How to get over the desire for love?

How to get over the desire for love?
It just won't happen to me any time soon, I'm just way too below average.
However I am working on improving myself. I'll probably make it in 10 years or so.
Wat do until then? I feel really bad for not having a loving partner, but for now I'm a lost cause. Any ways to cope

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Humans are instinctually inclined to not be alone, to mate and whatnot.
The only people who can get out of that cycle are the damaged ones.

I understand that very well but what if you just can't do what your instincts demand you to do?

Suffer the consequences of your "reptilian" brain reminding you of what it wants day after day.

Eventually you'll get numb to that, only the really attractive ones will set it off, but it will always manage to creep back in when you're alone with nothing important on your mind.

There are a lot of guys in this world who feel like you, myself included, and the only advice I can give you is to not let this devolve you into having an incel-robot-mgtow mentality.

I'm already miserable af, and if there's no way to trick myself I don't know how I'll go on like this for so much time

I told you, preoccupy yourself.

Work out

I do, for 2 years already
How is it supposed to help?

I dont know how exactly you look or something but 10 years is a pretty long time you wont need to wait so long if you mean to change. I mean even if youre a 300kg stranded whale you can lose weight in much shorter time. If you have ugly hair, make yourself bald, thats better than bad hair. Own it. If you are too thin and have no muscles: work out, thats maybe take a bit but after 2 years you should get comfortable with your result, or you do it the wrong way. If your clothes are bad, buy new ones. I dont know, but saying that the next 10years nothing will happen is just lazy and shitty. You dont need to "lose your sex drive" you need to make yourself better every day and eventually after few weeks you can attract girls. You have to be aware that many girls have low standarts when it comes to looks. As long as youre characterly ok its fine and you can find one. And you shouldnt be disgusting to touch or smell but thats also not taking 10 years. Always stay positive bro!!!

Not overweight or anything, but I only know rejection, and I lost count of girls I asked out.
So I just don't cut it at this moment.

I probably need money/status or something, as I'm not ugly, but I am poor and a nobody

you say that like there arent women on your leve lthat would also like to date. just date people in your league. dont give me that bullshit about how even ugly women only date chads, there are plenty of fat and ugly and less desirable men who date.

I have a close female friend and she never had a boyfriend, but been asked out by a lot of guys of her level. Still, she said that she'd rather be single than with someone not great, and from what I notice a lot of girls are like this

and yet on the flip side there are a lot of guys and girls who just date someone on their level. if you're like this, fine, but quit whining . if you're not, then dont insist you can't date for 10 years.

Some things just come on their own.

And many when you least espect them (for The Good and for The Bad)

I tried man, everyone refused me, even ugly girls

(Assuming youre OP). How did you ask girls out? I hope you didnt go on the street and ask random girls bc thats bullshit. That only works if youre a youtuber and the girls arent random but paid beforehand.

I tell you how to get a girl: you said you have a girlfriend that is single and rather stay single than date a beta faggot. Just go out with her and one or two other friends (it isnt suspicious). But give your attention only her (obviously dont treat the others like dirt or something, but they should get the idea that you like her). Then when she for some reason is not there (going to the bathroom or something) ask the others if they think you have a chance with her. But dont do anything more.

After going out, tect her that it was a cool evening (or whatever time you went out). Ask if shes in for another time. But this time only you two.

By this time your friends propably have told her that you like her, and she maybe sensed it too. If shes generally open to a relationship and doesnt hate you then its gonna work. She will give you a chance. Dont blow it.

Then when you meet only her get a bit touchy (arm, back, shoulders nothing sexual). When youre comfortable you can put your arm around her. Now you can slowly begin sexual touches. But not directly boobs or ass or vagina, more like face, maybe act as if she has something in her hair (that shits romantic as hell). Then look her deep in the eyes and give her a quick kiss (like 3sek, no tounge, lips closed, hold yourself back autist). Tell her you aint sure why you did that but it felt great... wait for her response. You wont fuck this night propably, but you are on your way.

This all assumes you are somehow decent looking (no greasy hair, a well maintained beard if any, showered, decent clothing that fits you, breath is ok, you dont have any massive uglyness in your face, etc. basic aestetics)
From there just see what comes naturally.

She's my best friend and tells me about some guy she currently crushes on, so that won't work. She saw my vulnerable side. We already go out often but as friends obviously.

I did a few cold approaches but it's usually just friends of friends

even chads get rejected. you cant just ask out a few girls and say 'WELP THAT MEANS ALL GIRLS DONT WANT ME'.

>A few
No, I asked A LOT of girls out

contextually sure. reality? not very many.

Thats shitty. I wish you luck. Dont look for a GF and you will ironically be more propable to find one

Not OP here, but, after already having a GF, that's the second most successful tactic

You can fix your everything in a year if you stay on top of it. 10 years is fucking brutal, and you'll be worse off for a timeframe like that.

Just aim to do the best you can, every day, rather than an ultimate goal. And stick to that.

Not OP but what about chemical castration? I heard that in some countries they force rapists in jail to get medications that drastically reduce your libido. Not sure if they are hormones or psychotic drugs but I think that should work decently.