Nobody respects me or gives a shit about me really
A lot of people just shun me and I don't understand why at all
Today I was out with friends and they're great, they really are. But there's this one fucker there who will just constantly give me shit/make fun of me/etc. for just no reason at all.
He was showing everyone but me something on his phone and then I wanted to take a look and he told me "the fuck are you looking at?"
The worst part is that he sees me as his best friend somehow
He kept on doing shit like this for a while and then I just stopped talking, I was just walking and got lost in my thoughts. He asked me like 10 times "are you alright?" yet he kept on with that shit
It's like that with other people too, people just generally dont respect me and I have no idea why that is
I can't fucking understand it, I just can't wrap my head around it all
What did I do wrong ffs? Why am I always being treated like this, by everyone?
This is why I'm so quiet all the time, I just know the momment I say or do something I'll instantly be made fun of
I'm sick and tired of being treated like this
How do you even fix this?
Nobody respects me or gives a shit about me really
You’re better off alone.
I dont want to be alone
As much as I don't like them, I still need people
Meet new people...
Friends fuck with each other.
What you need to do is:
1. don't take it personal
2. learn how to push back
How do you do that?
I am, usually it turns out alright but I it's hard to do, I don't know where to meet them and sometimes it ends up being worse for me
learn to be savage and your normie friends will look to you
>This is why I'm so quiet all the time, I just know the momment I say or do something I'll instantly be made fun of
Do not let this decide anything ever. Allow yourself the risk of being rejected by people. You will learn a lot more about your place with people if you do and become a way stronger person from realizing what works and what doesn't.
If people are walking over you it's likely because you're trying to please everyone and step away from causing conflict. Don't force yourself to be around people you can't enjoy, move on if you feel like it's right because there's far more fish out in the ocean that will be what you need.
>How do you do that
The moment he asks you what the fuck you're looking at you tell him to shut the fuck up.
do you think you can kick his ass?
if you can, bitchslap him and see what he does. if not, hit the gym I guess.
Your friends are cancer. Leave them and look for better people. Like really, if they make fun of you thats shitty.
I train boxing, he trained with me for a brief period of time. We would spar, and he would fucking murder me. He's got a talent for boxing and he's really aggressive, has been ever since he was a teen
I told him that, but that didn't really do anything
>Don't force yourself to be around people you can't enjoy
I enjoy everyone there except for him
I know the feeling OP. Then people wonder why you're so quiet..
You aren't his friend, you're his plaything.
You'll probably not get to the core of why he's treating you the way he does. Perhaps to boost his own ego, maybe because he just likes to torment you. Really doesn't matter.
I've found that people in general are very insecure and when trying to connect with others they initiate by poking and prodding, basically being disrespectful fucks.
Try to engage with people in a respectful manner even if they're being rude. Be curious but make sure you call them out on their bullshit when you have their attention, frame it as a problem with them because that's exactly what it is. Keep a bit of distance to your emotions when dealing with assholes.
find new friends then. take language lessons. it's a chill way to meet new people.
You should have said welllll, what the fuck are yooooo loooking at Porn?
That guy sounds like an asshole op
Find cooler people. There's lots out there
Have you ever thought about actually standing up for yourself and not just eating everyone's shit?
Did you fuck up?
Maybe you did something that you didn't realize bad to them, or something..even petty cringe that changed their opinion about you.
Otherwise move on and get to know new people and make new friends.
Good news OP is you might be a retard.
Men make fun of each other. The better friends you are, the worse it gets. The reason for this is that the people we are closest and most comfortable with are the people trust most to understand our sense of humour.
He's giving you shit and you're supposed to give it back instead of being a sensitive little bitch and taking it literally.
Bump, know the feel