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Remember when we didnt have a cuck president and the wall would be paid for by mexico?

Hows the winning going trumptards?

>no wall

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Trump in 2016

Trump in 2018
>We will still build that Wall, but now taxpayers will pay for it.

Trump in 2020
>It was just a metaphorical wall, a physical wall was never promised.

I want shills to go and stay go. This divide bullshit isn't working. The fact you retards spam this bullshit excuse for a reason to dislike trump is exactly how I know you're scared shills. TURN OVER SHILLS!

the only wall is the one closing in on him and his crime family.

Why don’t they just give ICE more money instead?

>we will build a wall and mexico will pay for it
>we will actually give subsidies to mexcio and we will pay for the fenc- i mean wall

> "shills predict there will be no wall"
> there is no wall
> time after time after time
> just proves the prediciton
> suddenly they have to be scared and desperate

The absolute state of drumpflets

fuck this gay earth

He's not going to build it

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He said that the last time he signed a spending bill that didn't contain wall funding. And what has he done since then?

Unironically, Q predicted this.

Green castle, red castle my niggas

That's what the army corps of engineers is for. About time.

Literally the only thing the us military should be doing is securing our borders

You know, your right, since trump hasn’t managed to get congress to fund a wall in the last 24 months I guess I’ll vote for the open borders candidate next time

Thanks for opening my eyes


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> (OP)
>Remember when we didnt have a cuck president and the wall would be paid for by mexico?
>Hows the winning going trumptards?
Thanks, I've seen the light, I'm all for open borders right now! Can't wait for 2020! GLOBALISM NO BORDERS NOW! WOOOHOO!!! I'VE BEEN RESURRECTED!


Agreed. They're supposed to be protecting the homeland, not shooting dirty ragheads in God knows where.

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With what fucking money?

How about having the military do it's job and fight against the invasion?

750 billion dollar defence budget, I think they can find a way.

Doubles and the wall will be built.

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If it has to go through congress it'll never work.

Lots of shilling going here

We always did say it would be the corps of engineers.

>Pointing out Trump failed on yet another one of his campaign promises = shilling

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it will be paid for by mexico by saving the usa billions of dollars in welfare to illegal mexishits

The argument is that the armies money is appropriated for other things

The left is literally arguing that we have money to arm literally who rebels in literally where Africa but no money to actually protect the country

sure it is.

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Retarded lefty shills notwithstanding... could they do it? I mean, do they have the capability and resources or would it require hiring private contractors through the army instead of directly the army building it.

You should be hanged for not supporting your president. Please kys you treasonous fuck

based emperor

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Nonono.. the purpose of the goy-.. erm, the US military is to fighting for Isra-.. protecting our allies in the Middle East.

Trump in 2020
>We will melt down all the confiscated legal firearms and build a fence

How about you let us worry about our own country, leaf. Certainly not interested in any advice from your kind.

I smell the zyklon

Listen, he said, during the midterms, that he would have the wall fight after midterms. I'm willing to believe him. But if he cucks out here I'll be furious. It doesn't have to be a government shutdown, there's lots of ways to skin a cat, but it needs to get done in his first term, soon.

trupiepoo is going to prison guys

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Yeah every thread they post this

Yep, just an upfront cost out of your paycheck of $50 billion over 15 years, and welp, you're dead by the time you would see any benefit

You shills do realize we aren't the same people who watch CNN, right?

He knew it would eventually come to this. KEKgress was never going to fund a border wall, so use some of that 700 billion to pay for border security.


You do realize Jow Forums is not your safe space, right tard?

Oh I'm the kike? See faggot.

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set a date for being furious. when is the date he needs to start the wall by? we all know you will make excuses for ever.

that's how you keep a sphere of influence you dumb reddit shill, you give money to other countries

They absolutely could do it. They build everything for the military due to national security concerns.

No politician wants to actually deport all the illegals that are here.

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>Yeah every thread they post this
...and a memeflagging Jew responds each time. Oy vey.

Oh I did not know that. I thought they are active only during war to build bridges and temporary bases. Didn't know they are active all the time altho it makes sense now that I think of it.


Nope. Just more bullshit that proves Trump doesn't know what he's doing. The military budget has to be approved each year just like the government budget. If trump wants the military to build the wall, he would have to amend the 2019 budget or put it in the 2020 budget. Either way, congress would have to approve it. Good luck with that.

*sells weapons to turkey*
*withdraw the troops*
yep hes the emperor and it makes you so mad that you have recurr to use a old as fuck article abaut something that was aproved under Obama, SAD

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>no wall
>Obamacare still in place
>Trump is passing fucking gun control executive orders
>tax cuts for the Jewish elite but not for the middle class
daily fucking reminder that a wall would cost $8-10 billion, and Trump approved $38 billion in aid this year to fucking Israel.
I saw it coming, but I'm still surprised that Trump is this much of a cuck. I never expected much from Drumpf, and I'm still let down. I'm ready for this niggerized, kike-run country to collapse so (unspecified people) can lynch all these fucking kike dicksuckers, including Trump and his whole family. We just need a hard reset on the ruling class and this country in general

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>be me
>student at soi west
>corporal comes for a work party
>quickly rush to shitter
>not quick enough
>we’re going to start building a tiny wall by the chow hall
>dig out the foundation
>it’s too deep, fill it back it
>it’s not deep enough, dig it out
>it’s slighlty too deep, skim dirt off the top
>lay down the cinder blocks
>their facing the wrong way
>turn them around
>after a couple weeks we finally finish the 1 foot tall wall

remember when conservatards loved to accuse the left of being "cultists"?

those were the days

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Who said anything about safe spaces? Are you shills really this delusional? Jow Forums welcomes people from all over, just don't be surprised when we call you out on your BS.

>hurrr anyone who disagrees with my cult is a shill

They are, they have a dogma, a doctrine, they have messianic and infallible leaders, they believe in unproven things based on faith, the believe in a utopian goal, they have original sin and they well excommunicate you for blasphemy and heresy.

Not to mention the constantly try to convert non believers and treat apostates like shit, literally threaten them

i calculated everything
5m tall 3.145 million meters long wall is gonna cost around 2.7billion installation costs included

that's not a lot. why?? why?? why haven't it been built yet??

i know why. coz (((they))) want niggers floodding the usa and (((he))) works for (((them)))

obvious and huge. still better then hillory, but not by a lot

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>no wall funding sorry bro but we're giving $10B to Central America and prison reform

You are truly a brainwashed drone if you defend this.

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calculate the costs by yourselves if you wish

No, that's called having an opinion. When you provide no argument but insult those who don't share your opinion, mock them, dehumanize them, and paint them as the "losers", then you are following the guidelines on how to be a shill.

he's basically Hillary-lite, neocons and neolibs are two sides of the same shekel. That's why even when congress or the presidency change hands between the parties, the same fucking policies stay in place. the game is rigged for (((them)))

>what is maintenance
>what is patrolling

>i know why. coz (((they))) want niggers floodding the usa and (((he))) works for (((them)))

or maybe, just maybe, Drumpf doesn't give a fuck about the wall, you or anything or anybody else other than himself and his money. MAYBE you made a mistake projecting your NATSOC larper dreams onto a New York amoral conman who played your NPC brainlet like a fiddle

nah that couldnt be, ITS THE JOOS

>We will melt down all the confiscated legal firearms and build a fence around the new white male concentration camps

Can we pay Israel to build the wall for us?

>When you provide no argument but insult those who don't share your opinion, mock them, dehumanize them, and paint them as the "losers"

>a fucking trumptard is literally goind "NOW NO NEED TO CALL OTHER LOSERS"

its fucking pottery

It is being paid for by Mexico. Through trade agreements and through not paying for their illegals. You may want to tell your handlers that the "I thought mexico was going to pay for it" talking point isn't very effective.

he was primed for this shit by media all along. all his shows like apprentice, his comedie roast, all his appearances on all kinds of show..

he was liberal cuck boy from the beginning
all he had to do is larp as he was leaning right, but that was just a fake move.. you know how a running back fakes it to one side but then goes to the other side and take it home

he took it home for the leftie kikes all the way.

but he might actually start RaHoWa coz many people will become really angry and really poor
really fucking fast

15-foot "wall"

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The 5 billion he's not giving to Mexico
Oh wait..

>implying Lockheed/Boeing/Raytheon lobbyists will let this happen
>implying any Congressman wants to lay off defense workers in their district
My sides, the Trump delusions get greater everyday

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>what is maintenance
>>what is patrolling
can cost more then patrolling\maintaining a high way.

are you saying USA can't handle one more high way which is basically already there along the border. they can just basically patrol and maintain the border as well for a little bit of more money

>Through trade agreements
you mean the tariffs that americans pay for certain products?
as in, "taxes" paid by "Americans", like literally NOT MEXICO at all?
wait wait let me guess the retarded retort

We're going to build a Mexico, and make the Wall pay for it.

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the answer is on the rest of my post, which you conveniently forgot to read

That’s not even the president that’s the autopilot beurocratic monster that has been built for 100 years

Look at this internet tough guy. Post your shit on Twitter if you’re looking for virtue points


You haven't figured in the cost of buying the land, getting the permits, or preparing the terrain particularly over the worst terrain.

that's an awfully hot Democracy flop

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>yfw Trump has forced Jow Forums to start making memes that will help the Left
He's absolutely done.


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So a fence?

Lol. Assuming, insults, and no argument. Like clockwork.

Troops out of Syria and on the US border as it should be. Let's hope they can get some target practice in on their down time from building the wall.

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>MAYBE you made a mistake projecting your NATSOC larper dreams
well at least we have real dream unlike your faggot ass illusions as if you can live with a bunch of niggers and still maintain a western quality of life lol

and yes we do project our dreams through people who we think will lead us to these dreams.. that is until we get really desperate and stop projecting and just take ourselves there without any leaders.

niggers will run coz they are nothing but scared animals.. but what would white traitors do?? run too? where?? niggers aren't gonna take you with them lol kek.. they are not gonna remember you for giving them free gibs

it's all gonna be quick for you. you all gonna be put in chain and we gonna work you to death.. just like the nigger we catch. you all are gonna be sent to fucking labor camps ffs.. as if you don't know what's gonna happen to you

it's you who are larping here.
we are just having dreams. yep. the dreams that actually come true coz we dream about real things unlike your retarded commie asses who fucking failed every time coz you are with (((them))) or you are (((them)))

and all of you are fucked basically. coz all white man are going to unite and kill ya all

You deport the fuckers and they just walk back. Wall first, then in 2022-24 you get ICE going.

ICE catches illegals in the country. We need both operations going at full speed.


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As long as it prevents spics from walking across who gives a fuck.

It's called having and maintaining a sphere of influence you inept piece of shit

>and yes we do project our dreams through people who we think will lead us to these dreams

in this case, a degenerate New Yorker lifelong dem who publicly stated in many occasions that he didn't believe in anything and doesn't stand for anything at all. A known conman, corrupted as fuck and an complete imbecile. That's the shiny beacon of hope you decided to project your stormweenie dreams onto

but do go on and keep telling me how "retarded" I am lmfao

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