We won the War on Christmas

>no one says Happy Holidays
>Everyone saying Merry Christmas

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Had 2 people say merry christmas yesterday. Feels FUCking good m8

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Merry Christmas brother

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Christmas trees and music everywhere I go. No fucking dredels or African candles anymore. Christianity is back baby.

>not saying Heil Hitler
Christcucks will never catch up

Yup..been hearingMerry Christmas everywhere. A neighbourhood bro just shook my hand and we wished eachother merry christmas at the same time about 20 minutes ago.
Got off tech support call and I said merry Christmas to the tech rep and she said goes "Merry christmas to you and your family....god bless".

Merry Christmas gentlemen!

I work for a university as a researcher. The department I work in has a giant Christmas tree in our lobby. This is a university building.
Fuck yes.

And merry Christmas to everyone, especially the hyper leftists I have to tolerate in every business meeting

Next step is to write it like this:
Merry CHRISTmas

Everyone getting together for the holidays

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At the local store every time it's time to go the cashier says Merry Christmas and at Walmart they have nativity buttons.

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Even my BANK sent me a card wishing my a Merry Christmas.

Let that sink in for a second.

Things are so good with Trump as President

I always preemptively say Merry Christmas to store employees so they know it's cool to say it back. Usually they do so with a grin.

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It pisses me off when I say Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas when I'm going through pleasantries on automatic.
I want Merry Christmas to be my automatic response again.

same, i even merry christmas randos on the street and so far everyone has responded with good cheer

So awesome

>Sacrificing children to complete ritual on Dec 24th
>People are celebrating and opening presents


The war on Christmas is a false flag by Mystery Babylon to get Christians to stop remembering that it's a satanic celebration and Jesus was actually born on 9/11

Where in the scripture does it say we have to celebrate the birth of the messiah by indulging in an orgy of consumerism and sense gratiffication?

>when assimilation means saying Merry Christmas
>even the poos love it

Where in scripture does it even say the Messiah was born in the winter?

thank you jews, for ruining christmas
literally children villain plot tier

>falling for the Saturnalia jew

A E S T H E T I C numerals

I wish everyone a merry christmas even though I don't believe in the kike on a stick doomsday desert cult. I do it just to piss off (((their))) adherents


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this is only a small victory, Christianity hasn't "won" again until people start going to church or praying more than twice a year

Church just makes people more docile. You’ll never hear anything antifag or antiabortion at church anymore. Churchgoers are also more cucked.

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Fuck Hanukkah and Kwanzaa. Fake ass "holy days" for fake ass religions. Christmas is a perfect fusion of pagan traditions with Christian traditions, therefore is the only holy day that should be observed in the West.

merry christmas to you too, user