Every time you buy Toblerone, you're eating halal LOL.

You stupid idiots have been eating your through Toblerone this whole time, not even knowing it's now islamic

Attached: screen-shot-2010-09-16-at-3-46-08-pm.png (564x361, 320K)

>oh no it's halal foreign thing I don't like it I'm scared
So fucking what if it's halal?

Who cares

You fuck children, that's what. Fucking traitor to humanity.

isn't all chocolate halal?
it's not like you can slaughter it a special way or anything

you are a disgusting piece of shit.

You fucking what? You burgers constantly say "kosher this", "kosher that" and you don't mind it at all, but "Halal" is over the line for some reason?

what a PUSSY you are

They are sourcing muskim ingredients, now.

Air is Halal OP, you need to stop breathing