ITT: Ask The Opposite Gender Anything

Before you post a question, check the FAQ to see if it's already been answered.
Keep questions short for more answers.
If you're not going to like honest answers, don't ask your question.
And please no derailing arguments.

>Do girls/guys like ?
>What do girls/guys think about
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of people/rejection. What do I do?
Get over it by practising and exposing yourself to it, little by little, step by step. There is no single magical moment that will instantly change you forever.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out.

>Where do I meet girls/guys?
Anywhere outside. Or online.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me please
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>This person did something that hurt my feelings. Why do guys/girls do this?
Because shit people are shit people. It's not a gendered thing.

>Someone has made it super clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I still have a chance?

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Pick one or more of the following: coffee, lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, art gallery, .

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theres a girl I met off tinder, initially it was just a hookup but the time we spent together was really unique compared to all the other hookups I've had off there. I've developed feelings for her unlike any Ive had for any other girl and she said its mutual. I noticed today she deleted her tinder, does this mean she wants to make it exclusive or something along those lines? or maybe just remaking her account idk

How can you tell if someone is using you for attention or genuinely likes you?

> Never dated b4
> typical Jow Forums autism individual

What do you talk on dates? and should you hide your Jow Forums autism with women or not?

Can someone explain why girls find it so rude that you wont spend money on them if they dont have sex with you. I mean if you are trying to constantly go out, go shopping, go to amusement parks, or even try to move in so you can leave where you live now, you should expect to give up some ass for that

Ask her there is literally no way for us to know.

They will take initiative in the relationship, they don't expect excessive amounts of favours or shows of good will, they respect your feelings and want to hear about your life too, they make time for you when you need them to and not just when they need you.

You talk about interests, goals, jokes, pop culture, niche culture, tease, flirt, smile, observe your surroundings, the activity you're doing, friendships, interesting anecdotes, basically anything you would talk about with someone who wants to know about your life.
>should I hide my autismo
Yes. Women are mostly normies by default because they aren't exactly welcomed on sites like Jow Forums and so won't understand it. You should work on adopting some normie habits and not just dismiss it out of hand simply because you're not sure how to get along with other people.

>oh, well if you won't have sex with me I won't spend money on you

You're implying that they are prostitutes.

I dreamed of a gf last night. It left with a nice feeling inside that I haven't felt in a long time. I wish I knew how to trigger these dreams, maybe I should try to take up lucid dreaming. I have already come to the conclusion that women are weird estrogen monsters who evolved from that spider who eats it's mate after they breed. Modern male-female relationships are grotesque, for both parties involved. I wish I was never raised with the fantastical perception of women so that I would not long for something that does not exist in this world.

> You should work on adopting some normie habits and not just dismiss it out of hand

I have normie skills but my inner core is absolute autismo. Say as you getting along well and gf happens. You still shouldn't expose your inner Jow Forums? Is it something to hide like my anime/manga stash?

No i am not, if they expect things like that with out putting time and effort into the relationship then its quid pro quo, ill get and do what ever you want but in return you must give up ass

Depends on how autism you are. You can be weird around people you are comfortable with, we all are. It's really just a case of putting your most objectively attractive qualities first because your outward personality is important in that initial stage of trying to get a girl to like you.

They are. Men spend money on women so that they will dispense affection and sex, women in return get money and protection. If you don't fulfill your part of the deal you are cheating the man out of his hard earned cash. Wa wa wa why do I have to fulfill my side of the relationship waaaaaaaaa ;_;

for girls, what subtle things about men irritate you the most?, and then what little things can they do to make you warm and fuzzy?.

I mean I would call them prostitutes, its just how it is all i said was if a guy goes ok i see how you are, so if you want X then give up ass, why do they get upset

I explained that poorly. You're saying "I'm not going to spend effort on you if you're not going to put out," and what she's hearing is "Bitch I'm paying for your time so you'd better have sex with me."

Women could read a totally blank space between the lines and still find hidden insults in it. Just one of those things you have to learn to work around.

If a roastie doesn't put out then perhaps she is worth less than a prostitue?

I see what you are saying, and you are right if that was the case however most girls are expecting to either be able to move in with you, or constantly go on 1000$ plus dates every weekend, and we havent dated for more than a month, and i simply am asking what makes them think this is ok without giving up ass

If thats how you want to look at it sure

You are dating the wrong kinda girl my nagguh

I am currently shitting out a spicy (tm) burrito from my asshole. I don't really hate women, it is the hot lava coming out of my ass which has made me particularly angry today. Aaaah

Have a female coworker and a male one. Male one is new and has a bit of an attitude, especially to me. Girl tells me
>user if he keeps talking to you like that I'm going to slap him!
I'm not bothered by him and just get on with my life but why is she so concerned?

So lets say George Clooney is getting well with a chick who does not know the actor. George is dressed well (in normal jacket chinos) which compliments his outward attractive qualities. They get on together and a few weeks or months later, are bf and gf.

One day the gf opens the door to find George Clooney watching anime on the left tab and the right tab shit posting on /b/. She sees further on the right tab some hardcore porn which led her eyes on his erection. George Clooney meets her eyes. He is caught. Whats worst, he can't stop wanking because the video is at its climax. He ejaculates. George Clooney. The man with great outward attractive qualities, has masturbated to orgasm to porn whilst his gf stared at him, shocked at what she saw.

If a girl was in this scenario, would you still be with him without judgement?

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Maybe, then tell me friend what is the right girl?

Referring to (You)


I just found out a girl who left me on read weeks ago was testing me to see how much I wanted to be with her by seeing if I would try to continue the conversation after she stopped replying.

She stopped replying so I didn't continue to message her because no one wants to be the guy who can't take the hint.

Girls how can you think this is a good "test" to put someone through?

The right kind of girl? She doesn't exist. That being said I have found non-American women to be much more pleasant to be around. Many American women are these odd hyper feminist-consumer creatures due to years of psychological manipulation by advertising campaigns. Also patriarchy in America is totally dead, so they don't respect men as much anymore and won't feel bad about leading you on. My advice is to go to a real society (ie not America, which is basically a collection WalMarts spread between the mountains) where people still treat each other with respect. I'm not telling you to become a sexpat, that is gross.

Women who put men through tests like that really aren't worth dating in the first place user.

I don't expect men to pay stuff for me ever, but yeah if you imply that you pay stuff for me in return to sex you are basically implying I am a prostitute which I really don't enjoy.

I don't feel entitled to your money, but if you want to pay for my food don't feel entitled to a blowjob in the car.

As a female I would be laughing so hard i would not be able to speak.

Oh no I agree. She told me herself. 3 weeks of silence I had almost completely forgotten that it happened and she sends me a message saying that I could have had her if I'd just double texted and that she was testing me, accused me of being an over-proud fuckboy, then told me to delete her number, and all I could think was that I dodged a bullet.

You do feel entitled to his money and will stop going out with him if he doesn't spend money on you. You will grow to resent him and feel as if he ""doesn't care"" yet conversely you won't feel any problem with not ever having sex with him and don't understand how this might make him think you don't care about him.

I mean, I'd fucking make fun of him to death.
For being a retard who posts on /b/, faps to porn when his girlfriend can catch him and not telling me before so we can do it together.

Don't know. My boyfriend is weird as shit, we have fun together. We have weird sex, shitpost together and he makes fun of me because I don't get 2004 niche memes.
Doesn't really matter, I love him and he's pretty awesome. Then I am on Jow Forums so probably I am not in the best position to judge.

Thats not what i was implying at all, going out to dinner, dancing, movies, lunch, bowling, hiking things like that are cool, going black friday shopping and expecting me to spend 10 grand on you when we arent married hell havent been dating for more that 6 months is a different story

>I don't get 2004 niche memes
Newfag gtfo.

Did that literally happen to you or is that a hypothetical?

My oldest childhood friend got married about 7 years ago, and now he and his wife are getting a divorce. They were together all through high school and are two of my favorite people. I know he has extreme narcissistic tendencies and occasional bisexual tendencies (no homo) and can’t hold a job for very long, but he’s a good person and always strives for self improvement. She’s a very sweet person and an extremely hard worker, and a nurturer, and has always been a huge source of encouragement for all of our friends.
What can I say to be supportive? I don’t want to pry or even know the reason for their divorce, but I want to be available just in case.
I don’t plan on approaching the subject unless he/she comes to me specifically, but if they did, I’d make them each a casserole or something idk, my heart hurts for each of them

Because relationships aren't exclusively about sex. You have to be clear on what your intentions are. If you are looking for a girlfriend, then expecting sex for money is indeed rude.

But this is the age of tinder, you will be able to find plenty of girl who will put out for money. But some girls will be looking for a guy who wants to spend time with her, and not just exchanging money for sex, and their will not take kindly to that kind of suggestions.

Women lead men on often because they are encouraged to abuse men emotionally.

If your GF isn't having sex with you she doesn't love you, she's just using you. This excludes girls who are waiting until marriage.

I was being coy, trying to find the "right" girl is stupid thinking, I can get most girls and get along with generally everyone. I dont have an issue spending money on a lady, if she is going to be wifey ill get whatever her heart desires for she means more to me than any material pocession, all im saying is most girls, expect this treatment without any work, and if you want these things, with out work then the easiest way is to give up ass

I literally never felt entitled to anyone's money. I tend to split bills, in my only long term relationship I actually covered 90% of the bills because he was unemployed so whenever we went out I paid for both of us.
And I fucked him often. It is not a problem.

Still, even with my current boyfriend who is rather well off and often pays stuff for me, if he felt entitled to sex because he paid for my dinner I'd still get annoyed. He gets sex because I love fucking him, not because it is his right.I sometimes get free shit because he likes treating me to nice things, not because I am entitled to it.

Honestly, my bf of 2 years didn't buy me a birthday gift and I didn't care.
Maybe stop dating retards?

This is not okay either way. Girls like that are a trap. They will not put out much, are usually pretty shit in bed, and tries to milk as much cash out of you as possible.

Find less abusive girls. These are not common at all, but they have learned to easily manipulate guys who think with their dick, and not their head.

>tfw I was 11 and didn't speak English in 2004

That's not an answer to my question.

>why is she so concerned?
Because it's modern and hip to hate men, call abuse and harrasment, and generally ensure that no other women gets in on the action that they can't get themselves.

Yea man she expected the world in 3 months, sure she was considered upper middle class where she was from (china) but i simply said "uh sorry we havent been together long enough nor fucked that many hours for me to just do that for you just because"

I was joking.

There is a part of me that wants to tell you to do it, but I love how autistic my bf is and how authentic we are together.
So... do if you want greater chances of success, but maybe don't if you want something more real.

I know, user, I know.
He isn't. He bullies me a lot.

Putting out during the first two dates isn't really common for non-sluts, though.

I'm a dude, what action is she expecting to miss out on? She doesn't hate me obv. Also she's like 40.

Let's just say that, from a girls perspective, a lot of this #metoo and overly protective "don't look at anyone for more than 5 seconds!" Rules, seems to favour the women who is single or in a sexless marriage, and shit on the younger single girls, who now has trouble finding a guy, because they are all afraid of being hit with a sexual harrasment or outright rape accusation.

If that is there get down i am not mad at them, the realtionship just ends because im not giving them money that they want and if there is no sex ill find someone else, but why do they get mad if you werent trying to have an actual relationship so i left

You maybe right

>it's not my bfs right for me to love him waaaa why are boys so entitled waaaa ;_;
It's your duty as his GF to care for him, and it is his duty to care for you. If you can't, you break up, otherwise you are a dishonest and manipulative person. This is how relationships work stupid. You said you have sex with him because you love him, so why can't you understand a girl who leads on her bf and never fulfills any of her duties doesn't love him? If your bf never gave you affection or any gifts to show his love you would feel slighted too. So why is it so hard to understand from the other side? You are a myopic and selfish person.

You're not making sense, sorry. I'm not being sexually harassed. She's not into #metoo, feminism, Twitter, or any shit like that.

I wouldnt go that far. No it is not either person's right to make the other feel good but it would be nice in something long term. At the end of the day just be upfront and honest with your intentions if the girl wants to be paid or taken care of the easiest way is to give up ass for men are really simple, as for guys dont be fake and waste a girls time because time can never be gotten back, and dont be rude just come to an agreement

girls, would you even date a guy who's had all sorts of dirt dumped on him?

Because life is more complicated than that, user.

Maybe she is stressed, maybe she has low libido and doesn't get horny, maybe she is busy, maybe she has self image issues.
I love my boyfriend, I don't have any huge issues, I think his cock belongs in my mouth and I fuck him multiple times a day.
But if in the future I got, say, postpartum depression and didn't want to fuck him for a year it wouldn't mean I don't love him and I am a cunt. Just life got in the way.

If my boyfriend had problems and couldn't give me attentions because he was really busy, or didn't have money to buy me gifts, I wouldn't think he stopped loving me.

I don't feel entitled to anything. Love wants only love, it doesn't feel entitled to anything and it doesn't refuse anything.

Then if you are unhappy, by all meas, break up. But life is more complicated than "if you really loved me you'd suck my dick".

If he took a shower before our date, yeah

Guys, if you want to pay everything, that's fine, but you should seriously consider what the girl is looking for before doing that.

I always pay myself, and I am a girl. Usually I figure out how well off the guy is first though, because if he is barely scrapping by, I'll happily handle the bill for the dinner. I'm here to spend time with him, and I frankly don't care who takes the bill, but I am not going to force it on a guy who can barely afford it.

In my experience, however, I get worried when a guy insists on paying the full bill. Especially if it is the first date. The guy tends to seem strangely demanding for the rest of the night, and will often seem almost upset if we don't go home and have sex, which is indeed offensive and quite rude. Yeah, you paid, because you insisted on it. Don't act as if I am an escort.

Conversely, I am not going to keep wasting time on you if i dont like you. No girl will. If you've been on several dates, all paid by you, and she still doesn't want to sleep with you, she is using you. The only way to avoid that, is ensuring she isn't just there because you are dumb enough to throw money at her, with no guarantee that she'll put out. Hookers exist, use them if that's what you are looking for. Or just catch literally any of the thousands of girls on tinder willing to fuck just because they like it.

What if I’m married and my wife wants to pay? Technically if she uses her card (we share a bank account) I’m still paying since I work and she doesn’t

If you are married then this discussion isn't really relevant to you.

I agree with you on this. If there is an exception like her being mentally ill or wanting to wait until marriage then that is different.


Do you like leaving bruises on your gf? Why?

I think my bf has been doing it on purpose.

Everytime I get a selfie from this girl on snapchat it looks exactly like this (pic related). What does this mean? Does it even mean anything?

Attached: 1530000359748.jpg (1067x1067, 474K)

>Girl, have trouble dating
>Always seem to mess it up somehow, and I somehow fail to even get to sex with pretty much all of my dates
>Some strange guy asks me out
>Super pretty, seems to put a ton of effort into looking good, compared to me, a..."homely" girl with very few feminine assets
>Have a great first date
>End up having sex
>Super confused at how easily that went, when guys far less attractive has seemingly been completely out of my reach.
>Contacts me 2 days later, asks if we can meet somewhere
>He shows up with a... Friend.
>Both are wearing rings. He wasn't wearing a ring during my date
>Says they are mostly gay, married to each other, but have been looking for, and I'll quote, "a different kind of meat to add to the dish".
>Says I am perfect, because I am a girl, but I can pass for a cute guy, even while naked.
>They asked if I would be up for being a sharing partner, or even be part of a few threesomes once in a while if I am up for that.
>Say they are looking for something long term, and not just for a few times of fun.
Do I take this? Do I just resign to the fact that I am apparently so ugly I look like a guy, and take the one opportunity I can find?

I have never felt more like just jumping off a bridge in my life. That was the single most painful thing I have been told in my life, but at the same time, it just makes me feel like my dating life is going to be a never ending cycle of failure, and that I won't get another chance like this. I have no idea what to say, but at least they gave me a few weeks of response time.

I am 27, and have been trying to find someone for 8 years. These guys are 30-33 respectively. They do seem to like me, I just hate WHY they do.

You need to watch sense8 from netflix or google it to watch it. You might actually like the experience. They didn't ask you to marry them.

I think the bored is a bit self explanatory.

>You need to watch sense8 from netflix or google it to watch it.
Uhh, why?
>You might actually like the experience.
I have no doubt, but it still feels like sinking my option for having a proper relationship down the line if I give in her. I feel like I would be admitting to myself that no on would ever willingly date me unless they are gay.
>They didn't ask you to marry them.
No, but they were talking about children, so... I assume by "long term" they mean "life time"

Do what makes you happy. It's entirely reasonable to have a purely sexual relationship with a married couple and still look for someone else to be in a monogamous relationship with. These things aren't mutually exclusive, provided you're going to end the friends with benefits arrangement before you get serious with another guy.

Just remember that if you do go through with this, you're not going to attract any super chaste Christian boys with your tales of gay 3-somes. Be safe, have fun, and don't do anything you wouldn't be comfortable with a future partner having hypothetically done themselves.

What are good ways to get a conversation started with some women? I mean online, because no matter what i do some dont want to talk. I am eveb up for just a conversation. Do girls look up your facebook if they can first with out giving you a chance?

>I am apparently so ugly I look like a guy
you are wrong on that account. For gays, looks are very important and they don't turn their eyes for those they consider ugly. You may have some masculine traits, but you must be otherwise very attractive (even if it's a very specific kind of attractiveness)

I wouldn't take an offer like that, but that's your life. If you want to just fuck them, go with it (though be aware that gays may have much more STDs that heteros. Simply because they have insane amounts of casual sex. It's possible that a couple doesn't fuck around, but on the other hand one of them just did it with you.

All in all, your problem seems to be not in physical traits, but mental. Perhaps you are somehow pushing men away before they get close enough to feel comfortable.A lot of people does so, unknowingly. Think hard about your behavior and of you can't come up with anything, maybe try a psychologist

Best way to start online dating as a shutin? Don't really have any pictures or interesting hobbies. Wouldn't say I'm ugly, just skinny.

everyone has their kink. I've no idea why the fuck would one want to bruise their girl, but maybe it's his type of aesthetics. Or maybe he's turned on by the process itself and the bruises are just a byproduct

I'm into sadism so I'd like to hurt my gf if she is okay with it. As long as the bruises are bot visible clothed I wouldn't mind. Also if you have rough sex there is a good chance it happens I guess.

thanks for the insights, femanon. I appreciate that. If you have anything else to say, I'd be glad to hear that.
Also, isn't paying some sort of good manners or something like this? I mean, I invited her, I am a man (I know this one is pretty archaic already, but there are still people seeing the world this way), etc. How do I go about this to not commit a faux pas?

We both like it a little rough. Which is okay, all good.
We never hurt each other too much. Little scratches, a bruise here and there, whatever. It is all good.

But lately he has been covering me in bruises. Literally all my ribcage, my breasts, my shoulders, my neck and my back are covered.
I haven't been wearing a bra for days because it hurts too much.

I don't understand why he would start getting turned on by this so randomly.

how does he make them?

Biting, sucking, grabbing, pinching. Mostly biting and sucking, tho.

I am more concerned about making the choice and not backing out in time. If I actually end up going through with outright becoming the mother of their child, I'll be way past the point of no return.

And yeah, it's not exactly improving my chances for a future boyfriend to go through with this. Maybe if it somehow boosts my confidence, but that's hardly a feat, considering my confidence is the lowest it has ever been in my life.

>you are wrong on that account. For gays, looks are very important and they don't turn their eyes for those they consider ugly. You may have some masculine traits, but you must be otherwise very attractive (even if it's a very specific kind of attractiveness)
I suppose that is nice to know, but it doesn't help me much if I am somehow only attractive to gays. Or maybe I should try dating women...
>I wouldn't take an offer like that, but that's your life. If you want to just fuck them, go with it (though be aware that gays may have much more STDs that heteros. Simply because they have insane amounts of casual sex. It's possible that a couple doesn't fuck around, but on the other hand one of them just did it with you.
Yeah, it seems they doesn't want to have an open relationship, but has been trying to find a third wheel, and he needed to know more than what a dinner date could tell him. No idea how many partners they've had, but I guess asking for a STD test isn't completely unreasonable.
>All in all, your problem seems to be not in physical traits, but mental. Perhaps you are somehow pushing men away before they get close enough to feel comfortable.A lot of people does so, unknowingly. Think hard about your behavior and of you can't come up with anything, maybe try a psychologist
That might no be a bad idea either, but it sorta ties into the "I need confidence from somewhere" issue. Might see if I can we someone before my deadline is up, might help me make the decision.

Thanks for the advice!

>Also, isn't paying some sort of good manners or something like this? I mean, I invited her, I am a man (I know this one is pretty archaic already, but there are still people seeing the world this way), etc. How do I go about this to not commit a faux pas?
Paying is fine, and being a well mannered gentlemen is not a problem. It's only a problem if you insist on paying, and then demanding sex afterwards.

Just don't act like a creep who thinks his date is a prostitute. That solves the problem. She'll sleep with you if she likes you.

I knwo rejection is common but what happens wheb you fellow men get rejected too much?

I don’t expect people to pay for me, I usually expect to split bills or take turns to pay. However, I can’t afford certain things, so if someone wants to do them with me (like go to an expensive restaurant) I expect them to pay, because I just can’t do it.

My boyfriend earns more than me and is okay with paying for me because otherwise we wouldn’t go to restaurants and shit. I’m okay with it for that reason, but I’d also be okay with just not doing expensive things.

How would you go about bumping into an ex that you have massive feelings for. Like i've had sex after, but she was my first. And i really want us to try again.
I saw her once, but pretended i didn't because i was afraid.

then he seems to be wanting to "eat" you, as much as possible. Maybe he feels turned on more, recently. Just ask him.

If she doesn’t want to be with you, you respect that and deal with your feelings on your own.

Ways to tell if she doesn’t want to be with you: if she broke up, if she wanted to cut al contact, if she has moved on.

Oh god.. I have a really sad anecdote to this
>Meet this guy
>Really cute and funny, like him quite a lot
>First date was just a coffee date, but we hit it off super well
>Suggest a quiet date at my place, with some simple home cooked food.
>He wants to go to this super expensive restaurant
>Tell him I don't have that much cash, and I have an early shift the following morning
>He insists
>Dinner started a 19:00, and after 8 damn courses, it's 23:00, I am super tired, and the bill is super expensive. He pays without a word.
>He says we should go to his place
>tell him it has been an absolutly amazing night, but I have to get home and get some sleep before work.
>He gets super pissy
>Tells him I would love to continue tomorrow evening, but asks if we can do something more quiet, as I also have work the day after tomorrow
>He reluctantly let's me go home.
>Before I get off work that following day, he sends me a picture of 2 tickets to some theater show I had been talking about. For this evening, from 18-22. When I had wok in the morning.
>Same thing happen again
Worst part was that I completely lost interest after he threw a hissy fit when I said I had to go home after the show. He completely ignored my request to do something less time and money consuming, and he just bitched about the cost of these two evenings. For fucks sake, why do you think I want an evening alone with you? Stop throwing around money and wasting our time I crowded places, holy shit.

no probs, I used to be in a similar situation. Yes, the lack of confidence is a big problem, since you must somehow find the strength to go further, but your power is very low. I used to have it all the time. Yet, if you manage to grind your teeth, you'll still be able to keep to your course. Thus you should find out, why are the men not interested in you this much. Changing that should let you finally find a hookup.

also, why don't you ask a guy turning you down about this? you know, when another date goes kissless, just accept another loss and just straightforward ask the guy, why didn't he want to go further. It may give you some insight into your actions. It may hurt a bit of course, but this is true for most medicines.


>also, why don't you ask a guy turning you down about this? you know, when another date goes kissless, just accept another loss and just straightforward ask the guy, why didn't he want to go further. It may give you some insight into your actions. It may hurt a bit of course, but this is true for most medicines.
I don't think I would ever muster the courage to ask something like this. I can't imagine a way I would not sound whiny or desperate, and likely make myself lose sleep over replaying the scene in my head all night.

Then I'd rather take up the offer I have, and find out exactly why they like me. I think that would be a lot easier for me, rather than running into more spiked walls, and asking the spikes why they hurt so much.

Homeboy sounds pretty thick.

>she has to be up for work
>I should make sure out date is so long that we won't have time to fuck
>how come she won't come back to my place and fuck

My boyfriend has autism, but your guy sounds less perceptive than him.


>find out exactly why they like me.
maybe they found you desperate enough. See, gays don't usually have this high expectations. you just look tomboyish enough and you accepted him, so that's it. they seem to be willing to more or less use you, really.
then again, maybe they are different. Just be careful.

maybe he wanted her to lose her job and become completely dependent on him, lol

I think his idea was
>If I throw money at you, you will fuck me
So he assumed I wouldn't be up for anything if he didn't.

Why he didn't take the hint when I literally invited him to my place, is beyond me. I thought I was being about as subtle as a sledgehammer, but apparently not.

It was probably his "move" to impress a girl with elaborate dates. If you didn't have to sleep it would have worked in his favour, even though he didn't need to spend the money to convince you to sleep with him in the first place.

And I'm never surprised to hear other guys missing obvious hints. We all do it. Just yesterday I realised I missed a really obvious opportunity a girl had given me to ask her out and now she's not talking to me.

See, I get the reasoning. My boyfriend is keen to such enlightened thinking as well, due to his upbringing and his condition.

But even him got the subtle hint "Here I am, inviting you to my place to do something, for the whole evening, behind closed doors, just me and you".

diff user, but would it really work for him?
I mean, fuck it's damn blatant. She gives him a hint, he should feel confident and realize that all is well, but he has to hit her in the head with all the cash he has, until he himself gets tired.
It reeks of complexes, and I assume any sane, not desperate girl and not a golddigger would feel that something is terribly wrong