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Bomb israel

you can't

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>i'm ascared of china, wut do?
get out of the way and they will do it to themselves


Unite the whites, the koreans, the japanese and dump the rest

False flag between the Raj of Poo and China to thin the herd, then wipe em out for a couple hundred years

IDIOT! What about living in the real world for a while?

China does nothing but look for shortcuts, mostly by screwing each other over. The trick to defeating them is not being or associating with the Chinese.

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4 words
>free japan and korea

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they have wayyy worse demographic and other problems than we do (the west) just due to the scale of their population and it's complexities. they have how many hundred million about to retire and not enough people to support them in the style to which they have become accustomed. add to that their rising standard of living is going to price them out of being manufacturer to the world. toss in automation and there are going to be alot of angry chinese in the next 30 years or so. when the chinese get mad they change the govt. when the govt changes it's usually by violence. how many died by violence the last time? how many starved?

i wish the chinese people well and i respect their industriousness, but i don't fear them. not even a little.

think i wanted to say "industry"

Why would you want to do that? American tourist/military personnel?

Whoa.....That's a good explanation

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jew detected

gook detected

will china adopt fascism?

Getting everyone's shit together and starting the 4th reich..

you do know who has been historicaly documented to be behind this type of propaganda right?

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Because Western countries want to continue living high income life and have multiple cars. And if Chinese continue growing their technology, they can rewrite world order and huge money flows that now end up in Europe and America. But everything will flow to Asia soon, if things will continue unravel at the current pace.

America is the only agent that would lose by being dethroned by China.

China does not have much of competing interests with the EU bosses (Germany, France and Britain). If anything, they, too, may assert more power from America's crumbling.

They would at least be able to push American influence out of the EU internal politics and markets, and freely claim Middle Eastern Markets.


you guys are gonna' get yours. just watch. you fucked with the bull. we're gonna' keep beating the snot out of you with the price of oil. obama was the most mellow fucker you'll ever see again and he let fracking happen. trump is carrying it on and what do you think whoever takes over from him is gonna do (regardless from which party) after all the >muh russia hacked the vote hyperbole everywhere for 4 (hopefully 8) years? low price of oil makes the work of all your brilliant scientific talent into abstractions because that's all you can afford. you guys should really change out your boss. give some other idea a try. something less autocratic maybe. we're probably going to end up on the same side vs germany again, anyway.
we could be homies.

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hadn't thought about it, really...

Not only USA will lose, Europe too. Do you know that we make this huge plane with China
If we succed, then Airbus will not be able to sell their planes to China, since they will only use this plane and won't buy planes from Airbus, and other countries could buy this plane, so Airbus will lose BILLIONS if not TRILLIONS of profit.
The same about Chinese smart electronics, if they develop it more, they can threaten all European producers with alternatives, and South Korea and Japan too, they are afraid that China will become a monopoly on every production and push them all out of business.

First we gas the hebrews, then you nuke the chinks.

Bleach the women.

we created something called NAFTA ( now called USMCA ) what about you, Eurofags?

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>that will save you

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i bet they have never seen a hitler speech translated.

stop buying bullshit from China, assholes. It's not hard.

Dude it's fuck in China. They're by far their own worst enemy.

>freely claim Middle Eastern Markets.
already happening in some spheres

We need to start moving our sweatshops to India and Pakistan in greater numbers same for Vietnam. Then let the CIA manufacture a war between all the nations in Asia. Whoever comes out on top will still be weakened.

Eastern Europe and Central Asia will ensure no refugees make their way to Europe.

>NAFTA is good
you Canucks deserve every bit of hate

sorry friend, you hate me i think. i'm civic nationalist. don't give too many fucks about skin color. unless...

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you can't have multiculturalism within your state. outside forces will always us the demographics against you. how do you think these rich assholes have been staying in power. they have weaponized demongraphics. just look at what happened to chicago.

I didn't say it was good, this is what it will stop the chinks from taking over
Canada wasn't supposed to be part of the USMCA and the chnks weren't happy when Canada did sign the agreement. Mexico is going to give cheap labor and the U.S.A will provide high-tech. Canada provides neither but it was signed into the agreement because of the chink invasion it's having

Make Russia do it.

Keep making English phrases that make fun of their president until the entire internet is banned in China

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>From kraut

Cant ching the chong cabbadge man

it can be managed in my opinion. there is no pure system that is going to work perfectly forever. you gotta' keep fucking with it. it breaks down you fix it and hope it works a little better for a little longer. only the principles that the system is based on actually retain their value over the long run. ours has worked pretty well for alot of people within our borders (and many outside). it needs some mending. i'm hoping anti-trust gains some momentum in the next few years, but i'm not anywhere even close to giving up on it.

the three of us gotta end up as one thing

drop a nuclear missile on every chinese city over 50,000 people.

china- solved

Stop buying products from them? The easiest way to btfo them.

this guy wanted to fuck with the system. they like the system. it works for them.

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the post


They are going to have genetically superior offspring to us, and I dont' want to live in a world run by those chinamen from those awful webms.

that's correct.
Not only that, but we'll return to medieval type of shit. Kingdoms now will be the most successful cities like Los Angeles, New York, Guadalajara and Mexico City. The rest will be considered savages and you will need a passport to get into any of these cities. Mexico is already asking for passports to travel to any state in Mexico if you take a plane. If you go to Jalisco by bus, you get random checkpoints to show your ID to proove you are Mexican.

Start wars in countries in their one belt one road expansion. It’s pretty easy

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China has a tendency to collapse on its own, oftentimes due to outside interference. The solution is to keep making the central government look like shit in the eyes of the people. That's actually what we're doing right now by targeting China's economy and making Xi look like a retard, though personally I think we should be a lot more aggressive. Create a crack, and the chinks will do the rest. Jiang Zemin's faction is lying dormant right now, just waiting for an opportunity to oust Xi. A civil war in China is practically inevitable. The only way to avoid civil war is if China goes the North Korea route and becomes completely secluded from the world, but that will lead to the greatest famine and die-off in the history of the world.

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>amerimutt accepting mexican labour
>mexican agrees

Ho Lee Shiii

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friend, i don't buy all that stuff. not making fun of you if you do, but it doesn't work for me.

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To quote MacArthur, "Nuke it"

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i was with ya til' the kindoms part. i like the republic, socio.

The republic has been the breeding ground of the money laundering oligarchy we have today. Having an elected head of state cycle out every 4-8 years who has no consistent policies with the last guy is not conducive to keeping the oligarchs in check, especially when they are stock chosen from the two big tent parties that run the nation.

not enough man. either we or ivan could stop them from reaching out if it came to it, but neither of us could squash the mainland by ourselves. we must fuck the dragon with the bear. eagle claws its eyes out and skull fucks it while the bear holds the dragon down and fucks it in the ass. ww3 megagangbang.

well have fun in fantasy land fren. i hope reality doesn't hit you too hard when it does.

good luck with you Pakis

I called them kingdoms, but I don't know the sure name for what is to come. You even see them in movies that every major city in the world would be separated from the world... like Athens, but with more restrictions

that cap is the pot calling the kettle mutt.
If you look at the history of Europe there was not a moment of respite. Conquests are fucking brutal, and we have had plenty of rising and falling empires, all in a region smaller than China. We had Greeks, Romans, French, Spaniards, Portuguese, Germans and Brits, and these are only the ones who ruled the known world. All the other cultures were subjugated and destroyed to a great extent and these empires all collapsed. Some of them with the bloodiest wars the world has ever known. Would you say there are no longer Iberians? Or Gauls, or Celts? In the same way, China has lots of other diverse ethnicities. Would you say us Spaniards are Visigoths, Gauls, Celts, Moors, Phoenician, Carthaginian, Roman or Greek? None of these: we are the same diverse Iberian tribes that have conquered and been conquered. We look the same as millenia ago.

>we must fuck the dragon with the bear.
We'd rather team up with Chinese bunny and fuck eagle like we did in Korean war.

>hope it doesn't hit you too hard
i may be a bit of an optimist, but that and prudence are not mutually exclusive. i wish you well also and that you don't spend too much of your life making bad life choices based on a perception of loss of agency that is attributable to (((them))). you're in charge of your life, friend. not any cabal of freaks.

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by banding together and race mixing until we all look the same color so we can finally outnumber the changs, this is the plan all along.

The chinks were literally ruled by foreigners until 1912. Big fucking difference.

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that worked out so well for you...you know they are about two seconds from just rolling right up into your center for the goodies you have stashed and the living space, right? that the only thing keeping them at bay, the ONLY thing, are the nukes? you'd be better served to get on the team and come on in for the big win, Rusbro.


literally the Moors and the Ottomans

stop buying their garbage.

Pretty fucking simple tbqfh.

im buying korean tbqdh

The Ottomans only ruled the Balkans, never England, Germany or France, among many others. As for the Moors, yes, we all know that you're a Moorish rape baby, Paco.

You dont, you let them fight ZOG.

stop what?
let them outbreed Africa

here ya go. Yya CUUUUUNT!!!!

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trumps foreign policies on china is unironically good.
its a shame that whoever comes afterwards will bend the knee.

actually the solution to most problem this world is facing fr

People overestimate the Zhongguoren menace. All those news stories about crazy technological advancements are mostly fabricated. The Chinese can't invent anything, they forcefully killed off creativity and imagination in their population over two generations.

They're good at refinement. They can cut corners and do shit more efficiently, but build a better mousetrap? Only if mice use the escalator.

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just quarantine the whole country while agents sabotage everything they can

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I have Chinese friends and our countries do a lot of good things together. Americans always hope that we fight each other, but its just wishfull thinking. The only losing party in all of this is your country.

>hurrr durrr i know one chill chinese bro
>durrr durr china good america bad

What are China threads anyway, but the collections of anecdotes and sperging of worried Westerners like you?

are you fucking serious? we dont judge a country based on a couple of people we know in real life.
There are legitimately disturbing things the chinese government does.

I don't care what their government does, they don't care what my government does, we do not interfere in the affairs of each other and you should learn from the example of this relationship. This is what true friendship is - you don't educate your friend about how he should teach his children or treat his wife.

are you serious nigger? i never said break all your friendships with your chinese friends. you can obviously have good chinese friends and also disagree and oppose the chinese government.
chinese government is very orwellian and so frequently violates human right issues.
I dont give a shit what they do to their own people but its just a very good insight into how the world is gonna turn into once they become the new super power.

Stop buying from, stop selling to.

>chinese bff russia
dude they keep stealing your military tech. just like ours. it's rolling off their assembly lines. just like ours. joint ventures of yours have have fallen apart because of it. do you really think it's just to fight us? who is more convenient?

friend i think it's you who are wishful thinking or maybe you're some 50-cent-army chinkybot? that's probably more likely.

The one-child policy not only broke one generation, but all going forward. Nearly every millennial in China is an only child, no siblings. This breaks the family unit. No brothers, no sisters, no blood peers. China is now confused why people ain't breeding. You can't just flip your demographic triangle in 2 generations and expect robot ass wipers to come along and fix everything.

this is how it appears to me as well

>oppose the chinese government
There is no reason for me to oppose them. We could be what Canada is for USA, only we would be Northern friend of China they don't really care about, only trade and have good relations. I see nothing bad with it, as long as your American friend sits down and be humble.

>racism is a disease of white people t. fellow white man Einstein

When did they start doing this

>they keep stealing your military tech.
They do copy some things, but we also copy things. Stealing is another matter, i don't think you understand the difference. We sold them licenses for a lot of things, so they produce a lot of weapon sustems with our permission.
>maybe you're some 50-cent-army chinkybot?
Just because i don't sing songs that you want to hear? Sorry kid, this is reality, no one loves your country as you want to believe. But +50x is in my ID hehehe

no.. canada is america's bitch. if america wants something done from canada, we have to do it. our economy is so tied to the states, we have to bend the knee.
when china's military and economy completely eclipses those of russia, they wont treat you as "good friends", you will become their bitch.

You will be speaking my language soon enough, Pedro.

Why do you wish destruction on China and Chinese people when do nothing to you?


Russia has more military power than China tho. But you are right that Russia and China are not natural allies. The Americans bound them together. Had they been smarter they would have tried to befriend the Russians.

You don't have nukes and as big army as we do. Russia has 'em, and Chinese infrastructure and population centers are very "clustered" so to say, so we don't afraid of China, they probably afraid of us, and want us on their side. Which is why the only person who recieved Order of Friendship from Xi is president Putin. And we also don't want to be puppets and cannon fodder for Americans and Europeans, eliminating their competition and saving them from their fear with our blood.

China and Russia are natural allies. There are no territorial or ideological issues and China has lots of money and manpower, which Russia needs, and Russia has technology, resources and specialists, which China needs.

>implying the kroeans wont literally go back to sucking off the chinese after a 100 year break from a 1000 year long session