Political Leanings of Jow Forums and Related Websites

Has Jow Forums been subverted?

I believe the administration of this website to have been completely replaced with pro-Semitic individuals some time around 2013. With the proliferation of Gamer Gate and its handling on Jow Forums during that time, a mass migration occurred to [redacted]. That site, too, has since been infiltrated. Now, with the further destruction of this Jow Forums through its intentional fragmentation into two distinct websites, political thought is being policed more than ever. A thread of what appeared to be (((free thinking, non-Semitic individuals))) discussing music was deleted for no apparent reason, and the OP banned, reportedly for "racism outside of /b/":
Read the comments and you'll see that the thread quickly became (((problematic))).

A new thread has since been made, this time with an apparently (((approved))) point of view: Note the first response here: Really makes you think, huh?
>pic related: really makes you think

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Yeah, 50%

56%, unfortunately

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2/3 you low iq morons

In order to have a functioning website you need bandwidth. That costs money. When you graduate high school hopefully you will understand the concept of advertising and why it’s needed.

>In order to have a functioning website you need bandwidth. That costs money. When you graduate high school hopefully you will understand the concept of advertising and why it’s needed.
This has nothing to do with advertising. You're literally using talking points Facebok does. This is about information suppression.

>In order to have a functioning website you need bandwidth. That costs money. When you graduate high school hopefully you will understand the concept of advertising and why it’s needed.
yes, I'm sure mainstream advertisers are going to begin advertising on 4channe.org, you are truly a mature and wise intellectual, thank you for gracing us with your posts

Attached: you fucking faggot.gif (220x220, 510K)

Everyone with an IQ over 60 knows that the janitors are fatass tranny nigger spooks who hate Jow Forums and Jow Forums culture. Since the split, pretty much every board on 4channel is worse than facebook for moderation, and the actual posts have gone down drastically in quality. On Jow Forums, it went from talks about jews, europeans, sweden, USA, canada, Trump, other west shit to about 50% focus being on China and the Chinese.

Jow Forums is pretty much dead. The faggot gook moot killed it with greed.