This guy is in love with the sound of his own voice

This guy is in love with the sound of his own voice.

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i love it too uwu

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He’s got a good voice... I’d unironically jack off to my own voice if I could speak like him

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all e celeb faggots are also kys

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Long live the 10.2 inch Hexenhammer.

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He is a boomer trapped in a millennial body, who pretends he identifies with the Gen Xers more.

He will NEVER call out Zionism and he'll stay a neo-cuckservative for the rest of his life.

You’re actually fucking retarded. You know exactly what would happen if he made any mention of that.

I wish I could pull off the shirtless/leather jacket combo as effortlessly as he does.

Even if there were NO reprecussions for being anti-Zion, he would still refuse to call them out.

He will never let go of the, "heey *spoon clank* these palestinians need to get along with israel some more! both sides should chill out! here in vermont...muh roads...muh so good here cuz civic nationalism and not because few brown ppl"

I stopped paying attention to him after that TDS bit where Enoch pointed out that you could basically replace any of Styx's "what if" explanations for why we need unlimited brown people with a fucking radioactive meteor destroying the country and they would make just as much sense.

"Well if we don't have unlimited brown people entering the country China might get that immigration instead, *spoonclank* and then they could outcompete us, we might end up in a nuclear war."

"Well if we don't have unlimited brown people entering the country a radioactive meteor might hit Wisconsin and turn half of the population, it's very funny, then you'd be sad that you don't have millions of brown people wouldn't you, that's about all, peace out"

These are both equally congruous statements.

I can't put my finger on it, but his voice irritates me for some reason, I can't listen to him for longer than a few minutes. His rambling style doesn't help either.

Styx is a very sharp minded political commentator. I don't particularly agree with his ideology, but his analysis is usually spot on, especially concerning various intrigues. And more importanly, he's relevant. If I want to know what happened today, I go to his channel. But yes. Not the most based and redpilled commentator out there. But again, that's not the only quality a commentator needs.

I like his content, but he does have a tendency to get arrogant.

His videos are usually about 10 minutes long and he repeats himself over and over a bit, but he is knowledgable enough and can speak on the fly about a number of good topics. I don't always agree with him, but he seems honest enough and he's one of the better political commentators out there.
His views on race are shit though: must be a consequence of living in Vermont. Try saying the same shit surrounded by Niggers, idiot.

His channel is blocked in Germoney.

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I haven't really heard his thoughts on niggers. Is he "we all gotta get along" message?

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If hexenhammerxxx666xxx666 is smart he will adapt by increasing his quality & decreasing his quantity. thats about all.

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You faggots know that he's called out isreal in many videos right? He's even said that Netanyahu wants to bomb the Gaza Strip but can't cause of international condemnation.

He is, but holy shit does he pad out his videos. Half of them offer nothing but a notification of the headline after the first minute, then nonstop rambling to hit a 10 minute mark.

god i hate u sage faggots. fuck u and your goddamn fuckin sage

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Some of his videos are sargon tier cringe status.

He is also blue pulled af on homosexuals & (((civic nationalism))).

hes a lobertarian, Therefore an idealist whos an idiot.

Fuck off shareblue. Sage.

I don't know. Either you're right, or we don't have the attention span to keep listening. Maybe a little of both. Regardless, I think he would benefit from having some pictures and ledgers to go along with his explanations, like, a face along with the name could really help me understand some of the more internal stuff.

This is true, which is why subscribe to see what the most relevant headline is for the day, click the archive link in his vid description, and read it for myself.
His audience has grown into a channel for gen x/boomers, and as such, his rambling has become incomprehensible. I enjoyed his commentary during the run up to trumps election, but after that, I started to notice a deluge of boomer posters in his comments and a decline in quality from his videos.
Hopefully we get 2015-2016 Styx for the 2020 election. That was peak Styx for me

>T. Guy that doesn't know how YouTube works

He's a civic nationalist and says he doesn't care about race. The problem is that where he lives is mostly white, so his viewpoints reflect that.
He's innocent and hasn't been blacked yet. Styx needs to be thoroughly blacked by a BBC in order to understand what it means to be white.

well he can't be in love with his own looks soooo