I'm moderately right leaning

Will I be accepted in Jow Forums?

Attached: download (2).jpg (226x223, 10K)

>looking for approval

i care about what others think of me user

>comes to Politically Incorrect
>wants to be politically correct
redditt might be better for you

Tina a shit

Attached: IMG_0457.jpg (850x850, 277K)

Pol is a board of inclusion and diversity. Except for commies and liberals, those can fuck off

Maybe or Maybe not but don’t change your beliefs. I’m liberal or conservative and sumtimes neutral

This lol or stick around long enough to be redpilled little by little.

All Black bullet loli are perfect.

Attached: loli orgy.png (640x360, 318K)

Newfriends should be lurking for at least two years before posting.
For now try plebbit or something.