Richard Spencer and Megan no longer say they're white supremacists. Can they be trusted...

Richard Spencer and Megan no longer say they're white supremacists. Can they be trusted? Megan also hinted at Spencer running for some office? In Chicago? How would that fly?

Is he floundering? Did this hot redpill just ruin everything?

Attached: not racists.jpg (1488x984, 261K)

Other urls found in this thread:–Byzantine_wars

Attached: poor side of the tracks lol.jpg (594x176, 18K)

They're getting the gas too.

agent spencer is going to be riding a desk unless he can find a hot new gimmick

This is who he's dating

he let a woman get to his head
he's always been a bitch cuck anyway


Has Spencer ever said he was a white supremacists? I don't know of too many that actually say that. I mean I understand you know nothing about his stances, but you really should brush up on it if you're going to make claims.

She put it on him and he's cucking out for the poon.

Yeah right! Dude is positively glowing and you faggots followed him like moths to the flame.

Spencer has never called himself a supremacist, and has always argued against the term. OP is an Antifa faggot just spreading disinfo.