Be honest

Has your nigger hate came from your jealousy or your actual internal hate?

Have you witnessed or experienced a nigger attack and their violence, or are just angry because they get more pussy than your beta whimp ass?

Be honest.

In my rump homeland, gypsies (serbian niggers) have only done bad and violent things. My hate became nearly automated, i will never fully be able to truly trust any gypsy because of my internal hate. And for the pussy? They only get gypsy pussy, because they are all ugly.

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holy projection, batman

Niggers in Serbia?

I've been assaulted a couple times living in the hood.

The hate comes from being forced to live with these 80 IQ animals. We have no freedom of association. It's like being trapped in a cage with aggressive animals.

I grew up in an all black neighborhood. I know what it means to be a minority among a majority of savages.

Its mainly as i can't see them at night.

More to your point, I've never really seen niggers do that well with white women. The main issue living in a series of ghetto neighborhoods has been the violence. A low IQ on a mass scale plus lack of impulse control has major effects on the areas where blacks live. They essentially recreate sub-saharan Africa wherever they are. They can't help it.

Whites are mainly mad that we're forced to live around these animals. By law, we have no ability to separate ourselves. Same thing with the spic invasion. This is forced upon us against our will. We never got to vote or have any say in any of this.

This right here. America is sort of experiencing this on mass scale now. So is Europe.

I hate niggers because I have existed among them all my life, I am a fucking nigger.

Never been assaulted but I've had to live among them. And for the most part they really are just animals. Some good guys in there though that were raised properly