White women go on vacation to Morocco to hike up a popular trail

>white women go on vacation to Morocco to hike up a popular trail
>three Muslims kidnap them, presumably rape them, and then behead them

What's even more pathetic is that, when questioned, every Jow Forums users caught saying the above starts making up lies about how they "offended married men by trying to fuck them." You incels are literally defending sandniggers for sandchimping out.

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>You incels are literally defending sandniggers for sandchimping out.
A lot of nu Jow Forums got psy-op'd hard by Shareblue and (((MGTOW))).

>(((Keep the girls away or they'll form a real community of ideals!)))

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Begone thot

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by posting here and calling those individuals Jow Forums you're self loathing. use different words to express what you are trying to convey without blanket statements including me and you disolving our freedom and empowering our abusers even more.

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play stupid games - win stupid prizes

I'm happy they died for their idiocy. Both for the karmatic irony of the situation, and because it's two less votes that will be cast to support opening the borders and exposing more people to this kind of abuse.

>go to popular and often-used hiking trail for tourists
>"play stupid games"

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>you need women to run a Traditionalist political movement
You fell for a psyop

>literally EVERYONE knows that if you go to arab shitholes there is EXTREMELY HIGH CHANCE you will get raped and if lucky murdered quick or sold as rape slave
>white thots from fucking scandinavia go to said place anyway because "muh can take care of myself" "brown people good"
>they get raped and murdered

They DO deserve it, it was plausible outcome and it did happen, I don't know why pol is so obsessed bout it.

They want you to get mad about it and you making a thread about being mad about makes it even better for them.

>go to sandnigger nation
>get raped and killed by sandniggers

>being this ignorant about the world
No sympathy here. Go back to plebbit

>single women
We all know what they're doing.

>get brainwashed by kikes into thinking Muslims are peaceful
>get raped and killed by Muslims
t. kike

Shut the fuck up incel

>going to a third world nigger infested shithole in the first place

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we're waiting

Natural selection at works

You know they won't fuck you because you defend them right?

Their fault for going to a shithole country

I don't feel any sympathy because it's usually white women telling me we need to give money to niggers to raise their kids for them and we need to let "the good" spics in and Islam is "actually" no worse than Christianity. These are the monsters white women let into their own countries; and then they go to theirs and get killed? Good. Every time a white woman is killed by a shitskin, we come one step closer to fixing the world. White people lose their empathy for heathens; a shitlib dies. Sounds like win-win to me.

Also, Morocco is a fucking shithole. It's worse than Iraq. It's worse than countries these two have probably never even fucking heard of.

I'm not going to feel bad when a white woman trots along to some country full of chimps and then gets murdered by chimps. No. Fuck you. My only remorse is that not all traitor whites like backpacking to shitholes, so we'll have to kill them ourselves.

OP gets it. nupol is pure faggotry and the lack of american psycho memes proves it

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Remind me why Jow Forums has ANY sympathy for these race traitor whores?
>inb4 they're not whores
2 young attractive blonde white women """backpacking""" in a foreign country alone without a man , leaving the resort? You and I know EXACTLY what they were there to do

It's tragic

I am only mad that my chance at getting pusi is %.000000000266 smaller.

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>women have no agency
>race traitors are not responsible for their actions
I see through you kike

>What's even more pathetic
Going for a hike in Morocco

You should never care about or defend race traitors.

Maybe they just wanted to go hiking and were murdered you fucking cuckold bitch. Not everyone is a sex tourist like you.

Imagine being such a white knight cuck you're defending these sluts traveling to have sex with foreign men (you're an even bigger fool than I thought if you believe they were just hiking)

Well why does russia have more trad women then us their men r nogs

ROASTIE show tits

Some people like to hike and travel. We can't all sit in our mom's basement all day every day. You should consider moving to Morocco sounds like you would fit in with the rest of those savages.

>decide to go to a third world country
>"omg guyz this country is so totes gorgeous! here r sum pics we took!"
>get killed by the locals

White women are next level retarded.

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only leftist sexual degenerates use incel as an insult

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They were refugees welcome activists. Jow Forums is simply appreciating the sweet irony of them getting killed and raped by the very same people they wanted to import into their country.

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Show tits or gtfo

Do you get angry at a wild animal for acting like an animal?

Western women can't comprehend the idea of not having clubbing/drugs/alcohol or their daily dose of instagram celebrities for a single day or having to respect moral values against degenerates. Your ideology's main point is exactly that. Good luck finding more than 2 non-obese girls that would support traditionalism

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But then you might try to chop my head off for being a whore. Not much difference in italians and Moroccan anyways.

I don’t know what’s worse, the girls getting killed or the subhumans here defending it.
They were literally travelling guides who have been to plenty of shitty third world countries before.

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dude,the sandniggers acted accordingly to their nature,those whores shouldn't be there in the first place

no just women. besides this white women are top teir relative to brown ape people

>"""traditional""" in any way
Maybe some girls are slightly more conservative than western girls in the sense that they're gold diggers who want rich chads rather than pure feminist welfare-state supported dyke freaks, but make no mistake : the good Christian girl scheme is just an act to get a greencard, once they're in the west they become truly astonishingly prolific whores. Not like russian society is any better - they have insanely high rates of STDs, drug addiction, alcoholism, abortion, single moms etc. The only remotely "trad" communities on earth are a few third world religious communes that will go extinct in a few generations. Even fucking Saudi Arabia is letting women have rights niw

Morocco i SAFER than any of the countries that posted in this thread, uninronically.

don't be a doormat for naive self-absorbed wymmyn making retarded choices. grow a fucking pair or I'll fuck you in your tight little boipussi. faggot.

>says the amerimutt
nah i don t chop heads, but yours should be chopped for being a fucking retard

Wanna a plane ticket to go back mohamad?

Somebody posted the video of her getting beheaded:


say that to me irl

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is this why paris looks like a shithole?

>going to Morocco
See there was their first mistake

>Jow Forums is one person
>the biggest retards represent the entire board
are you new here?

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im not going to feel a bit of remorse, sadness, compasion or any emotion if you are a retarded enough to go to a muslim country alone as a white woman to go hiking, explore yourself, take pictures for instagrams so you can prove the bigots how its safe and how traveling is cool and awesome. they reaped what they sow. retards like them do not get that when you leave european continent you are practically bargaining your life

This is analogous to that idiot woman who jumped in a polar bear exhibit and got mauled to death. Wild animals will act like wild animals. Play with them at your own peril, whore.

i know a tourist hiking trail in Zimbabwe you should visit. It's a tourist hiking trail, you'll be fine...

nobody are defending shitskins, low-t ςoyboy. but liberal whores are quick to scream muh racism if you warn them that brown turdskins might not be good people. it's called responsibility, which they have because they're STRONK and INDAPANDENT, it's the 21st century duh

I won't say they deserved it.

I will say it was inevitable and will keep happening until enough dead white bodies come back to convince them that like blacks, you never relax around Islam.

paris is filled by niggers
moroccans are in the south of france

look what brainwashing has done to you, you know nothing yet open your stinky mouth kys pepito

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To the ones defending these women, can I ask you something? Why do you believe women should never be accountable for anything they do?

>dopey eyes

Is this the best moroccans have to offer?

What a shitty genepool


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>t.ching chong

how dare you even talk about the form of the eyes you stupid chink?

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>retarded cunts destroy their own countries for mudshit cock
>not enough because family can still see I’m a whore
>I know I’ll go to a mudnigger country
Maximum kek
These are traitors user

>Both were students of “outdoor activities and cultural guidance” at the University of Southeastern Norway.

So 24 and 28 year old "students" of some garbage degree that you don't even need to be a guide get killed in the 3rd world. I don't think it's funny though. this story is a microcosm of the west's problems

Show tits

If they had only raped them it wouldn’t be religiously based

it s not like NICE is better sandnigger.

They didn't do anything. Perhaps that is part of the problem, in that they should have taken measures, like avoiding the country altogether, but they were just camping.

>two women going hiking by themselves
>in a third world shithole like Morocco
how fucking dumb do you have to be to consider that a remotely good idea?

Getting worshipped in the West must have rotted their brain. They probably think the entire world is their personal safespace.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. I'm not going to celebrate their deaths, but I don't really pity them either.

moroccans are all skinny faggots

their parents warned them against going to that shithole, but they were so clever on the workings of the world. it's a tough way of encountering reality

post boipussy or gtfo

>You incels are literally defending sandniggers for sandchimping out.
it's their country, I believe in self-determination, and that necessarily means that shitskins gonna shit, don't fucking go there dumb bitches

Du burde komme lidt ud, måske få en uddannelse og et arbejde din taber.

>go to sand nigger country
>get raped beheaded by sand niggers
This should be pretty easy to understand as well as
>let sandniggers in your country
>predictable results
This is why /pol laughs at stupid bitches because they are so detached from reality they can’t even make decisions for their own well being. OP is a faggot

why do you fight with knife everytime then ? is it because you are a bunch of pussy? last time i fought with a shitskin, i wanted fair fight he pulled out his knife, so i pulled my girly pepper spray and fucked his eyes.

It's pretty simple. They don't want us in their lands just as we don't want them in our lands. The difference is that we make videos putting bacon on the Quran, and they make videos chopping off our heads.

>Jow Forums laughs at stupid bitches
And the world laughs at Jow Forums

If you break into pen at zoo and lion kills you who is at fault?

hvad rager det dig, hold op med at være sådan en kælling. de foretog et valg ved at rende rundt alene uden mandlig folgeskab i et tilbagestående midderalderligt perkerland. så beder man sgu selv om det, din fucking snotskovl.

selvfolgelig er det tragisk, men man behover ikke at spille lillepige-naiv

It's sad that we do nothing to punish people in these countries. They would never have pulled this shit a century or two ago

>imagine the pools of whey protein these guys would leave running them over with a tank
Many stronger forces in the world then barbarian/nigger muscle never forget kek

>white women leave civilization for vacation
>white women camp out in the wilderness of a barbaric country, and are completely defenseless
>barbarians take advantage of easy prey and rape and kill them
>this is somehow not the fault of the white women

It's 2 less moms of white children

When did they ever say that?

So you really think single women only travel with bad intentions?

They didn't behead themselves

Well, yeah, they're dead.

>go hike in sandnigger territory
>get beheaded
The popularity of the trail is irrelevant you oral contraceptives for brains. Go back to lolcow.

>world laughs at /pol
>still getting beheaded and raped by Moroccans
I’m honestly okay with being laughed at by these type of people.

>So you really think single women only travel with bad intentions?
Ahh sweet naivete

then the world deserves to be a shithole

See this guy right here, he gets it.


they should've recorded the rape

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>Jow Forums is one person
We doing this again?

this, white women should be allowed to travel alone here

>So you really think single women only travel with bad intentions?
Yep. You would, too, if you listened to what they talk about.

Man “beder ikke” om en skid ved at campe ude i naturen.
Folk som dig er grunden til jeg er pisse ligeglad med hvorvidt Danmark bliver fuldstændig invaderet af perkere.

My sister does stupid shit like this as well. What do, lads?

>It's 2 less moms of white children
The one on the video was 28 years old, user. She would have died childless.