>no one says Happy Holidays
>Everyone saying Merry Christmas
We won the War on Christmas
Had 2 people say merry christmas yesterday. Feels FUCking good m8
Merry Christmas brother
Christmas trees and music everywhere I go. No fucking dredels or African candles anymore. Christianity is back baby.
>not saying Heil Hitler
Christcucks will never catch up
Yup..been hearingMerry Christmas everywhere. A neighbourhood bro just shook my hand and we wished eachother merry christmas at the same time about 20 minutes ago.
Got off tech support call and I said merry Christmas to the tech rep and she said goes "Merry christmas to you and your family....god bless".
Merry Christmas gentlemen!
I work for a university as a researcher. The department I work in has a giant Christmas tree in our lobby. This is a university building.
Fuck yes.
And merry Christmas to everyone, especially the hyper leftists I have to tolerate in every business meeting
Next step is to write it like this:
Merry CHRISTmas
Everyone getting together for the holidays
At the local store every time it's time to go the cashier says Merry Christmas and at Walmart they have nativity buttons.
Even my BANK sent me a card wishing my a Merry Christmas.
Let that sink in for a second.
Things are so good with Trump as President
I always preemptively say Merry Christmas to store employees so they know it's cool to say it back. Usually they do so with a grin.
It pisses me off when I say Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas when I'm going through pleasantries on automatic.
I want Merry Christmas to be my automatic response again.
same, i even merry christmas randos on the street and so far everyone has responded with good cheer
So awesome
>Sacrificing children to complete ritual on Dec 24th
>People are celebrating and opening presents
The war on Christmas is a false flag by Mystery Babylon to get Christians to stop remembering that it's a satanic celebration and Jesus was actually born on 9/11
Where in the scripture does it say we have to celebrate the birth of the messiah by indulging in an orgy of consumerism and sense gratiffication?
>when assimilation means saying Merry Christmas
>even the poos love it
Where in scripture does it even say the Messiah was born in the winter?
thank you jews, for ruining christmas
literally children villain plot tier
>falling for the Saturnalia jew
A E S T H E T I C numerals
I wish everyone a merry christmas even though I don't believe in the kike on a stick doomsday desert cult. I do it just to piss off (((their))) adherents
this is only a small victory, Christianity hasn't "won" again until people start going to church or praying more than twice a year
Church just makes people more docile. You’ll never hear anything antifag or antiabortion at church anymore. Churchgoers are also more cucked.
Fuck Hanukkah and Kwanzaa. Fake ass "holy days" for fake ass religions. Christmas is a perfect fusion of pagan traditions with Christian traditions, therefore is the only holy day that should be observed in the West.
merry christmas to you too, user