10 years old (or younger).
I see nothing illegal here, and your Twink boi pussy was probably delicious to this degenerate faggot, and other degenerate faggots.
Stop being so vulnerable, and don't be surprised if people lie about their age to get sex...happens all the time, especially with strangers you have never met and are only meeting for sex anyway.
Nice political thread fagit
Cool blog post nigger.
> 20 year old faggot
> Somehow thinks he qualifies as underaged
> Looks for sympathy on Jow Forums
On a serious note, all trolling aside, the only thing that will cleanse you is the love of God/Jesus. You indulged in homosexuality that society encouraged, not thinking of the risks and you got burned. Pray for forgiveness and abstain from sex. Be a better person and know that God will love you and humans, both Male and female will screw you over but God will not. I had sex with about 50 thots, going out to clubs every weekend and got wrapped up in my narcissistic sexuality and it psychologically damaged me, almost led me to ruin/suicide. I prayed for forgiveness, abstained from sex and have had a much better life since then. Hope you read this and consider it.