Trump just doomed these Kurdish cuties to certain death by the roach hordes

Trump just doomed these Kurdish cuties to certain death by the roach hordes.

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If they were actually hot they would have gotten congress majority for permanent US bases over there.


>implying I give a fuck if Kurdish communists get exterminated

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>dead commies

>roach hordes
LOL, no.

And you never knew they existed before today.

kurds are the niggers of middle east, no one likes them, even turks are less hated

women in combat? that will sort itself quick

>1 post by this id
You shills make me sick

For too long they've been held up as a golden example of how "stronk womyn can be soldier grrls too".

A good steamrolling followed by plenty of footage of butchered kurdish slags will be a welcome lesson.

someone give me some background. Iran moving into kurd postions? i'm behind.

Fuck off we fucked them over in the first gulf war let's do it again? asshole. Plus woman fighters instill a certain fear in our enemy.. I love fear.

oh look, another kike thread

infidel taste lmao

>woman fighters instill a certain fear in our enemy
that's a western cuck meme, they're just battlefront delivered pussy
>muh strong wemen

So weird right? It’s like they’re gonna have to defend themselves down to a child, Iran can litterally genocide them and no one would give a shit. They gonna try to make a deal with Assad no doubt

Ugly as sin whores. No thanks.

shitskins killing shitskins, what am I supposed to dislike?

Thank goodness.

>shitskin commie dykes
pick one

Instead of building a wall in mexico we should build a wall around the entire middle east, nuke the place and after one hundred years we check who or what survived. If we dont like the outcome we nuke the place again.
Meanwhile civilized people will finally go to mars (and reinstate black slavery)

Kurdistan statehood is happening boys, and it’s gonna make a Palestinian river of tears

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I like Arab cuties

>Sacrificing lives for poon you won't be getting
I don't even know what you are trying to advertise here. At least now we will get to watch their beheading videos.

kek no
death to all kurd
death to israel
death to amerika

Fucking wetbacks. Send them bag to Puertomala.

Not true OP. US forces in Syria were not really helping Kurds. They can carve their governorship within Syria, with Assad. They are fucked in Turkey, but .... I have no answer but GLASS for Turkey.

American education is a mess.

you mean if they had oil?