Should i learn Angular or React?

Should i learn Angular or React?

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Depends on what's your goal?

most people are picking react over angular. but it definitely depends on your company


if your not doing web dev with sockets you are doing it wrong

How is this politics nigger

The newer frameworks usually have less pajeets


anything javascript is cancer.


>Not doing everything in assembly
Shiggy diggy

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>t. never used the internet before

React. Angular is on the way out

install gentoo



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>t. a faggot javascript developer

>being retard who doesn't differentiate between javascript and typescript.

Learn both.

>being a faggot front end developer.

The TypeScript compiler is itself written in TypeScript and compiled to JavaScript.

>Angular maintained by Google
>React maintained by Facebook
Anymore botnet tier libraries you want us to discuss on a an unrelated board?
Using a library is very low IQ of you. Make your own for your own use case, unless you're perfectly happy for your website to distribute a Russian crypto miner to every poor sap who has the misfortune of visiting your site.

Typescript is gay and you should feel bad for using it. If your application is so fucking bad you need to introduce type constraints, then just off yourself. Either you're hiring way too many incompitent devs, or you're an idiot who can't be trusted with safety siccors.
JS is a gift if you're not a complete fucking idiot and you can manage your types without needing to implicity declare them, or a curse otherwise.

so what's your argument. C# compiles down to IL and Java to bytecode. That doesn't mean Java programmer is bytecode and C# programmer is IL programmer.


Learn see plus plus

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learn binary code, only true way to do it

Pajeet confirmed.

How does being a front end dev make one a faggot?

>i want the internet to look like a terminal!
>ugh css is so confusing lol

>muh strong type system is bad

Have you ever written something more than simple hello world.
If constraints are bad then we shouldn't use any desing patterns or code conventions, because if use them you are weak programmer.

You might think that I'm pajeet but that's where you are wrong. But don't worry you still are a mutt.

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Your comment proves my point.

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