Red pilled by the BBC... Is this a major happening?

So the BBC have a page up, on the left is the original title and on the right is what it was changed to. This entire page absolutely and unequivocally proves the alt-right correct. The woman in the picture was raised by white parents, those white parents raised her with kindness and generosity, she's grown up to be more successful than other blacks, and has 2 children with a white partner.

And she STILL says that from an early age she only really connected to other people who were the same race as her. Her full range of emotions were only able to be expressed around members of her own race. Remember when Jared Taylor told the story about the white and black boxers? And even though the black guy was the American, he felt an innate in built urge to only support the white guy?

The BBC just red pilled me.

Original -
Edited -

Attached: BBCAdmission.png (1962x870, 1.34M)

Other urls found in this thread:

what Jared Taylor story? Source?

I can't believe the BBC just advocated for separate white and black ethnostates.

Attached: Woke.png (643x328, 25K)

Page 11 of his book "White Identity: Racial Consciousness in the 21st Century" is where the story begins.

Attached: JTPage11.png (578x840, 164K)

I doubt it really, it is why the title of the article got changed so quickly.

It sounds more positive without being racist.

The story is what's really important though. She was raised by decent people and given a good life, and yet she still sounds just like Jared Taylor. The left always deny the importance of race when it comes to societal harmony, and this is them admitting they're wrong without realising it.

BBC is dumbest shitist liberal propaganda agency put there

No idea what 'jared taylor' is desu.

But of course the left always move the goalposts instead of actually looking at the facts that race does play an important part of growing up along with the other factors.

They've inadvertently admitted the importance of racial consciousness. They've admitted that even with ideal conditions, black people and white people are only truly at home around their own races. The best part is that they're too dumb to realise what they've just admitted.

Christcucks deserve this shit

diversity isnt strength?

I read that in his voice.
Jared Taylor is so great.

Attached: v13n2p37.jpg (597x727, 90K)

... sorry to do this to you op
but now look at white children adopted into spic and nigger families and how rampant prostitution of white children is
it's an industry and the people running the agencies know it
niggers and spics adopt white kids so they can exploit them
it's happening on a MASSIVE SCALE
look at Samantha Osteraas
she was hired to kill a girl that had been raped by 3-4 white women in gov control
these white women that worked for the government in Arizona had taken that girl to be raped many times
and told the doctors the girl was a liar when she was crying hysterically about pain from being raped
why has nobody executed these women?

>No idea what 'jared taylor' is desu.
The most valuable man we have

He's married to a Jew, retard.

It's getting easier and easier to build up evidence and show people what's actually going on in the world. Up until now information has been so heavily filtered, but it feels as if that's changing.

No he's not sandnigger

He thinks Jews are white and I'm white btw.

Can't change Niggers

Attached: Minnesota adoption experiment.jpg (843x843, 467K)

Jews don't see themselves as white, I think that's what's most important.

He doesn't harp about the JQ because he says it's best to hold one "unfavorable" opinion at a time.
>I'm white btw
sure thing, shitskin

They do when it's convenient.
Cope. I converted to Islam you stupid fuck. Did my race change because of it?

They see themselves as dominant, adult leaders and everyone else as submissive, child followers. Of course they're going to be abusive.

Traitors always get the bullet first.

>I converted to Islam
Fuck off sandnigger

ugly bald nigger somehow gets knocked up by a white man
why does this happen ?

Hahahaha. I fooled you all. I am TÜRK.

Imagine willing raising a nigger only to find out she doesn't like you anyway

Another episode of whites give blacks fucking everything and are hated for it.

she needs to figure out how her kids are gonna feel

That's one ugly nigger.

that's because the people with talent have been replaced by university educated diversity hires with a major chip on their shoulder and have no fucking clue how to go about it

I doubt she even found out. It took peak 2018 for her to come out about her hatred for the people that took her in.

Same story, different century.

Because race was determined by God, not Scientism.

To be safe for all eternity:
A: Admit that you are a sinner, who violates the Will of God, and that you need a Saviour.
B: Believe that Jesus Christ, Son of God & Messiah, died for you sins and rose again, as prophesied and recorded in the Word of God. Trust in His finished work.
C: Call on His name, ask Him to save you, and confess that He is Lord.

Some resources that may help: has a verse by verse Bible Study for download or daily listening.
Chuck Missler’s Learn the Bible in 24 Hours (
Robert Breaker’s Bible Study and Topical Sermons (

The End is nigh. Tomorrow may be too late.

Attached: image.jpg (1583x2048, 465K)

She's a hired tool who only does what she's told. The narrative is to cause racial tension so she does what she's paid to do. It's nothing more than a scripted bs article

The Negress is right. Her parents are virtue signaling pieces of shit for depriving her of parents of the same race. That isn't ingratitude. It's natural.

Jow Forums of all places should realize the importance of race. So why are you criticizing this woman for being like you?

See this is why you archive good job on OP of that thread


See Alex, THIS is how your eyes are supposed to look when you smile...

Attached: CreepyAssOcasioCortez2.png (657x810, 546K)

Basically she has daddy issues, cause her dad wasn't fond of her and her """brother""" was rude to her.
