Ok, MAGApedes, let's discuss the recent winnings

Ok, MAGApedes, let's discuss the recent winnings.
Which win is the most HIGH ENERGY one?

Is it the bumpstock ban?

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Is it the big beautiful artistically designed fence?

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Is it the justice reform?

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Pulling out of Syria, for me.

Is it the Trump foundation closing?

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Is it the release of the migrant kids from cages?

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My favorite is the fence we're getting.

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Is it the Kavanaugh vote on Planned Parenthood?

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Please keep going OP. I want to see the maga niggers defend this shit.

Protip: they will avoid this thread and keep shilling in pro trump threads.

Here have another.

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I have the last small win for this poor refugee woman from caravan.

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You're right, they should have voted in Hillary instead. Then they'd be sinking just like you and I because she would have 100% signed the UN Migration Compact. Fucking idiot.

>Bump stock ban
>Caving on the wall (again)
>Caving to demokikes on the spending bill
His entire campaign was run on border security for the most part, and bringing jobs back.
But instead, we get (((prison reform))), and increased shekels to the (((greatest ally))).
And a giant middle finger to everyone who voted for him.
Trump is Obama's 3rd term. His MIGApedes just haven't realized it yet.

>Which win is the most HIGH ENERGY one?
SCOTUS. I am fine with my enemies killing their own next generation before they're born.

And I find it odd you are doing a victory dance when all you are doing is making his base angrier.
Trump was voted in as the last peaceful solution. If his base can't get what they want through him, the only option left is violence... and they are the only ones armed.
There will be a border wall. There will be an expulsion of illegal immigrants. It is inevitable. This either will be accomplished peacefully, or with lots of leftist blood spilled.
So far it seems that you want blood spilled.

He is passing criminal justice reform you shill

No u shill


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I wonder what is the actual effect of free abortions on the birthrates.

It's mostly why the nigger population never really rises above 13%.

You do realize that 90% of all felons and former inmates vote left when their voting rights are restored, right?
Also, Trumpstein has passed more gun control in his 2 years in office than Obongo did in 8 years. Because idiot boomers like yourself don't consider it an infringement when a republican does it.

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Maybe the real wall was all the friends we made along the way.

Was it rising before free abortions?

Pre-empt dem legislation that would use bump-stocks to target folding stocks and thus push for California style stock bans. He is sucking up the public outrage and taking the wind out of Dems sails
>been talked about for ages, literally ages

>it isn’t what he literally a brick and mortar wall so you lose!


Meh haven’t spent any time on the topic. Does it really matter?

Same as above

Because a work-around for the Flores agreement has been found.


>judges aren’t bound by the law and can just rule however the fuck they want m

>Trump is Congress

Ditto, Asylum laws remain as they are because Republicans won’t change them

How's that brexit deal going?

The UK is on borrowed time and will go down in 10 years at best, but I had no illusions that there is some good emperor president to save us

Yeah. They'll fuck anything with a pulse.

Not an argument. At least in the UK they realize just how badly they're gettin' fucked. Unlike you neoliberals and your (((GEOTUS)))

Do you have any proof?

>Because idiot boomers like yourself don't consider it an infringement when a republican does it.

Ronald Reagan bans open carry, restricts machine guns
Mitt Romney bans AR-15s
Marco Rubio red flag confiscation
Rick Scott bans 18-20 yr olds from buying all firearms
Trump backdorrs congress to classify bump stocks as a machine guns that were approved by Obama