What's his deal? Is he a jew or glow in the dark? All he's ever done is take down Gamergate...

What's his deal? Is he a jew or glow in the dark? All he's ever done is take down Gamergate, and great logical thinkers like Sargon and Dr Peterson.

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Why does it seem like he's always sick? Thus year his house caught Tuberculosis

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Peepee poopoo

He is just an entrepreneur, neither good nor evil. If you like making unimportant degenerates reeeeeeeee then he's your guy but that's all he's good for.

>great thinkers

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Something must have happened because his content the last 3 weeks has been slim.

Fuck off Jim

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Andy, we know thats you Andy. When ya gonna wrestle wrestle Donga for super berries?

Fuck off Donga, go pander for super berries in your wheel chair

Hi Carl

Its obviously Andy dumbass

>in his late 40's
>hangs around children

Stay mad Big Boss O'Shaughnessy didn't groom you for Zanzibar land.


He's a fuckin guy who likes vidya and who's good at roasting people.

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I summon thee Jim81Jim. I know you miss me.

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Jade can Papa Jim come out to post?

>All he's ever done is take down Gamergate

jew technically since he's a maysun

How mad are Sargon and the liberalists that they are spamming these threads?

I doubt he even truly cared about GamerGate and gaming generally. He was just another e-celebrity that took advance of GamerGate controversy to make fun of SJWs in hope to get new fans from GamerGate side. Just like Milo Yannopoulo's case.

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The fuck are you talking about?
He was one of the firsts to talk about GG, even before the GG was considered anything close to a community.
Then he ended up by living it because what is currently known as the septics started monetizing the shit out of it. The community was plummeting with youtubers that were basically an echo of each other, with every retard under the sun making videos and demanding money.

>He was one of the firsts to talk about GG
So was Milo Yannopoulos that hates video games. Your point?

Rogan disavows Sargon?

What happened with that?

Does jim hate video games?
I’m the one failing to see your point. What is your fucking correlation with Jewnnapoulos? Did jim milk the shit out of gg for money despite not habing any real ties with it?

>IA had no ties to GG

Canadians should be shot and their land left to nature

This is basically what this retard is saying

It did nothing much except make a convenient boogeyman for the faggots on the one side and further the "read the news and complain about feminists" youtube "careers" of the faggots on the other side. Now Sargon 'I am literally Socrates' of Blackdad wants to restart it because he needs a topic he can talk about for the next 5 years.

Rogan is a piece of shit. All these gatekeeper e-celebs are fucking cunts. They have no souls and they don't fucking care about it. They hate humanity.

Facilitated rats to grow wings. And now we have a bunch of psudo intellectuals constantly in our face.

But are there ethics in journalism now?

Sweetie squad get off Jow Forums. Nobody cares about your supercool racemixing ecelebs or their fat cambodian sluts

He's nuked multiple channels and openly tells people to not give him money. Shut up idiot

he lost his internet patreon money just like all the other 'right wing neo-nazis'. he's probably either trying to find a new way to make money for reading out Jow Forums posts or applying for a real job.

gaming journalism is just as ethical as real journalism

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Fuck. off.

>openly tells people to not give him money
Nigger, he LIVES in hipster welfare. He brags about viewers and "supahchats" and is greedier and more manipulative than DSP ever was.

He's literally running hour long streams of "ask the king", and then fucking off with your money for a week, you dumb cunt.

rogan is such a shill

>some people think they can get away with using these words for shock value like i literally am right now

>gaming journalism is just as ethical as real journalism
very true

he brags about viewers specifically to enrage Sargon and it seems to be working wonderfully, he said that many times

>look at all my viewers, goy!
>you gotta give me more money to..uh...fight the evil sargon, goyim!

You are quite literally as dumb as shit for falling for this. You've been shucked.

Did he seriously? Well good thing Dr. Peterson is building his own JEW-FREE alternative to it!


Hes just a wealthy Irishman who enjoys having fun on the internet.

If it were just this, it would still be funny. Unfortunately, he killed Terry, so Jow Forums turned against him.

I almost 100% guarantee he is at least partially responsible for Sargon getting deplatformed from Patreon. And whether or not you like Sargon, or even Jim, you have to agree that the deplatforming was wrong. If it comes out that he had anything to do with what happened, his time on YouTube will be over.

Rogan is popular though. I bet he can get away with a lot of things that would get Carl in trouble.

Sargoy and the other faggot skeptics tried to dox him. Its justice really. Also jims live streams are pretty massive.

Well you see he is basically a li-Braaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap

I don't care what he tried to do. Getting him deplatformed off Patreon sets a far more dangerous precedent than some fags doxxing a YouTuber does.

>you have to agree that the deplatforming was wrong
lol you underestimate how much the right will eat each other. Worse than the left. There were people in these threads yesterday saying that Sargon deserves everything he gets for saying "nigger" and he should have known it would lead to this. They'd throw free speech under the bus because they hate some fat Swindon man.

It's what Jim does. He forces memes and 12 year olds believe them and spout them, and before you know it, there's 8000 very vocal children who will shout down any serious voices because it's lulzy and ironic to pretend to be an SJW and roast the "sarg-n"

those dox have been on ED since 2007, you absolute sperg.

Everything else, Jim made up.
"They're paying 2000 dollars for my dox, I need money!"
"quick everyone, watch my shit and give me money, they DDoSed my youtube channel!"

fucking hell

uh...Sargon's platform is youtube, not patreon. He hasn't been deplatformed. He still has free speech, only now it's really free, because he doesn't get paid for it.

Lmao stay mad faggots

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Sargon had his dox since 2007? What a cunt.

Smells like a Romanian in here...

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The "Intellectual Dark Web" is controlled opposition , hasn't anybody noticed they slowly started pushing SJW ideals along with accepted points of the Jewish narrative?
If you can even find earlier videos of Molly,Sargon, or JP (which is hard to do) their positions slowly went left of center. Their old videos versus their new ones are like night and day at this point. It's also why they slowly edited out their older videos from availability . The object of the game was to hook right wing nationalists and civic nationalists and slowly bring them to the left , and they did a damn good job so far

So who ISN'T controlled opposition?

The gypsy and the other liberalist faggots have been spamming Jow Forums for weeks now. They want Jim out of the way because they don't want daddy Sargon embarrassed anymore than he has been already. They've done this before.

You mean to tell me that Jordan Peterson, the guy that worked for Soros, is controlled opposition? That sounds like one of those conspiracy theories.

These threads are made by Jim fans, you idiot. I know because I made 3 of them yesterday LMAO

No one you can see, or hear. You'd have to search them out at this point, and good luck finding them. They all have been deplatformed , the real opposition got banned years ago

You aren't a Jim fan discord spic.

I've been a Jim fan since before Jim81Jim, newfag.

No you haven't. You reek of one of the anime trannies the Romanian ERPs with on DMs.

I mean seriously, the closest we have to real opposition are kids on tiktoc

And that has been found out, so I don't expect too see that for much longer

> say anything bad about Metocuck

>No you haven't
bitch, he's how I found out about Sandra Lee, back in the day. You're new. And quite frankly, you stink of pregnant trout.

I don't even know what that is, but the fact you say "kids" makes me think it's shit.

I know, right? For someone with the mentality of a16 year old playground bully, he certainly is thin-skinned. God, remember when he sperged out at Vee, shouting "I'm better than you!" like some obese Minnesotan Ana Kasparian?

>Defending a man that told whites to breed with Jews and said racism is bad
Kill yourself rabbi

It is shit, much like what /b/ was years ago , before Jow Forums

Faghot I’ve been watching Jim since he was in dipers. No pedo

Q - Zionist
Moarpheus - Zionist
Wayne Lambright - Zionist
Alex Jones - Zionist
Jerome Corsi - Zionist
Roger Stone - Zionist
PJW - Zionist
Posobiec - Zionist
Bannon - Zionist
Ben Shapiro - Zionist
Jordan Peterson - Zionist
Geert Wilders - Zionist
Sam Harris - Zionist
Spencer - Zionist
Mich Enoch - Zionist
Lauren Southern - Zionist
Faith Goldy - Zionist
Sellner/Pettibone - Zionist
Tommy Robinson - Zionist
Ann Coulter - Zionist
Molyneux - Zionist
Cernovich - Zionist
George Webb - Zionist
Jason Goodman - Zionist
William L. Pierce - Zionist
Matt Couch - Zionist
Milo - Zionist
JF - Zionist
Kevin MacDonald - Zionist
Andrew Anglin - Zionist
Weev - Zionst
Sargoy of Mossad - Zionist
Kyle Chapman - Zionist
Stephen Crowder - Zionist
Laura Loomer - Zionist
David Duke - Zionist shill
Patrick Little - Zionist
Gavin mccines - Zionist
Jared Taylor - Zionist
Robert spencer - Zionist
Pamela geller - Zionist
Charlie kirk - Zionist
Candice owens - Zionist
Thomas paine - Zionist
Douglas murray - Zionist
Joe Rogan - Zionist shill
Kate Hopkins - Zionist
Elon Musk - Zionist
Kanye West - Zionist
Proud goys - Zionist
Mr. Metokur - Zionist

Jesus. I am way too old for that, now. I loved /b/ back in the day, but i'm probably too low energy now.

>not giving jim money while he's swimming around inside some pimp's balls

Anyone who claims that Metokur's fans are children is an idiot believing what the smelly butthurt skeptics told them. They're mad and hurt because the fans of Jim and Ralph don't take everything as seriously, so they don't get in their feelings, they just shitpost and have more fun. The Sargon/vee crowd are as bitter and annoying as the feminists, trannies, and sjw's. They hate being excluded and it's because they're clueless, cringey, no fun, and self-important. Not to mention it ALWAYS comes out that these types are sexual degenerates and perverts. The way they project is hilariously jewlike.

>getting tangled up in ecelib whoring bullshit.

Stop listening to others to have a opinion. Have experiences and make your own opinions

I love it. The left eats itself as a purity test, and it turns out the right does exactly the same thing.

You forgot Tim Pool, he's gaining traction . I don't think he's going to last much longer, he's coked out hard every time he makes a vid
I give him 6 months before he's dead of an OD

Jim isn't even that. He's just some "hurrr opinions are stupid" circus for /rthedonald kids to throw money at.

Still waiting for this faggot to "end duh sceppics"

You really don't get it? Everything you see on the internet is monitored and edited for content, and where they can't do that they spam slide threads/advertisement combos, much like this thread. Nothing is organic on the web, nothing is truly uncontrolled

>and great logical thinkers like Sargon and Dr Peterson
Muh liberalist you white nigger

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He has to be careful, or they might backtrace his ISP and DDoS his youtubes like they totally did last time.

Because it's 2005, and that can still happen.

they're doing fine by themselves

hes just a fucking failed brooklyn baseball player forced to fight against the blu team

He’s a Jew, why do you think he’s so frightened of being doxxed??

This is the silliest and most paranoid thing I have ever read. They can't monitor and edit everything on the internet, and it's why they're so fucking scared of it. If they could, then why would we find out about something like the yellow jackets for instance? Why would Jow Forums even EXIST? Why would we be having this conversation.

Telling yourself it's all controlled only takes you out of the conversation, because you end up believing that everyone you talk to is a spy. It's a step away from pretender syndrome.

Sorry for that last bit. I know it's Juden tactics to imply mental illness in an opinion. It's just an example, nothing more.

Totally agree, in fact it was that degenerate Ethan Ralph and Jim who helped this happen, both of them are controlled opposition.

>14 year old detected

Hes an insecure twat who stands for nothing so he can pretend to be above everything.

I've watched Peterson's shit, old and new, and his views have actually remained shockingly the same. I can't watch him anymore precisely because he's been repeating himself so much for years.

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