Why don't we just leave Iran the fuck alone? Let them nuke Israel and be done with the matter.
Why don't we just leave Iran the fuck alone? Let them nuke Israel and be done with the matter
Elijah Turner
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Austin Reed
wait, is Iran actually somewhat decent?
John Williams
Ethan Cox
because you are a slave to jews and you will think and do exactly as you are told.
Henry Hernandez
Shit, that's right. Hail Israel, greatest ally.
Jack Moore
Leaving Iran alone is incredibly antisemitic.
Jonathan Turner
This but unironically
Brandon Flores
>Why don't we just leave Iran the fuck alone? Let them nuke Israel and be done with the matter.
They're the largest sponsor of terrorism and radical Islam in the world, we need to eliminate them if we want to stay free and secure.
Eli Price
also because boomers unironically
David Gray
Israel dictates our foreign policy. Although today's reversal in Syria indicates they might have pushed too hard.