Brit/pol/ : We're Freaks edition

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>Immigration: White Paper sets out post-Brexit rules for migrants

>Elon Musk unveils prototype high-speed LA transport tunnel

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There is no slop of compromise for you

'are you implying that men and women aren't the same? grrrrr'

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'in what way are men and women different? and to be honest user i'm seething'

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Currently watching Fahrenheit 11-9.

Michael Moore is a twat desu.


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Yeah I am. Based on tens, hundreds of thousands of years of evolution in a tribal setting.
Women like people, men like things.
Women like socialising more, men like creating things for socialising. It’s for survival so their tribe can grow.

Is he /are autist/?

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'People are socialised to be what they are, women were socialised to socialise and we've moved past the tribal setting to being more equal, and we'll continue to get more equal. I can't believe you're exposing these things, i thought you were smart... fuming.'

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lol I forgot about this channel. I wonder what his backstory is, he must work in London right?

What are the poltical ramifications of pic related?

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lindisfarne installing aa batteries

If the UK found it difficult to negotiate with the EU, I can't wait to hear what they say when it comes to negotiating WTO tariff schedules with the US, Russia or China.

The WTO is a tank of sharks and the UK will be bleeding profusely if No Deal goes ahead.

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> we've moved past the tribal setting
if only you knew how bad things really are bby

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I want a word with you.

'I will never give birth and you will never get prostrate cancer (unless you're a trap), the difference is coded into our very biology and no amount of socialisation will change that'

But what are the ramifications, friend?

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not going to happen
not becuase the technolgy isnt there, but there is no way the chinese communist party would allow it

'neither of those things lead to a difference in the need for equality, and the ability to reach that equality'

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Why are they majority of Brits online fucking autistic?

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Go away dude, your precious union has brought great instability to the countries that are suppose to be the shining examples of the EU.

have you taken the widepill?

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>using Americanisms

oh no no no

No really a surprise. Many Kippers are practically 51st staters.

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my ideology is esoteric 40kism

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Michelle Obama

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'You can have equal opportunities and rights under the law, but true equality does not, and cannot exist because ALL human beings are different. Are two men equal in every aspect?'

Are you seriously suggesting hundred of thousands of years of evolution can be wiped out because we want it to?
(Sorry for the late reply was in the shower lol)

'True equality is something we should strive towards, people are only different because they're socialised to be different'

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Because the smart ones know that they will be thrown in prison for wrongthink if they post political incorrect things on the internet.

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Thinking that us unironically becoming "communists" would be the correct path for the future lads. Communism never turns out how actual communists wants and if you look at former communist areas they are far more based and redpilled. The former soviet countries all love populist parties and if you look at the area that was east germany, the Afd are strongest there. So here's my points on the good and bad. Thoughts?
>Remove """intellectuals"""
>Restore order
>Promote strength and love of nation
>Power to enact change and action
>Good music that promotes good values
>If it does collapse, leftists get the blame

>Have to promote Marx and Engels
>Have to put up with """intellectuals""" until revolution
>muh taxes (if you care)
>Censorship of guilty pleasures
>Not much choice in nearly everything
>brain drain (though then again it'd be largely cunts that support remain)
>many people likely starve to death

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'Well societies have changed to become more equal, so what of your evolution there?'

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Looking sick! 4% shredded with striated glutes and vascularing definiation!

IS no one going to talk about todays show with Farage? You had some based woman dropping blood and soil.

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no one watches that anymore

'Why would you want to destroy difference? I thought diversity was supposed to be a good thing?'

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"Yes, that is accurate"

I'm addicted to vegetable fingers and bananas. I literally haven't eaten anything else for about 2 weeks.

'it's about destroying negative differences so that people can lead equal lives'

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"Men aren't socialised to have greater strength, women aren't socialised to become pregnant, there are a great number of ineradicable differences between men and women, some absolute such as gender, some on average like temperamental differences. I'm afraid your viewpoint isn't based on evidence."

ran out of photos of cute girls btw kek

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'the terms man and woman are meaningless, society decides what a man and a woman are, your viewpoint is based on evidence constructed by the current society'

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Which ones and how long did they last? Did they use the force of the government to gain it? Which isn’t equality, that government control of a population through the break up of the natural family so they become state dependents. Which take away freedom from both male and female.

Let's see, the riots in France due to the poster boy of the EU who is also pissing off the police and even his own country's military. The German situation with the rising of right wing sentiment which goes against some of the EU's belies, Sweden's government barely being able to function due to no one wanting to have any ties with the racists party and yet said party has got enough power that they in reality just can't ignore them like they want to. Also the EU still has yet to find away to kick out hungry and Poland for gaming their system.

i want to CUM in a PUSYY

'Are you implying men and women shouldn't have the right to vote or work, i'm reporting you to HR'

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'Society doesn't decide those things, nature does'

I remember this before, it's great

'Every society has changed to become more equal over time. From Saudi Arabia to Sweden, what of your evolution?'

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I enjoyed your constructivist parody

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You’re wrong though, society doesn’t, nature does. Biological differences between men and women are permanent, and they do it for survival. When women have the government to go to (single mothers) it doesn’t last long, and all the things that women want in society under so call “equality” collapsing due to the inflation of the money supply, making civilisation collapse. So biology wins again, which makes women go to men again to survive.


'Society does decide those things, a woman is a woman because we all agree she's a woman, a man is a man because we all agree he's a man'

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ngl ive seen actual pakis look whiter than her though
However being a daftie shouldnt be illegal

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'These are merely human terms for differences that are clearly defined in nature, and not just limited to our species'

channel name?


>Biological differences between men and women are permanent
'men and women are constructed terms'

>and they do it for survival
''they' (men) do it for power over women'

'If you believe in social darwinism then where do you draw the line? we know where this leads... the gas chambers'

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Well Sweden is a good example on why women and men are difference. Women are high in agreeableness and high in negative neuroticism. Those personality traits define a mother and carer. Also of a nurse, which women in Sweden at 20/1 to men at.
Men are low in agreeableness, low in negative neuroticism and high in conscientiousness and industrialness this means they take more riskes and are continues, less social and objective. Men out peform women 20/1 in engineering. These are signs of clearly differences between men and women, where equality is by law. So it’s objective fact that men and women are difference by the freedom of choice.

'nothing is defined in nature, everything must come through us and our language'

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Meanwhile the UK is in a bigger constitutional crisis than any of these countries. Even then, the 27 countries can all agree on the Withdrawal Agreement.

all tripfags will be sent to the showers and then to a nice hot oven

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'this evidence stems from socialised women and therefore any study is meaningless'

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Male and female then, it doesn’t matter. The biological objective realities show the different personal traits of men and women.
Women like powerful men because they provide resources, even when a woman is in higher position than other men that woman as a whole still wants a man who is in a higher position than her and earns more.

(I’m not even going to reply to the last one that’s just retarded lol)

i think he's a London tour guide

No, you’re objectively wrong. If that’s the case everyone who goes to university (the vast majority are women) would be smarter, but they are not knowing the IQs (especially in britan) have lowered since the 1950s.

'there is no such thing as biological objective realities, you can't separate the people from their context, we can create new and better knowledge to drive people'

'why is it retarded user, a key tenet of fascism is social darwinism where do you draw the line?'
'promise i won't report you to hr tehee'

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That isn’t an argument and only shows your emotional preference when it comes to studies and facts.

'I don't see how that disproves my point tehee'

'you just want to perpetuate the current knowledge because you benefit from it, results would be different in China for example, that shows that people are social constructions and there is no biological reality'

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Yes we have our own problems but what's you point? This union so far seems to be tearing countries part at the individual level. Heck just because they agree with a withdrawal agreement doesn't mean they can agree on much else. But sure use this brexit thing to pretend the union is actually more united then it actually is.

There clearly is, XX chromosomes and XY chromosomes. Then their is chemical differences within brains that make male and female different, and not in a bad way.
Well knowing you’re referencing the gas chamber I take it you’re talking about Hitler? Did you know women voted for hitler more than men? Why? Well he was providing for their families who were fed up of the way the government were treating their children through massive amounts of inflation. Hitler promises work for men and he provided it, therefore women were safe and got resources for their children to survive.

Franks were great people

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Starting to think youre a bird tbqh

>Did you know women voted for hitler more than men? Why? Well he was providing for their families who were fed up of the way the government were treating their children through massive amounts of inflation. Hitler promises work for men and he provided it, therefore women were safe and got resources for their children to survive.
'that doesn't answer my question tehee, where do you draw the line as a social darwinist, promise i'm not on the phone to hr in my backpocket tehee'

i'm larping as one kek

You fundamentally don’t have a point that’s why. We are a product of nature, therefore nature dominates us. If you accept it within animals but don’t accept it for humans then you are in denial.

>results would be different in China for example, that shows that people are social constructions and there is no biological reality'
No evident of that what’s so ever.

i knew a guy called frank once he was a twat

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>If you accept it within animals but don’t accept it for humans then you are in denial.
'animals are socially constructed too. why is a lion a lion? because we say so'

>No evident of that what’s so ever.
my point was that there are international differences between women, like women in saudi arabia and women in switzerland, and therefore people are constructions

>where do you draw the line as a social darwinist
What does that mean in this context? We are talking about the biological differences between males and females which effect personality traits.
Draw the line? Well the ones at the bottom will be helped as much as possible because the people at middle and top don’t want them to be too much of a burden.

'how does a socially darwinist britain operate? how far does it go, thats what you want isn't it?'


'Our language does not define nature, nature simply is'

'Look, are we going to have sex or not?'


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'why is a frog a frog? because we say so'

It’s not because we say so it’s because we studied it for hundreds, maybe thousands of years on own it survives in the wild and what dna it has.

They are differences between women of all races, and it’s for survival. It’s not based on any social conditioning but on human nature and pre-human nature and how to gather resources and to reproduce.

Thank Frank then,the you aren't Muslim today or follow some cult from woods because of him.

The same way it does in any functional society, there is always an hierarchical expect of life through competence. Everyone serves a purpose, which is based on intelligence and hard work and rarely talent.

>It’s not because we say so it’s because we studied it for hundreds, maybe thousands of years on own it survives in the wild and what dna it has.
'We constructed it for hundreds of thousands of years, it's just tradition'

>and it’s for survival.
'it's for power
different men were simply more successful at oppressing women'

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> there is always an hierarchical expect of life through competence
'not through competence, through perpetuated knowledge and oppression'

'When we say 'frog' we are applying a name to something distinct that exists in nature. We may choose to call this other thing a 'dog', whether we are there to name them or not, the 'frog' and the 'dog' are still two distinct and different entities'

btw the correct answer to 'are you a feminist?' is

>i literally don't think about anything, i am but a vessel


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I hate to tell you this but May, Corbyn and Abbott blow this argument out of the water.

imagine arguing for the existence of frogs and dogs
people actually believe the shit i was saying though
big academics

>We constructed it for hundreds of thousands of years, it's just tradition'
Yeah and why is that? To survive.

>'it's for power
different men were simply more successful at oppressing women'
How’s providing resources to women oppressive? How’s building civilisations oppressive? How’s defending civilisation from herds of armies with more barbaric forms of ideology oppressive?
You have to think of it before the pill, because most women would be pregnant early (16 average) they would need someone to provide for her and his child. So the man who go out to work while she would take care of the child, whilst being around other mothers doing the same thing. How is that oppression? And don’t have women have ownership? They weren’t forced, they could go out of the city and venture something else but they didn’t why? Because most just wanted to live their life in safety (as most women do) which the men provided.

Objectively not true. People from the rock bottom can make their way to the top through hard work and providing a service no one else can offer.

I know
Fucking hell, can we post normally now?
My brain hurts desu

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