Nigger think

saw this while casually scrolling on faceberg. how many niggers think like this Jow Forums?

Attached: yikes.png (478x457, 38K)

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Seeing that niggers call other niggers uncle toms, it's quite common.

you should ask him how it feels to hate white people, when white people are the only reason he's alive.


All of them. They are not your friends.

so can we turn this into a nigger hate thread?

>how many niggers think like this Jow Forums?
Nearly all of them, they are (((taught))) all about it in (((public school))) and on (((tv))).

The truth:. They are both kikes

Yes please. Someone post the zapped out nog whomst became melted into the transformer

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niggers are insecure. they know they're not shit, they know they have a history chock-full of spear chucking while whitey was literally sending satellites into space. thats why they make shit up all the time and try to steal history from Egyptians etc

Niggers are subhuman and I think deep down, they know it.

>niggers hate whites

more at 11

Black people need to be extinct

Blacks need to unlearn all the self hate they were taught by Jews and LBJ

Kek. Says the amerimutt.

hey dashaun how's italy? is the welfare nice?

>white people go extinct
>no more gibs
>blacks starve to death

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Kek. Says the amerimutt.

I don't benefit from it, since I'm the paying it.

They have even less culture than burgers, what kind of an identity are they supposed to form for themselves if they're not blaming white people for everything?

>before Trump
20-30%, mostly old ppl
>after Trump
at least 70% and climbing

Race war real soon.

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I love seeing a liberal white girl turn into a racist

Black people need to be extinct

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>Race war real soon.

Really?! Ohboyohboyohboy!!!

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I used to be more tolerant of niggers.

I saw them as children, large, stupid children who lacked the capacity to understand what they were doing.

Sadly, I cannot make excuses for them any more. I can't try and justify their existence any longer. Even the 20-30% of blacks smarter than 50% of whites, even the good ones, they could never in all their lifetimes do enough to make up for the bad ones. the 80-70% dumber than 50% of whites, the sub-human evolutionary throw backs.

So I'm sorry to all the niggers for trying to excuse their behavior by diminished responsibility, I should have admitted all along that they're unforgivably responsible for their behavior. Perhaps the best thing would be moving them to a different planet, rather than total genocide - a young world, low in metals, high in land. Then lock them in with Kessler syndrome, fling so much orbital buckshot around the planet that even if they rediscovered rocketry they would be trapped. There, the blacks will be just as safe from the white man as the white man will be from them.

>how many niggers think like this

user, I...

>how many niggers think like this Jow Forums?

100% of the ones who attend public school with all your daughters do.

Boy, to be a father these days, you almost need a gun with three bullets in it in your hand at all times, just to make it through your day. You just never know when you might have to kill your daughter, some nigger, and then yourself.

>unlearn all the self hate
Nothing compares to the ego of most niggers. Do you even know any?

all of them. Only white people think other races can be equals, only white people think other races can coexist. And when white people are finally gone, these dumb animals will destroy this planet with their never ending war for supremacy.

Its funny how USAniggers believe its our fault (colonization) their Continent is not more developed, when for the 4000 years before colonization they did nothing but dance around a fire and eat fruit who grews on trees.

Attached: tfw niggers believe wakanda is real.png (536x898, 404K)

Most of them, it's only natural to hate those who aren't like yourself. To not hate the other is abnormal.

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