Meet woman at work

>meet woman at work
>fancy her
>she's married and has a kid
>things escalate one day
>I kiss her
>we spend most of that day making out in secret
>some days later I invite her to the movies and we make out some more
>we are both "crazy" about each other
>we both want this to go on
>she says she's getting relocated soon (same city)
>I want to switch jobs as well and might end up moving towns
>I know this won't last but I don't want to stop seeing her
General advice please
Yes she's hot but won't post pictures

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Let it die. It won't end well otherwise. Then again nothing ends well.

Are you trying to ruin a family for your own selfish desires?

>she's married and has a kid

problem;s my friend

Oh fuck. This was my fantasy at a a previous job. Except nothing happened because we're both shy pussies.
Godspeed user, maybe if you keep up the energy things will turn your way.

>Nothing ends well
True. I'm aware this is morally wrong and my actions can't be justified but I really enjoy being her side guy, it has always been a fantasy of mine so as long as no one finds out we can deal with our guilt.

I'd never do anything that led them to find out. I don't want to "actively" hurt them.

I've never done this before. But I'm basically just a booty call and we agreed that she would call me when we could met.

I just went for it and it turned out great. She says she always thought I was the nice shy guy.

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Do you think that 5 years down the line you'll look back & be glad that you did it given in all likelihood that the family will probably find out? If not don't continue.

Post pics

Who are you. Like what's your nationality or ages or initials or something cause if I find out you're my guy... baby it's on.

Reflect on your bad life choices and lack of values+integrity and make sure you dont repeat your mistakes.

I hope you arent 30 and over.

>meet woman at work
>fancy her
>she's married and has a kid
Stop being a homewrecker, you slime. She has a child. Your lust and her lust are completely irrelevant in comparison to a child's needs. She needs to be a mother and you need to fuck off.

>a mother having sex with not her child's father makes a mother not a mother or an inadequate mother

Not OP but lolwut. Parents can fuck whoever they want same as the childless. Sorry you're insecure/got burned in your own relationship bro.

I'm 23 she's 27

I'd never ask her to disregard her son or neglect his needs. I know I'm not in her priorities and I'm perfectly ok with that. As for her husband, I don't care as long as he doesn't find out. She implied that their goals in life were not entirely matching but I'll take everything she says as a grain of salt. I don't like it when she mentions her family, I guess that's my little bit of guilt showing up.

>I'd never ask her to disregard her son or neglect his needs
But that's exactly what you're doing. You're wrecking that child's home. You're absolute fucking scum and I hope bad things happen to you that physically impair you.

Nah just ignore this bait OP. As long as you keep things quiet you aren't ruining the child, if anything you're making mommy happier which is good for him. And if things do come to a head where her husband finds out, as long as they remain civil, or at least as long as you and she remain level-headed, no drama, you're not hurting her kid. The only one trying to hurt the kid here is this poster being dramatic. Chances for the kid are good if they're 1 kept out of the dramatics and 2 see a happy resolution for all.

As for the angery poster here, fuck off you stupid chode faggot shit cuck.

Dude don't give in to temptation it's morally wrong , place yourself in the husbands shoes. Ignorant to the fact his own wife the mother of his child is seeing someone else behind his back.

>this extramartial affair surely won't ever affect the relationship between the child's father and mother no siree
You absolute fucking scum of the Earth

t. A cheating piece of trash
Yeah no. Fuck you. Nothing in your post is true.

The woman is a fucking whore, OP is a lucky morally bankrupt faget, and youre a lying sack of shit.

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She's married and has a kid. You two meet in secret.

She's only doing it because it brings her a thrill to her unfulfilling life.

I don't know what kind of relationship you picture with this woman, but she is a pump and dump. If you try to be BF material she will be bored with you.

Just let it die.

I am living proof that a mom cheating ends well for the kid.
We divorced after she cheated. She took my daughter. My daughter now lives in a 1 bedroom apartment with mom/grandma/aunt
I'm still trying to get my daughter full time to get her out of that situation.
Not to mention I don't want her raised by a whore

Doesn't end well*

I can't imagine you can just do this with a married women and not feel ashamed. As a man it's important to be a good example in life for all those around you. Let's say she gets divorced and marries you. Since that should be the goal of all relationships (marriage). You've already shown her it's okay to just cheat on her husband since you two have already done it. Nothing about this is good or can end well

>Since that should be the goal of all relationships (marriage)
Says who? You? lel

I definitely think you should move towns with her and spend lots of money on her that's the best idea. Thank me later

Yes me. If that's not the end goal, why even bother?

Stoning people for adultery was perfectly rational.

I don't know. Just enjoying the relationship maybe ?

You are a faggot and thot enabler. Pls end youself
Btw not the same poster

People who defend whores and enable their whorish behaviour should just stfu and suck their wife's boyfriends dick. After that you are kindly adviced to hang yourself on your neckbeard you walking onions shit.

OP you should stop and life the rest of your life in regret for being an immoral cunt and homewrecker. I hope you get run over for good like all the other cheaters and thot enablers should

lol @ men who think they know what's best for children of any age.

Doesn't sound like a bad situation at all. Sounds like a loving home full of people who will understand her. You will not understand your daughter since she will be a woman, and will probably try to repress her sexuality to the point she gets raped, has terrible sex with all her future boyfriends, and ends up having a shitty life. Kys.

It's going to be awesome when she leaves her husband to be with you.

I hate the summer.

Don't fall in love OP or this doesn't end well at all.

This is fun with all the sneaking around and longing for her as she goes home but either she won't blow up her marriage and family and string you along or she leaves her marriage and expects you to be the husband and daddy. If the latter then you become the in guy and its not fun anymore but becomes drudgery. The same drudgery she was escaping so she finds another lover.

Its really easy to fuck married women but it takes finesse to keep it compartmentalized in your life so you can walk away easily. Be smart, enjoy the pussy but don't take the woman attached.

Hell no. I could not take her as my girlfriend not can I help her to raise a child. At this point I just want her to be a weekly encounter for as long as we both enjoy it.

literal projection, but in your case I'm glad that shit happened to you. You would've turned out a piece of shit one way or the other.

Well good thing that sort of scenario has never occurred once.

I'm no scientist, but I'm pretty sure there's zero chance a woman would become emotionally invested in a sexual partner and make some sort of irrational decision that would horribly affect her life without fully thinking it through first.

so much angry samefagging lmao

Then you shouldn't be worrying about this so much and you damn sure shouldn't quit your job or move or anything else disruptive just to keep fucking her. You have to not give a damn about nothing more than easy pussy. When it becomes hard then you get out. There are so many more married women that want some side dick with no attachment, go find another.