will save America.
Revolutionary nationalism
Look at all the stupid boomer cucks responding to it. Fucking embarrassing
Is he wrong, though?
>going on twitter in the first place
He's right
T, Rev-Nat Radical Centrist.
>dur i have to share a country with impressionable followers
Just start telling them what to do instead of complaining nigger
>says the rich boomer jew
Say what you want and make as many kike references you can but Savage was always to the Right of the Mainstream Republican Party in meaningful matters going as far back as the early 2000s and if anything qualifies as more of a Buchananite than any serious Republican did or has since the mid-90s other than Trump.
He is a much more respectable and smart and knowledgeable about stuff like, race, etc. matters than any other Conservative retard talking head like Beck, Levin, Shapiro, etc.
Reminder that the bolshevik revolution was a nationalist revolution led by jews and they won and ended up being communists and killing millions of Christians.
> Reminder that the bolshevik revolution was a nationalist revolution
Even though they were explicitly nationalist from the get-go, when they got into power dissolved national boundaries, did everything they could to destroy traditional churches aligned with national identities like the Russian Orthodox church, imported mass amounts of ethnic Russians into non-Russian areas/countries to disperse/quell nationalism and nationalist movements, etc.?
*explicitly anti-nationalist from the get go
Michael savage is savage.
Love me some based jews :^)
we need to co opt this guy into a ethno nationalist icon
Never forget he has to go too. He sees the writing on the wall he thinks he’s going to hide amongst it. This slimy mother actually tells people that he told Trump about his agenda. Like Trump got it from listening to his show or reading his kvetching books. This guy is a deeeep plant or something. He never tells you who the final boss is. Like a diversion at the last step. He might of been the very guy to coin ‘Islamofacist,’ as though that’s definitely the country’s biggest threat. Sounds like it’s a jew’s threat instead.
he is a Jew he changed his name
It’s basically been a race war. They hated ethnic Russians and it definitely shows. The further I go the less I even believe in any of the specific ideologies you can read about, including all the hyphenated ones. Just one group vs another.
I know. Plus encyclopedia dramatica once informed me that he had an explicit correspondence with and had pictures taken with, none other than Allen Ginsburg. He’s out in San Fran for fucks sales. Yet he kvetches about it constantly why are you there then? He’s a last step diversion. He tells you everything up to the final truth. Constantly promotes us involvement in Israeli business. He is probably really deep cover intel or something. Don’t trust him anymore. Keep in mind also, he was the one posting gruesome images of burnt US Marines hanging from a bridge in Fallujah to drum up goy support for the war and hatred for Iraqis. There was no need to do that other than for propaganda. He needs to be looked into now that I think about it.
The whole thread of responses to this guy's tweet is just a sad showcase of boomer cucks ready to die for Israel. They know that they have lost and the tide is completely against them. When the day of the rope comes, they won't even stand a chance.
Anyone who took or forced others to take that oath to Israel need to have serious consequences come their way.
Michael Savage is a closet case for sure. Everyone in San Francisco knows.
What is your point?
There will be a massive protest and violence if the Democrats and Republicans don't bend the knee to the people. This includes Trump as well.
Nah he’s probably quite sane and coherent. Bet he works for you actually! Nice memeflag choice.
>All Jews are ba-
Making Israel our shitskin dumping ground will save America, anything less and we're doomed.
fine, let him in
I thought they were all about the comintern revolution until Stalin took over the show
>save america
The only way we will regain our sovereignty is by the collapse of America. There is nothing to save.
I agree